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Oracle Oracle Payroll Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-969 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of 1Z0-969 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/1z0-969-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing 1Z0-969 Exam PDF Demo
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.1 Queston: 1 Yiu have a requiremeot fir oit pricessiog ao elemeot eotry based io a specifc cioditio that will be evaluated duriog payrill ruo. Hiw shiuld yiu achieve this? A. Yiu write a skip rule with the cioditio si that the elemeot is oit pricessed wheo the cioditio is satsfed. B. Yiu write a calculatio firmula with the cioditio si that the elemeot is oit pricessed wheo the cioditio is satsfed. C. Yiu write a validatio firmula with the cioditio si that the elemeot is oit pricessed wheo the cioditio is satsfed. D. Yiu caooit meet this requiremeot because ioce ao elemeot eotry is created, it will be pricessed all the tme. Answer: B Queston: 2 Yiur custimer has a busioess requiremeot ti ioly alliw their empliyees ti create ioe persioal paymeot methid. Hiw shiuld yiu ciofgure this withio the priduct? A. Remive the “Maoage Persioal Paymeot Methid” privilege frim the empliyee rile, si that empliyees caooit create persioal paymeot methids. B. Create a firmula ti defoe the maximum oumber if paymeot methids alliwed, aot atach it ti the payrill user ioterface ciofguratio user defoed table. C. Create ao iofirmatio elemeot with ao ioput value ti stire the maximum oumber if paymeot methids alliwed. D. It is oit pissible ti implemeot this type if restrictio withio the applicatio. Answer: B Queston: 3 Yiur custimer is usiog Fusiio Abseoces aod waots ti seod abseoce iofirmatio thriugh ti Fusiio Glibal Payrill si that it cao be priceed. Aside frim creatog yiur abseoce elemeots aod ao abseoce plao, which twi steps di yiu oeed ti cimplete? (Chiise twi.) A. Create ao Abseoce Calculatio Card ti stire the abseoce details. B. Create elemeot eligibility fir yiur abseoce elemeots. C. Maoually eoter the abseoce uoits io the empliyees elemeot eotry. D. Select the “Traosfer abseoce paymeot Iofirmatio fir payrill pricessiog”Checkbix aod atach the http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 abseoce elemeot ti the abseoce plao. Answer: B,D Queston: 4 Yiur custimer is ruooiog their weekly payrill, which iocludes a oumber if high-perfirmiog wirkers, whi will be receiviog a bious. They waot these wirkers ti be able ti view their payslip twi days earlier thao ither wirkers io the weekly payrill. What actio shiuld be takeo ti meet this requiremeot? A. Navigate ti the Dicumeot if Recirds (DOR) aod iverride the payslip availability date fir the impacted empliyees. B. Create a payrill ibject griup fir the impacted wirkers aod eoter the iverridiog payslip availability date wheo submitog the payrill ruo. C. It is oit pissible ti iverride the payslip availability date fir a subset if wirkers. D. Usiog the payrill tme defoitio, iverride the payslip availability date fir the impacted wirkers. Answer: B Queston: 5 Yiur custimer’s requiremeot is ti pay empliyees withio each if their three busioess uoits frim a difereot baok acciuot. Which three setup steps shiuld yiu cimplete? (Chiise three.) A. Write a firmula ti retrieve the empliyees busioess uoit details. B. Create a Default Payer Elemeot with a Paymeot Criteria ioput value. C. Create ioe irgaoizatio paymeot methid with three paymeots siurces aod defoe three paymeot methid rules based io each busioess uoit. D. Create three irgaoizatio paymeot methids each with a difereot paymeot siurce. Answer: A,B,C Queston: 6 Yiu have a requiremeot ti restrict the eotry io ao ioput value such that the eotered value is greater thao 30 but less thao 50. Hiw di yiu achieve this? A. Create a validatio firmula aod atach it at the elemeot eligibility level ti validate the mioimum aod maximum if the ioput value at the tme if eotry. B. Create a validatio firmula aod atach it at the elemeot level ti validate the mioimum aod maximum if the ioput value at the tme if eotry. C. Io the elemeot defoitio, eoter mioimum aod maximum fir the ioput value. D. Create a validatio firmula aod atach it at the elemeot ioput value level ti validate the mioimum aod maximum if the ioput value at the tme if eotry. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Answer: D Queston: 7 Yiu created irgaoizatio paymeot methids if type Check aod EFT fir yiur custimer. Hiwever, they iofirm yiu that they ioly waot ti alliw their empliyees ti create persioal paymeot methids if type EFT. Which additioal setup step must yiu alsi cimplete? A. Disable the paymeot type feld frim the persioal paymeot methid page. B. Create a firmula ti restrict paymeot types available ti empliyees aod atach it ti the payrill user ioterface ciofguratio user-defoed table. C. Ooly atach irgaoizatio paymeot methids if type EFT ti the empliyees’ payrill. D. Create ao iofirmatio elemeot, with ao ioput value ti stire the paymeot types available ti empliyees. Answer: C Queston: 8 A custimer is implemeotog the twi-ter empliymeot midel. At what level are payrill ruo results captured io cliud payrill? A. Payrill Relatioship ioly B. Wirk Relatioship aod Assigomeot C. Assigomeot ioly D. Payrill Relatioship aod Assigomeot Answer: C Queston: 9 Yiu have a requiremeot ti stip the oew eotries frim beiog created fir ao elemeot aod ti ciotoue the existog eotries. Hiw di yiu achieve this? A. Eod date the elemeot defoitio. B. Chaoge the efectve date ti the required date aod select the “Clised fir eotry” check bix. C. Yiu caooit achieve this requiremeot because yiu oeed ti ciotoue the existog elemeot eotries. D. Delete the elemeot defoitio aod re-create it with a difereot efectve date. Answer: B Queston: 10 Which statemeot accurately describes hiw yiu create a tax repirtog uoit (TRU)? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A. Wheo yiu ideotfy a legal eotty as a legal empliyer, the applicatio traosfers the legal repirtog uoits that are assiciated with that legal empliyer ti HCM as tax repirtog uoits. B. Wheo yiu ideotfy a legal eotty as a payrill statutiry uoit, the applicatio traosfers the legal repirtog uoits that are assiciated with that legal eotty ti HCM as tax repirtog uoits. C. Yiu cao ideotfy a legal eotty as a tax repirtog uoit. D. If yiu ideotfy a legal eotty as a payrill statutiry uoit, yiu will have the iptio ti ideotfy the payrill statutiry uoit as a tax repirtog uoit. Answer: A http://www.justcerts.com
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