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Marketing. BBA Electives 2010-2011. The BIG Picture. Consumer Behavior (313), Marketing Research (318). execute. Strategic Marketing Planning (301). product. Strategic Brand Management (303). service. STP. Innovation & New Products (325). price. segment. marketing objective.

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  1. Marketing BBA Electives 2010-2011

  2. The BIG Picture Consumer Behavior (313), Marketing Research (318) execute Strategic Marketing Planning (301) product Strategic Brand Management (303) service STP Innovation & New Products (325) price segment marketing objective business objective source of volume evaluate target Pricing Strategy & Tactics (308) place position Retail Marketing Management (312) promotion Advertising Management (311) Digital Marketing (322) Sales Management (310) Design of Persuasive Communication (407) Social Marketing (614), International Marketing (315), Sensory Marketing (316), Services Marketing (323)

  3. Fall 2010 M301 Strategic Marketing Planning David Wooten(1 section, 3 credits) M303-A Strategic Brand Management Rajeev Batra (3 sections, 2.25 credits) M308 Pricing Strategy and Tactics Aradhna Krishna (2 section, 3 credits) M310 Strategic Sales Management Follett Carter (1 section, 3 credits) M311 Advertising Management Katherine Burson (1 sections, 3 credits) M318 Marketing Research Anocha Aribarg (2 sections, 3 credits) M322-B Digital Marketing Tim O’Day (1 sections, 1.5 credits) M323 Services Marketing Jennifer Ashman (1 section, 3 credits) M407 Designing Persuasive Communication Jennifer Ashman (1 section, 3 credits) BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Winter 2011 • M310 Strategic Sales Management Follett Carter (1 section, 3 credits) • M312 Retail Marketing Management Jennifer Ashman (1 sections, 3 credits) • M313 Consumer Behavior Carolyn Yoon (2 section, 3 credits) • M315 International Marketing Mgmt. Deepika Jha (1 section, 3 credits) • M316-A Sensory Marketing Aradhna Krishna (1 sections, 1.5 credits) • M325 Innovation in New Products/Services S. Sriram (2 sections, 3 credits) • M407 Designing Persuasive Communication Jennifer Ashman (1 sections, 3 credits)

  4. Fall 2010 301 Strategic Marketing Planning David Wooten (1 section, 3 credits) Topics Formulation and implementation of successful marketing strategy Concepts, tools, and skills required to meet strategic marketing challenges faced by a firm over time Identifying and selecting market opportunities Customer focused innovation Launching new innovations Entering established markets Competing in established markets Attracting and retaining customers Building and maintaining brands Succeeding in emerging markets Entering adjacent markets Interfacing with R&D, finance, IT, HR, & operations A fast-paced and exciting simulation of market-based competition Develops and tests strategic marketing decision-making skills Integrates strategic marketing concepts and tools Ties together concepts and skills from Marketing, R&D, Operations, Finance, and HR BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Career Relevance • Brand management (CPG, industrial, and services) • Consulting • Entrepreneurship • Investment banking and venture capital • General management • Partners in accounting firms

  5. Fall 2010 M303-A Strategic Brand Management Rajeev Batra (1 sections, 2.25 credits) Topics: Payoff from building strong brands Conditions when brands matter most How to build strong brands: framework and roadmap Strategies and tactics to build each component of brand equity: awareness, identity, quality and leadership reputation, brand associations, loyalty Leveraging brand strength via brand extensions Brand architecture and portfolios Brand valuation for acquisition plus BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Career Relevance • Brand management (CPG, industrial, and services) • Advertising • E-marketing • Consulting • Accounting firm partners

  6. Fall 2010 M308 Pricing Strategy and Tactics Aradhna Krishna (2 sections, 3 credits) Topics: Capturing some of the value created by the product, promotion, and distribution Qualitative techniques to help determine price Quantitative techniques to help determine price Development of pricing strategy BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Career relevance • Marketing managers (CPG, industrial, services) • Channel managers: CPG and industrial • Consultants • Finance and accounting managers • Entrepreneurs

  7. Career Relevance Sales professionals Senior marketing executives Sales management executives Entrepreneurs Senior consultants and accounting firm partners General managers BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Fall 2010 and Winter 2011 • M310 Strategic Sales Management Follett Carter (1 section, 3 credits each term) • Topics: • Selling as a profession in the business to business world • Sales call structure • Training on a sales program • Interpersonal sales skills training • Sales management goals and productivity • Sales force organization • Sales personnel recruiting and training • Compensation and motivation • Sales process • Automation tools for sales: SFA and CRM • In-field sales management assignment

  8. Fall 2010 M311 Advertising Management Katherine Burson (1 sections, 3 credits) Topics: Marketing communications framework Selecting target consumers Setting communications objectives Evaluating creative alternatives Advertising testing Media planning: traditional and non-traditional, including digital media Advertising research Brand manager - advertising relationships BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Career Relevance • Brand management (CPG, industrial, services) • Advertising agencies: account executives, media planners, researchers • Digital marketing managers • General manager of companies utilizing advertising

  9. Fall 2010 M318 Marketing Research Anocha Aribarg (2 sections, 3 credits) Topics: Introduction to the marketing research process Value of marketing information Role of marketing research Marketing problem identification Study design Sampling Questionnaire design Marketing experiments/test markets Marketing research data analysis Introduction to discrete choice models and conjoint analysis Measuring customer life time value BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Career Relevance • Brand management (CPG, industrial, services) • Advertising agencies • Non-profit marketers and general managers • Consulting • Investment Banking • Entrepreneurship

  10. Career Relevance Brand managers (CPG, industrial, services) Advertising client managers Advertising agency manager Media executives Entrepreneurs Managers responsible for marketing and advertising BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Winter 2011 • M322-A Digital Marketing Tim O’Day (1 sections, 1.5 credits) • Topics: • Over view of how the media revolution has impacted the marketing world and advertising industries • How to find creative insights and develop a digital creative strategy • Considerations of widely-used digital approaches, including search engine marketing, display ads, social media sites, blogs and reviews, mobile marketing, as well as “what’s next”. • How to analyze digital marketing ideas and present a cogent persuasive point-of-view. • How to develop and present digital-based marketing ideas to solve a “live” business problem.

  11. Career Relevance Marketing managers in service organizations Consultants to service organizations General managers in businesses where service is a major component of the offering BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Fall 2010 • M323 Service Marketing Management Jennifer Ashman (1 sections, 3 credits) • Topics: • The Service Economy • Understanding Services • Service Consumption • Service Promotion and Pricing • The Service Environment • Service Capacity and Demand Management • Service Operations • Service Quality and Managing Dissatisfaction • Service Human Resources Management • The Future of Services

  12. Career Relevance Advertising creative executives and copywriters Advertising client managers Marketing and advertising researchers Web-based marketing and advertising executives Consultants BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Fall 2010 & Winter 2011 • M407 Designing Persuasive Communication Jennifer Ashman (1 section each term, 3 credits) • Topics: • Developing a persuasive campaign • Developing a creative strategy for persuasion • The creative campaign relationship to brand equity • Tactics of persuasive communication: copywriting, graphic design, web site design, etc. • Nature of persuasive sales promotions • Preparing and presenting a marketing communication plan “book”

  13. Career Relevance Brand management (CPG) Business Development Innovation Practice Consumer Insights & Market Knowledge Consulting BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Winter 2011 • M613 Consumer Behavior Carolyn Yoon (2 sections, 3 credits) • Topics: • Qualitative research methods • Needs and values • Memory and information processing • Attitudes • Consumer decision making • Social and cultural influences

  14. Career Relevance Managers of products with potential sensory aspects Managers interested in how the senses work BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Winter 2011 • M316-A Sensory Marketing Aradhna Krishna (1 sections, 1.5 credits) • Topics: • Sensory aspects of products: touch, taste, smell, sound, and look • How sensory aspects affect our emotions, memories, perceptions, preferences, choices, and consumption of products • Experimental demonstration of sensory aspects

  15. Career Relevance Brand manager: CPG, industrial, and services Innovation managers Consultants Entrepreneurs BBA Marketing Electives F2010-W2011 Winter 2011 • M325 New Product Innovation Management S. Sriram (2 sections, 3 credits) • Topics: • Creativity tools for idea generation for new products • Concept development and testing • Sales forecasting techniques for new products • Test marketing /prediction markets • Organizing for innovation • Stages/gates system for new product development and commercialization

  16. Marketing BBA Electives 2010-2011

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