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Online Missions Program. What God is Doing is Amazing!. Global Media Outreach is a global ministry presenting the good news of Jesus Christ online 24/7. GMO stays on the cutting edge of global communication technologies to share the gospel and help believers grow in their faith worldwide.
What God is Doingis Amazing! Global Media Outreach is a global ministry presentingthe good news of Jesus Christ online 24/7. GMO stays on the cutting edge of global communication technologies to share the gospel and help believers grow in their faith worldwide.
Chicago China Brazil www.greatcommission2020.com
Did You Know? • 2 million people a day are searching online for spiritual answers • GMO has 100+ websites . . . • In 14 languages designed to capture that traffic • 350,000 people a day coming to GMO websites • 40,000 are indicating decisions daily • 7,000 are asking for follow-up
Results in Kingdom Terms Global Media Outreach has been in existence since 2004. The year 2010 saw well over 15 million indicated decisions for Christ and 2.5 million emails received seeking answers.
The GMO MISSION • Share Christ with spiritually hungry people GLOBALLY • Discipleship . . . provide Care, Connection & Community • HOW? • - Through trained Online Missionaries- Using the latest leading edge technologies- Highlighting quality Christian resources online We are the first generation with the tools in handto complete the Great Commission
Your Role as an Online Missionary • Pray . . . • That people would clearly understand the Gospel and make genuine decisions for Christ • For God’s wisdom and discernment as you respond • Promptly respondto contacts, within 24 - 48 hours • Acknowledge & address their questions to the best of your ability • Ask open-ended questions that encourage them to write back • Encourage them to take the next spiritual step – salvation, recommitment, church connection or discipleship commitment • Help Connectthem to a local church / body of believers.Point them toward GMO follow-up and Discipleship sites
Community Leader Bill Spuck Shares his experience as a GMO online missionary
How Do People Find GMO Websites? By searching online for answers to their spiritual questions! GMO spends a great deal of money and puts tremendous effort into keeping their sitesat the top of search engines. Example: This is a Google search for “Jesus”.The highlighted websites are GMO or Campus Crusade sites. Actual search done on 9-21-11
Your GMO Inbox As an Online Missionary you will have an INBOX where all of your contact messages will be sent and stored. To access your INBOX , as well as all the resources you will be trained to use . . . LOG IN at gmovolunteers.com
GMOVolunteers.comThe “front door” for Online Missionaries …and the gateway to resources that will help you be as effective as possible
ARC InboxShows your open contacts TIP – you can tell if the message was sent from a cell phone or a computer by the extension. Date the message is received
Discipleship • GMO has created awesome online resources for you to recommend. These sites are tied to their Discipleship tracking system. • Godlife.com – main site • NewBelieversGuide.com30 lessons covering 6 core areas: Knowing God, Prayer,Holy Spirit, Bible, Community, Sharing Your Faith • Followingthepath.com • As an OM you should familiarize yourself with these resources.
E-mail principles • The system is designed to let you do ministry at your own pace. Let your CL know how many contacts you want per day or per week.Log in at least every 4 days or you will receive a warning message. • If you go on Vacation or will be away from your computer for several days you can stop/adjust the flow of contacts during that time. • Take note of the contact’s Comment/Question – this carries more weight than the indicated spiritual decision. • Use a personal tone when responding and feel free to include short scripture passages. • Before sending re-read your message to make sure you have shared all that you wanted – then Pray for God to help the contact understand. • More information will be covered in your training
Pitfalls • Don’t assume that the Indicated Spiritual Decision is completely accurate, as it’s a ‘multiple choice’ response. Ask questions to discern their true spiritual condition (“How did you become a follower of Christ?”) • Avoid using Christian jargon. Terms like ‘born again’, ‘saved’ or ‘sanctification’ are easily misunderstood, especially outside of our culture. • Write at a simple level – avoid slang, idioms, and ‘text talk’ such as “BTW” or “LOL” unless the contact is already using them. • Think carefully about the sites you direct people to. Don’t send them to merchandising site, personal blogs, etc. Always start by directing contacts to GMO follow-up sites, where the system can track their progress. • Please refrain from using titles or credentials with your signature, such as Dr. or Rev. Try to keep exchanges friendly and not authoritative. • Don’t give up too easily if it’s a tricky or tough question!!
A bit about the GMO Security Policy The Internet reaches people in every part of the globe. Many people write to us from ‘sensitive’ places, ranging from well-known Muslim areas to lesser-known sensitive countries . To keep from endangering local believers in these areas, it is of utmost importance that we observe security . • Never tell anyone in a sensitive country that we have Campus Crusade workers there - as far as you know, we don’t. • Do not promise any kind of physical or material aid – tell them we are solely an online ministry helping people know God better. • The term Missionary is often viewed negatively in many places. Refer to yourself as an ‘Online volunteer’, ‘mentor’, ‘assistant’ or ‘helper’. • If someone says they are in danger of any kind, and especially religious persecution, Do Not Respond. Reassign the message to your CL – the majority of these danger messages have found to be false. • If you hear from someone who says they want to get in touch with someone locally, again reassign to your CL. This contact will be passed to the appropriate people, who will assess and address the situation. • In sensitive countries NEVER offer contact information for local Christians.If contact is to be made – it must be initiated by local believers.
Sensitive Countries You are responding to REAL people, in REAL places!!
The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest • In the time it took to do this presentation … • 7,000+ people visited a website • 800+ indicated decisions for Christ were made • 145+ asked for follow-up • Would you like to become an Online Missionary?
How to become an Online Missionary • Application to GMO • You will then receive an email invitationfrom GMO that looks like . . .
Thank you for indicating your interest in becoming an Online Missionary with Global Media Outreach. You are about to embark on an in depth Online Missionary application and training process that we have found both helpful and necessary to safeguard and maintain the Biblical integrity of our Online Missionary program. 1. You will be asked to provide the names and emails of two spiritual leaders (such as your Bible study leader, mentor or pastor) who can tell us about your spiritual walk. This should NOT be an immediate family member. IMPORTANT: please notify your two Spiritual References that you are giving out their email addresses and inform them to be on the lookout for the Global Media Outreach request for your reference. They may need to check their spam folder as well as their regular inbox. 2. Due to legal restrictions, our Online Missionaries must meet the minimum requirement of being at least 18 years of age. 3. You must have reliable access to the internet and agree to check your account regularly (at least 3 times a week). 4. Online Missionaries should be a follower of Christ for at least two years. Our Online Missionaries minister to people with a wide variety of needs and questions, so it is important to have had a significant experience in walking with the Lord. 5. As soon as your application is approved, you will be sent a link to an online training. When you complete the online training, you will be assigned to a temporary training community for your first four weeks where you will begin to respond online to people seeking Christ from all over the world! Your "Training" Community Leader is there to help you become successful and confident in answering the inquiries you will get. He, or she, has volunteered to be available and to assist you if you are stuck or have a question. Please note: you will not be able to proceed with training until Global Media Outreach receives your references and approves your application. 6. At the end of the temporary training community, you will be assigned to your newly formed Church Online MissionaryCommunity led by a local Community Leader.
How to become an Online Missionary • Application to GMO • Training Period of 28 days Online Training Videos/Pass Short Online Tests 1-3 hrs ‘Probation’ period of responding to contacts • Become part of an OM Community
Closing Thoughts Thank you for your partnership! KEY Websites: www.globalmediaoutreach.com www.greatcommission2020.com Community Leader: Roger Bosch rogerb@lakeave.org