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Algorithms: Design and Analysis Summer School 2013 at VIASM: Random Structures and Algorithms

Explore dynamic programming concepts and Floyd-Warshall algorithm for shortest path problems. Learn matrix-chain multiplication and Pascal's Triangle application. Understand complexities and implementations for problem-solving. Ideal for students and enthusiasts.

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Algorithms: Design and Analysis Summer School 2013 at VIASM: Random Structures and Algorithms

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  1. Algorithms: Design and AnalysisSummer School 2013 at VIASM: Random Structures and Algorithms Lecture 4: Dynamic Programming Phan Thị Hà Dương

  2. Lecture 4: Dynamic Programming 0. Introduction 1. Matrix-chain multiplication 2* Longest common subsequence 3. All-Pairs shortest paths

  3. 0. Introduction Compare to Divide and Conquer algorithm: - Divide to sub problems (independently) - Conquer sub problems recursively - Combine results of sub problems to resolve initial problem. Problems: If the sub problems are not independent, there are common sub sub problem Then we use a table to stock results of common sub sub problems

  4. Divide and Conquer Algorithm: From up to bottom. See the big problem, divide it and conquer the sub problems • Dynamic Programming: From bottom to up. Beginning with small problem, construct greater problem, up to the original problem.

  5. A very simple example Problem: Calculate C(n,k) = n!/(n-k)!k! • Devide and conquer algorithm: function C(n,k) if (k=0 ou k=n) then return 1; else return C(n-1,k)+C(n-1,k-1); Question: What is the complexity of this algorithm ? Exercise: Write an dynamic programming algorithm to solve this problem. What is its complexity ?

  6. Pascal’s Triangle 0. 1 • 1 1 • 1 2 1 • 1 3 3 1 • 1 4 6 4 1 • 1 5 10 10 5 1 Write an algorithm to the problem by using Pascal’s triangle.

  7. 1. Matrix-chain multiplication Problem: given a chain A1, A2, ..., An of n matrices, where for i = 1, 2, ..., n, matrix Ai has dimension p(i-1) × p(i). Fully parenthesize the product A1* A2*…* An in a way that minimizes the number of scalar multiplications.

  8. Example: M=ABCD, A=(10,2); B=(2,100); C=(100,3); D=(3,20) Number of multiplications (with different way to parenthesize)

  9. Analyzing the Problem Example: M=ABCD, A=(10,2); B=(2,100); C=(100,3); D=(3,20) Number of multiplications (with different way to parenthesize) ((AB)C)D: 10x2x100 +2x100x3 +10x3x20 =3200 muls. (AB)(CD): 10x2x100 +100x3x20 +10x100x20 = 28000 (A(BC))D: 2x100x3 +10x2x3 +10x3x20 = 1260 A((BC)D): 2x100x3 +2x3x20 +10x2x20 = 1120 A(B(CD)): 100x3x20 +2x100x20 +10x2x20 = 10400

  10. MATRIX-MULTIPLY(A, B) MATRIX-MULTIPLY(A, B) 1 if columns[A] <> rows[B] 2 then error "incompatible dimensions" 3 else for i ← 1 to rows[A] 4 do for j ← 1 to columns[B] 5 do C[i, j] ← 0 6 for k ← 1 to columns[A] 7 do C[i, j] ← C[i, j] + A[i, k] * B[k, j] 8 return C

  11. The number of ways to parenthesize • If there n matrix, this number is the number of Catalan C(n) = 1/n x C(2n-2,n-1) = Ω (4^n/n^2). • We can not consider all the case to make decision. • Idea: If for computing M, a cut at position i is optimal, then an minimum cost is composed of this cut and minimum cost for computing Ai … Aj and minimum cost for computing A(i+1) … An • Use a table m(i,j) to stock the minimum cost for computing Ai … Aj.

  12. Computing the minimum cost Computing m(i,j): if we cut at k, then m[i,j]=m[i,k]+m[k+1,j]+p(i-1) p(k) p(j). So the formula for m(i,j) is We compute m(i,j) by diagonal: l = j-i+1, the length of the chain of matrix. We compute m(I,j) for l from 2 to n.

  13. Example M=ABCD, A=(10,2); B=(2,100); C=(100,3); D=(3,20). L=2:a[12]=2000,a[23]=600,a[34]=18000 … j = 1 2 3 4 i =1 0 2000 ? ? 2 0 600 ? 3 0 18000 4 0

  14. Algorithm MATRIX-CHAIN-ORDER(p) 1 n ← length[p] 2 for i ← 1 to n 3 do m[i, i] ← 0 4 for l ← 2 to n ▹ l is the chain length. 5 do for i ← 1 to n - l + 1 6-7 do j ← i + l – 1 ; m[i, j] ← ∞ 8 for k ← i to j - 1 9 do q←m[i,k]+m[k+1,j]+p(i-1) p(k) p(j) 10 if q < m[i, j] 11-12 then m[i, j] ← q; s[i, j] ← k 13 return m and s

  15. 3. All-Pairs shortest paths Problem: Given a graph G= (V, E) where each edge having a length. Find the shortest path for all pairs of V.

  16. Floyd-Warshall algorithm Notation: V={1, 2, .., n} Length of edges: l[i,i] = 0, l[i,j] = l(e) if (i,j) in E l[i,j] = ∞ otherwise Distance: d(i,j) is the temporal shortest length from i to j.

  17. Idea of FW’s algorithm • If k is on a shortest path form I to j, then the sub paths from I to k and from k to j are shortest. • Algorithm • Beginning: d = l • After step k, d(i,j) is the shortest path from i to j (path containing only vertices 1, 2, …, k) • After n steps, d(i,j) is the shortest path from i to j

  18. Example 0 5 ∞ ∞ D0=L= 50 0 15 5 30 ∞ 0 15 15 ∞ 5 0 0 5 ∞ ∞ D1= 50 0 15 5 30 35 0 15 15 20 5 0 0 5 20 10 0 5 20 10 0 5 15 10 D2= 50 0 15 5 D3= 50 0 15 5 D4= 20 0 10 5 30 35 0 15 30 35 0 15 30 35 0 15 15 20 5 0 15 20 5 0 15 20 5 0 4 1 15 5 5 50 15 5 30 2 3 15

  19. FW’s algorithm Floyd(L) 1 array D = L 2 for (k=1 to n) 3 dofor (i=1 to n) 4 do for (j=1 to n) 5 do D[i,j]= min(D[i,j],D[i,k]+D[k,j]); 6 return D;

  20. Exercise • What is the complexity of the FW’s algorithm ? • Prove the correctness of the algorithm. • Write an algorithm which return not only the length of shortest path but also a shortest path for each pair of vertices. • Write an algorithm to determine if there exist a path from each pair of vertices.

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