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New Environmental Services Utilizing Open Data. Open Finland Seminar, September 15, 2014 Heikki Turtiainen, Vaisala Oyj. New Environmental Services Utilizing Open Data. Open Finland Seminar, September 15, 2014 Heikki Turtiainen, Vaisala Oyj. Why don’t we have them yet?.
New Environmental Services Utilizing Open Data Open Finland Seminar, September 15, 2014 Heikki Turtiainen, Vaisala Oyj
New Environmental Services Utilizing Open Data Open Finland Seminar, September 15, 2014 Heikki Turtiainen, Vaisala Oyj Why don’t we have them yet?
Case study: In USA weather is much bigger business than in EU • USA • Market size: 1 500 M$ • Number of companies: 250 • EU • Market size: 500 M$ • Of which National Meteorological Institutes have 60% market share (300 M$), private companies 40% (200 M$) • Number of companies: 40 EU and USA are comparable size economies: how can this large difference be explained?
Open data policy creates more business and better services • USA weather data policy • ”Open access” - benefits to the society are maximized when taxpayer funded information is made available inexpensively and as widely as possible. • Most of the publicly funded weather data has been available and free of charge for decades. • European weather data policy (most countries) • ”Cost recovery”: monopoly control of certain data to recover the costs of its collection and creation. • Most of the weather data is chargeable.
Open data policy creates more business and better services => 1 500 M$ – 250 companies => 200 M$ – 40 companies • USA weather data policy • ”Open access” - benefits to the society are maximized when taxpayer funded information is made available inexpensively and as widely as possible. • Most of the publicly funded weather data has been available and free of charge for decades. • European weather data policy (most countries) • ”Cost recovery”: monopoly control of certain data to recover the costs of its collection and creation. • Most of the weather data is chargeable.
Open data policy creates more business and better services => 1 500 M$ – 250 companies => 200 M$ – 40 companies Changing now! • USA weather data policy • ”Open access” - benefits to the society are maximized when taxpayer funded information is made available inexpensively and as widely as possible. • Most of the publicly funded weather data has been available and free of charge for decades. • European weather data policy (most countries) • ”Cost recovery”: monopoly control of certain data to recover the costs of its collection and creation. • Most of the weather data is chargeable.
Available and planned machine readable, real-timeopen environmental data sources in Finland • Meteorology, climatology – FMI: opening, partly available http://ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/avoin-data-avattavat-aineistot • Hydrology and water quality – opening, not yet real time interface https://wwwp2.ymparisto.fi/scripts/oiva.asp • Air quality – portal operated by FMI, real time availability 2015-16 http://www.ilmanlaatu.fi/ • .... many others .... • And participatory sensing (environmental observations by citizens)will become an important open data source, see e.g. Järviwiki http://www.jarviwiki.fi/wiki/Etusivu
CLEEN Oy’s SHOK-program Measurement, Monitoring and Environmental Assessment (MMEA) is building a web portal to promote and demonstrate open environmental data: http://mmea.fi/ [Name]
Opening of environmental data will create new environmental services and cleantech businesses Reference Juha Paldanius: Effect of Government Data Policies to Development of Private Sector Business in Meteorology. MBA Dissertation, 2011. In EU (and in Finland) new environmental services based on open data are still in their infancy – however, the business potential is huge. Speeding up the opening of environmental data sources would be highly beneficial to the creation of new businesses and jobs.