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CUHP. Cambridge University Health Partners (CUHP) unites a world-leading University and three high-performing NHS Foundation Trusts centred on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. It is one of only six nationally designated Academic Health Science Centres in the UK.

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  1. CUHP Cambridge University Health Partners (CUHP) unites a world-leading University and three high-performing NHS Foundation Trusts centred on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. It is one of only six nationally designated Academic Health Science Centres in the UK. CUHP will catalyse Europe’s largest and most sophisticated biomedical community, in a region that has the highest concentration of life-science industries outside the USA. Our aim is local integration of these unique assets to achieve global impact.

  2. Our purpose The purpose of CUHP is to generate, transmit and apply knowledge for improvement in health and health care.

  3. Our partners CUHP is one of just six AHSCs and has four founding members: CUHP is rolling out an Associates programme to broaden the impact and reach of our strategic priorities and strengthen relationships across the region.

  4. Our vision CUHP will be a world-leading academic clinical partnership centred on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. It will be a global leader in improving patient care, and will deliver outstanding patient outcomes and progressively better population health.

  5. We will achieve our vision By delivering the best possible care to our patients through continuous quality improvement; By providing outstanding education and training for the healthcare and research workers of the future; By making scientific discoveries that have the potential to transform human health; By increasing the likelihood that scientific discoveries will be translated into practice. We strongly believe that progress towards each of these aims will be mutually reinforcing.

  6. Our goals • Generatingknowledge • Aligning servicesbetween partners andwith the academic mission • Contributing to a knowledge-based economy and the economic and social development for the benefit of the Cambridge sub-region, the East of England and the UK as a whole • Buildingresearch capacity • Engaging our peoplein mechanisms for developing, diffusing and applying evidence for improvement • Engaging withand developing the attributes that make the Cambridge sub-region notableas a system for innovation and buildingon it to drive more effective translation of scientific discovery to improved health and wealth creation • Fosteringinnovationin service delivery • Promotinga service culture of systematic enquiry and openness to innovation • Embeddingtranslational and applied research in service • Transmitting knowledgeproviding a shared setting for the education, training and development of healthcare professionals and the wider healthcare workforce that is characterised by systematic enquiry and a commitment to the use of evidence in practice

  7. Our programmes We have six strategic programmes: Supporting translational research Educating and training tomorrow’s workforce Development of the CBC Philanthropy Service innovation and quality improvement Medical informatics

  8. Research We will increase the effectiveness and impact of R&D within the partnership by: Undertaking health research amongst CUHP members and related organisations within a simple, streamlined and efficient research process that supports researchers and brings maximum benefit to patients and the public; Maximising the potential for effective working with industry and other partners, and the exploitation of translational research funding streams; Optimising the use of routinely collected and other patient data for research leading to improved health outcomes; Designing clinical pathways and services within, between and involving partner NHS organisations so as to support more effective R&D, and improve patient experience and outcomes; Building human capacity for translational health research.

  9. Education We will provide outstanding education and training for the healthcare and research workers of the future by: Providing high-qualityevidence-based multi-professional and uni-professional education and training that meets the local needs of CUHP partners, and the wider partners of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough node of the EAHSN; Providing a range of exemplar education programmes that are attractive nationally and internationally, which are founded on leading edge science research and translational research, and make a major contribution to advancing improved patient care; Contributing to education and workforce development research and innovation in collaboration with the Health Education East of England and other providers of healthcare education; Supporting wider access to healthcare education, including the development of the University Technical College.

  10. Campus Cambridge Biomedical Campus is a community of world-leading academics, clinicians, scientists and businesses working together with patients, to improve healthcare and quality of life. We will develop the CBC to become a world leading environment for patient care, training, discovery science and translational research by: Developing a strategic vision for the campus, with engagement of a wide range of stakeholders; Co-locating on the campus a broader range of organisations and experts to add pace and scale to their leading edge work; Creating a culture amongst the campus community of collaboration and partnership working; Ensuring, as the campus grows, that existing relationships and collaboration are maintained and developed; Positioning the CBC as a driving force for innovation and enterprise, attracting global investment in medical research, and creating and sustaining jobs.

  11. Philanthropy We will achieve a step change in our income from philanthropy and to drive bottom-up imagination, engagement and creativity within our organisations by: Developing a series of visionary investment plans and a framework for prioritisation; Optimisingthe structure of our fundraising and charitable organisations; Developing a highly-effective fundraising capability.

  12. Service innovation Each of our three NHS organisations have good clinical outcomes, and are committed to continuous improvement in the care we provide to patients. Our focus is achieving this is in: Patient and Public Involvement Integrated care; Patient safety.

  13. Medical informatics We will increase our use of medical informatics to support a paradigm shift in clinical care, education and research through: Developing a full electronic patient record Developing informatics to support research Delivering training in medical informatics

  14. Patrick MaxwellExecutive Director Baroness Helene HaymanChair Sally StandleyInterim Chief Operating Officer

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