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Benediktushof Maria Veen 1. Introduction

Benediktushof Maria Veen 1. Introduction. Benediktushof :. Living: Children , adolescents , adults , seniors. Working: Vocational training center Sheltered work shop. Vocational Training Center. Preparation : 5 weeks to 18 months.

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Benediktushof Maria Veen 1. Introduction

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  1. Benediktushof Maria Veen 1. Introduction

  2. Benediktushof: Living: Children, adolescents, adults, seniors Working: Vocationaltrainingcenter Shelteredworkshop

  3. Vocational Training Center Preparation: 5 weeksto 18 months Apprenticeship35 professions (bureau, metal, wood, housekeeping, …) 310 trainees (physical, learning, mental disabilities – age: 16-26) Work, schoolandliving in onehand

  4. Vocational Training Center • Professions: • Vocationaltrainer • Socialworker(living, casemanagement, trainings) • Teacher • Psychologist • Medic, physiotherapist …

  5. Benediktushof Maria Veen 2. ICF coreset

  6. An ICF core set should be used in team meetings (team: a participant with his vocational trainer, teacher, social worker, psychologist etc). Demands on a coreset: Meetings of the team may not take longer than 45 min. Every important aspect must be considered. Participants must be able to understand the system. Staff must be able to handle the system easily – it should not be a system for experts only.

  7. ICF: 1400 items – too many to handle Questions, leadingto a conclusion: • Whichcompetencesandskillsarenecessaryfor an apprenticeshipandforgettingandkeep hold of a job? • Whichcompetencesandskillsarenecessaryfordailylivingat a boardingcenter? • Whichitemsof ICF canbeusedtodescribethesecompetencesandskills? • Which environmental factorshavetobeaccountedforapprenticeshipand open labourmarket? Result: about 50 items

  8. Core set – vocational rehabilitation Mental functions: General tasksanddemands General interpersonal interactions b 117 intellectualfunctions d 210 undertaking a singletask d 710 basic interpersonal interactions b 1262 conscientiousness d 2101 undertaking a complextask d 7203 interactingaccordingtosocialrules b 1266 confidence d 220 undertaking multiple tasks d 740 formal relationships b 1267 trustworthiness d 2309 carrying out dailyroutineMajor lifeareas b 130 energyanddrivefunctions d 2400 handlingresponsibilities d 825 vocationaltraining b 1301 motivation d 2401 handling stress Community, socialandciviclife b 1304 impulsecontrol d 2402 handlingcrisis d 920 recreationandleisure b 140 attentionfunctionsConversationanduseofcommunication Natural environment b 144 memoryfunctionsdevicesandtechniquese 250 sound b 147 psychomotorfunctions d 345 writingmessagesSupport andrelationships b 1640 abstraction d 350 conversation e 310 immediatefamily b 1641 organisation d 360 usingcommunicationtechniques e 355 healthprofessionals b 1642 time managementanddevicesAttidudes b 1643 cognitiveflexibilitySelfcare e 465 socialnorms, practicesand b 1644 insight d 540 dressingideologies Learning andapplyingknowledged 570 looking after one‘shealthServices, systemsandpolicies d 115 listeningDomesticlife e 585 educationandtrainingservices d 155 acquiringskills d 620 acquisitionofgoodsandservicessystemsandpolicies d 166 reading d 630 preparingmeals d 170 writing d 640 doinghousework d 172 calculating d 660 assistingothers d 175 problemsolving d 177 makingdecisions

  9. Problem: How to understand ICF? Staffmembersdidn‘t understand theexplanationsoftheitems. The explanationsare: • Tooabstract • Containtoomanytechnicalterms • Are not alwaysconsistent. Solution: The definitions were operationalized, i.e. ‚translated‘ into everyday language, incl. examples und assistance how to differ between similar items.

  10. Operationalizationofexplanations - example d 2400 Handling responsibilities ICF explanation: Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions to manage the duties of task performance and to assess the requirementsoftheseduties. • Maria Veen operationalization: • Beingableto handle responsibilitiescoversseveralaspects: • Beingabletofeelresponsible • Knowingone‘sresponsibilities, concerningpeople, animalsorthingsto do • You do not onlyknowyourresponsibilities, but youknowyourobligationsandyoucanfulfilthem. • Thereareclueshowto find out, thatsomeoneis not ableto handle responsibilities: • A persondoesn‘tfeelresponsibleforanybodyoranything • A personfeelsresponsibleforeverybodyandeverything • A persondoesn‘tmeethisobligations. • Becareful: Do not mix uptheabilityofhandlingresponsibilitieswithtrustworthiness. Trustworthinessis a questionofethicalattitude – handlingresponsibilitiesis a cognitiveandsocialskill.

  11. Rating Scale 0 Problem not existing – in everydaylifethereareno importantproblemstorecord. • Problem slightlyexisting – in everydaylifethereare existingslightly but not seriousproblems. • Problem considerablyexisting – causedby a deficit, importantproblemsareexisting in everydaylife. • Competence almostorcompletemissing – thereare veryseriousproblems in everydaylife. • The item cannotbeevaluated. • The item is not applicable.

  12. ICF-core set: assessment sheet with attached rating scale

  13. Benediktushof Maria Veen 3. Usingthe ICF coreset

  14. ICF-based individual serviceplanning in Maria Veen Preparation Every traineehasgothisteam: traineehimself, vocationaltrainer, teacher, socialworker, psychologist etc. Duringeveryvocationaltrainingandapprenticeshipthereareat least threemeetings. Duringthemeetingtheteamcommunicatesaboutresourcesanddeficitsofthetrainee: theratingscaleofthecoresetist fulfilled. A profileiscreated. On thebaseoftheprofilethenextphaseofthetrainingisplanned: targets, assistance, responsibilities, time limit. After thisnextphase a newmeetingtakesplace. Againthecoresetisusedandtheteammemberscanevaluatewhetherthetargetshavebeenachieved. Meeting / Planning Working Evaluation

  15. Service-planning is IT-based Service planningtakesplace in IT-Network. Thereis a fileforeveryparticipant. Every memberoftheteamcanalwayssee: • The stateofserviceplanningatthemoment. • The stateofserviceplanningateverystageofrehabilitation.

  16. Benediktushof Maria Veen 4. Implementationof ICF- basedservice-planning

  17. Implementationof ICF-basedServiceplanning 2009 – ICF-based service planning for every participant of the center 2009 – Construction of a short list for the apprenticeship 2009 – training for every staff member of the center 2008 – reflexion and revision by users TIME 2008 - ICF-based service planning for every participant of preparation courses 2008 – Staff training (preparation courses) 2008 – Translation of ICF explanation into everyday language 2008 - Construction of a core set for preparation courses 2005 – Work group for implementation of ICF in Maria Veen

  18. Benediktushof Maria Veen 5. Benefitsofusingthe coreset

  19. Benefits of ICF-based service planning • Effective management of rehabilitation • Clear task sharing • Reliability for participants and staff • High quality of communication in a multiprofessional team • Transparency for participants and staff • Reports and statistical analysis are possible

  20. Thankyou foryourinterest! Seggebaeing, Bernd – Selting, Andreas – Soggeberg, Claudia

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