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The South Australian Housing Trust

The South Australian Housing Trust. The South Australian Housing Trust. Planning for our Future: A Spatial Planning Approach. By Andrew Atkinson and Dale Stokes. ArcGlobe Powered by. Housing Development Plan Objectives. Coordinates the strategic planning for SAHT asset based activities.

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The South Australian Housing Trust

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  1. The South Australian Housing Trust

  2. The South Australian Housing Trust Planning for our Future:A Spatial Planning Approach By Andrew Atkinson and Dale Stokes ArcGlobe Powered by

  3. Housing Development PlanObjectives • Coordinates the strategic planning for SAHT asset based activities. • Contribute to a WoG approach to social housing provisions and sustainable communities. • Appropriate supply responses: • Configuration • Location • Amenities • Accessibility • Containment of public sector costs

  4. Socio-economic Land Use Planning Property Market Infrastructure Urban Form Socio-demographic SAHT Assets / Customers Spatial Planning Framework • Series of analytical / research / planning layers: • Socio - demographic • Socio - economic • Land use • Property market • Infrastructure, service, facilities, & amenities: • Water • Sewer • Stormwater • Transport • Health • Education • Employment centres • Retail • Open space • Urban form and housing design guidelines

  5. Planning FrameworkSAHT Activities • Land / housing acquisition • Land / house sales • Upgrades • Maintenance (FPI) • Housing development • Housing redevelopment To align asset profile for existing and future housing need groups. • Strategic asset planning Metro Adelaide Region / LGA Suburb Neighbourhood Project Cell SCALEABLITY Spatial Planning will ensure mutually complimentary and supportive SAHT Programs to achieve agreed agency targets & outcomes

  6. Couple families with children in the Lowest 20% of Income Concentration of Age Persons Campbelltown Council High Low Socio-Demographic • Establish existing and future housing need (demand) • Population • Special Needs Groups • Low Income Family Units & Types • Homelessness • Age (youth / aged) • Other disadvantage population groups..

  7. Low Income, Lone Parent Families Lowest Income Decile, Lone Parent Family Projected Average Annual Percentage Change in No. of Families, 2003 to 2013 Socio-Demographic

  8. Unemployment for Adelaide (percentage) 0 – 4 4.1 – 8 8.1 – 12 12.1 – 16 16.1 - 25 Socio- Economic • Housing Need and Demand Trends • Housing Stress • Journey to Work Pattens • Labour Force Participation • Industry Structure / location of employment • Income distribution • Measures of ‘disadvantage’

  9. Employment Self-Containment (%) Number of Persons Travelling to Inner North MDP Region 9 – 10 11 - 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 - 60 300 – 1,000 1,001- 5,000 5,001 – 10,000 10,001 – 20,000 20,001 – 35,000 Total Persons Working In Each Region Total Persons Working In Each Region 4,500 7,000 20,000 47,000 130,000 4,500 7,000 20,000 47,000 130,000 Socio-Economic

  10. Families in Housing Stress 0 10 % 12 % 14 % 16 % 18 % 20 % 50% Socio- Economic

  11. Land- Use Planning • Integration of (land use impacts): • State Housing Plan • Generational Health Review • Metropolitan / Country Planning Strategies • Transport Plans • Metro Development Program • Development Control Legislation • Local Area Planning Strategies / Policies • Align SAHT development and housing objectives with wider planning objectives

  12. Condition Map = Likelihood of condition below average Building Type Map = Clusters of Single and Double Brick Units Age of Stock Map = 2nd Generation (1970 – 1989) Metropolitan Zoning Map = Generalized Zoning Groups Zoning Residential Deferred Urban Employment Land Parkland / Other Conservation Rural Land- Use Planning( Asset Analysis & Development Assessment Guidelines ) Analysis SAHT stock

  13. 1 1 2 14 4 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 29 2 3 3 2 3 2 28 2 4 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 2 4 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 4 30 5 2 2 4 2 3 2 1 Maximum dwelling potential per parcels Existing SAHT land and dwellings per parcels Maximum dwelling potential per site 3 Land- Use Planning • Potential development sites • Using GIS modeling technique • Incorporating LGA dev’t guidelines and SAHT asset characteristics • Result provide yield potential • Single Parcel • Site Area (several continues parcels) • Yield potential identifies several subdivisions types • Detached • Semi-attached • Group • Row

  14. Project Home Cost Index Percentage Change for Selected Areas 1997/98 – 2002/03 Residential Sale by Dwelling Type and Planning Sectors Property Market • Building Approvals • Land Release Areas • Sale trends / benchmarks

  15. Median Sale Price by Dwelling Type 2002/03, and Average Annual Percentage Change in the Median Sales Value, 1996 to 2003 Market Sales of Affordable Housing 1996/97 – 2002/03 Property Market • Macro-economic variables • Building Trends (lot sizes, dwelling size, cost, etc)

  16. Infrastructure / Services / Facilities / Amenities Integration – Existing and Future Prime Amenity Areas Prime Trust Redevelopment Areas Employment Nodes Major Public Transport Routes Future Public Transport Routes Road Connectors

  17. Services – Bus Routes and Stops Infrastructure – Water and Sewer Facilities – Health and Education SAHT Housing Infrastructure / Services / Facilities / Amenities Integration and Analysis

  18. Urban Form • Vision for a sustainable neighbourhoods

  19. Rubbish Tips Beach Prisons Picnic Spots Cinemas CBD Hospitals Café/Rest. Childcare Park Public Transport School Bank/ Post Office Basic Medical (GP/Pharmacy) Family & Friends Small Shops Recreation Library/ Community Centers Larger Shops Airport Mobile Phone Towers Large Parks Heavy Industry Activity Networks & Urban Form - Utopia ‘Not Near Me, Please!’ Within 20 Minutes Within 10 Minutes Within 5 Minutes WORK HOME

  20. Thankyou

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