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THE WORLD ATM Congress 2013 HOW SESAR CONTRIBUTES TO SES PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP Moderated by Patrick Mana, SJU Programme Manager 13 February 2013, Madrid
SESAR performance FRAMEWORK Peter Simonsson (NATS) Patricia Lopez De Frutos (AENA)
The SES Performance Context (What we are aiming for) SESAR Solutions are expected to contribute significantly to the achievement of these goals Improving safety by a factor of 10 Enabling EU skiesto handle 3 times more traffic Reducing the environmental impactper flight by 10% Cutting ATM cost per flight by 50%
SES High-Level Goals Deployment scenarios SESAR Validation targets Validation results Perf. expectation Gap analysis Validation of operational improvements SESAR Performance Management Traffic synchronisation covers all aspects related to improving arrival/departure management and sequence building in en route and TMA environments. It aims to achieve an optimum traffic sequence
SESAR Validation Targets Step 1 Step 1 + 2
Example – Fuel Efficiency Progressive targeting across Concept phases
SES High-Level Goals Deployment scenarios Validation results Perf. Assessment SESAR Validation targets Gap analysis Validation of operational improvements SESAR Performance Assessment Traffic synchronisation covers all aspects related to improving arrival/departure management and sequence building in en route and TMA environments. It aims to achieve an optimum traffic sequence
Progressive Performance Assessment refinement & recommendations PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP VALIDATION TARGET PER STEP Recommendations Recommendations Recommendations Performance Assessment per Step Release #3 Performance Assessment per Step Release #3 Performance Assessment per Step Release #1 Performance Assessment per Step Release #2 Validation Results Estimations SJU Programme Time Line
Performance Assessment Approach • Face to Face Technical discussions collecting benefits from the projects themselves • The Outcome are judgments based on: • initial estimations • past validation results • Validation exercises • and … • benefit mechanisms • assumptions (e.g. applicability to types of airports & airspace, equipage rates, hours per day in operation, etc) Stepwise Benefits at ECAC level Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
05.06.04 Tactical TMA andEn-Route Queue Management SES Performance: Efficiency & Predictability ValentinaPesacane (ENAV)
05.06.04 Overview • Tactical management of queues during descent flight phase • Arrival Management Horizon extended to the En-route operations • Techniques to tactically manage queues to deliver pre-sequenced traffic to TMAs • TMA overloading • Sequence building at low altitudes • Inefficient flight profiles
Adjacent airports come within the Arrival Management Horizon CDO Current AMAN New AMAN Influence Adjacent airports come within the Arrival Management Horizon Extended Arrival Management Horizon into Cruise flight phase ACC/ANSP Boundary Existing Arrival Management Horizon
05.06.04 Benefits To absorb delay at high altitudes supported by En-route ATCOs in managing queues and achieve early sequence stability PRE-SEQUENCING To deliver pre-sequenced and smoothed traffic to the TMA SEQUENCING To optimize the sequence approaching to the runway SPACING Expected performance benefits • Improving the overall efficiency and predictability of flight trajectories • Reducing the environmental impact
05.06.04 and Releases • Medium to High traffic density/complexity • Different operational environments • 2 AMAN Horizon extensions • Different avionic capabilities • Several KPAs investigated
Validation approach Experimental conditions • AMAN OFF or AMAN ON • Real traffic flight data Method/techniques (Simulated environment) • Over the shoulder observation • User feedback collection • Recording system data logs 16.6.x Guidelines driven for KPAs assessment • Human Performance • Safety • Environment
Efficiency KPA The concept allows AUs to optimize the descend profiles supporting the continuous descending operations +40% of CDA with a consequent stability of the uninterrupted descending AMAN sequence
Efficiency KPA The concept allows AUs to optimize the descend profiles with a gain of fuel burnt during descent operations 16% of fuel saved with an AMAN ON (descending phase)
Flight Efficiency - Environment KPA The early management of the arrival flow optimizes the distance flown and saves the fuel burnt and gas emissions. -7.7% of Distance Flown (Nm) with AMAN ON during TMA ops -2.7% of Fuel Burnt and CO2 emissions (Kg) with AMAN ON during TMA ops ops
Flight Efficiency - Environment KPA This concept allows to reduce the holdings and path stretching. Example: Flight from Paris to Rome (A320) Flight Track: AMAN OFF
Flight Efficiency - Environment KPA This concept allows to reduce the holdings and path stretching. Example: Flight from Paris to Rome (A320) Flight Track: AMAN ON
Flight Efficiency - Environment KPA • This concept allows to reduce the holdings and path stretching. • Example: Flight from Paris to Rome (A320). • In TMA, AMAN ON: • - 131 Kg of Fuel burn • - 412 Kg of CO2 emission • - 23 Nm of distance flown Comparison between AMAN OFF (orange track) and AMAN ON (blue track) in TMA
Predictability KPA The concept allows an higher accuracy of the anticipated landing times. CTAs are proposed to aircraft when the En-Route ATCO has sufficient confidence in the stability of the traffic. CTA flights doubled with AMAN ON
Predictability KPA The concept allows to achieve an early sequence stability. The pilot has an earlier and better understanding of ATC intentions through the CTA procedure. +10% of CTA proposals accepted with AMAN ON
Thank you Valentina Pesacane For anydetail, pleasevisit ENAV Stand (927) Drive the change!
Conflicting ATC Clearances P06.07.01 EXE 438 at Hamburg Airport H. Lafferton(DFS) B. Rabiller(EUROCONTROL)
From B4.1 Safety Validation Target to Safety and Performance requirements B4.1 Safety validation Target for Airport Safety Net OFA Conflicting ATC Clearances Safety Criteria (SAC): The number of Runway Conflict shall be reduced by 5% when ATC is supported by the conflicting ATC clearance Tool. Safety Assessment process conducted in accordance with SESAR Safety Reference Material (SRM) Safety Validation Objectives for VAL EXE Safety & Performance Requirements, Recommendations and Issues
VALIDATION EXERCISE DRIVEN BY SAFETY VALIDATION OBJECTIVES Safety Criteria (SAC): as a proxy… CONDUCT VAL EXE 438 VAL OBJ VAL RESULT? Are all conflicting situations detected? VAL PLAN For EXE 438 VAL OBJ VAL RESULT? Is detection considered as a nuisance alert? VAL OBJ VAL RESULT? Are detected situations timely solved? VAL OBJ VAL RESULT? Is false alert rate acceptable? VAL OBJ VAL RESULT? Is Conf ATC compatible with other systems?
The SESAR Context and Safety Transversal Thread P 16.06.01 SESAR Safety Reference Material P 16.06.05 Human Performance P 16.06.01 Support (EUROCONTROL) Safety Support HF Support SESAR SRM Safety Requirements for design; Safety Recommendations for design; Safety Issues for design Operational Thread Safety Assessment P 6.7.1 (WA 3) System Thread Surface Safety Nets server Surface Safety Nets Alerting HMI Safety Requirements OSED, VAL PLN, SPR P 12.03.02 P 12.05.02 V2 VAL REP
New prototype “Surface Safety Nets Server” under test • On existing DFS product lines PHOENIX (SDP) and SHOWTIME (TFDPS)
Reducing nuisance alerts: Routing function as input for the safety net Example: Line-up / Land conflict
Reducing nuisance alerts:Routing functionasinputforthesafetynet Example: Line-up / Land conflict solved
Predictive Indication The predictive indication shows if the next clearance would generate a conflicting ATC clearance Predictive Indication In this case, the next clearance would be a Line-up clearance
Validation exercise 438 Results ? VAL OBJ VAL RESULT? OK! Yes Positive feedback by ATCOs and observers Are all conflicting situations detected? ? VAL OBJ OK! VAL RESULT? Almost no nuisance alerts Is detection considered as a nuisance alert? ? VAL RESULT? VAL OBJ Yes. Positive feedback by ATCOs and observers OK! Are detected situations timely solved? ? VAL OBJ VAL RESULT? OK! No false alerts (e.g. no « TOF vs. TOF » instead of « LND vs. TOF » Is false alert rate acceptable? ? RIMS not tested. Conformance Monitor-ing tested but fine tuning necessary VAL RESULT? OK! VAL OBJ Is Conf ATC compatible with other systems? VAL EXE 438 Results
Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace Airspace Capacity & Fuel-Efficiency EdgarReuber (EUROCONTROL)
Airspace Capacity & Fuel-Efficiency • AFUA concept • Validation concept • Variable Profile Area (VPA) design principle • Validation Exercise VP 015, FTS • Airspace capacity • Fuel Efficiency • Extra NM flown • Fuel burned • Emissions saved
Airspace Capacity & Fuel-Efficiency AFUA concept Define the types of AFUA flexible airspace structures and the reservation processes; Harmonise the design of these flexible airspace structures; Define the procedures to use these flexible airspace structures; Facilitate military – military and civil – military co-operation.
Airspace Capacity & Fuel-Efficiency Validation concept step 1, here VP 015 only • Validate the concept of Variable Profile Area (VPA): • create new design principle • integration in the network • network efficiency
Airspace Capacity & Fuel-Efficiency VPAdesign principle ARES X1 X4 X7 X10 X2 X5 X8 X11 X3 X6 X9 X12
Airspace Capacity & Fuel-Efficiency VP 015 • Fast Time Simulation (V2) • 2 fold: • Spanish Airspace • Belgian Airspace • Reference Scenario plus Solution Scenarios • Ref: Full activation of ARES • Sol: Potential Modules activated in combination
Airspace Capacity & Fuel-Efficiency VP 015 (2) • Comparison of all solutions to reference • Results calculated to: • Extra distance flown (NM and time) • Extra fuel burned • Extra emissions emitted • Workload / Capacity • Spanish Example shown next • Workload / Capacity • Not focus of this VP • Results are indicating only little positive influence
Airspace Capacity & Fuel-Efficiency Diverted flights per scenario S5 = Reference Scenario