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UNGEI: Accelerating Progress on Girls’ Education

UNGEI: Accelerating Progress on Girls’ Education. A Donor’s Perspective from DFID EFA Working Group, July 22-23 Desmond Bermingham Head Of Profession, Education DFID Presentation prepared by the DFID EFA Team. The Goals of UNGEI.

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UNGEI: Accelerating Progress on Girls’ Education

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  1. UNGEI: Accelerating Progress on Girls’ Education A Donor’s Perspective from DFID EFA Working Group, July 22-23 Desmond Bermingham Head Of Profession, Education DFID Presentation prepared by the DFID EFA Team

  2. The Goals of UNGEI • Accelerating and coordinating gender work in all international, regional and national education initiatives. • Increasing emphasis on girls’ education in sector plans and budgets. • Improving international co-ordination and collaboration.

  3. UNGEI Progress to Date • Girls’ education established as an institutional priority for UNICEF. • International collaboration strengthened – Jan, June, and Nov 2002 Consultative Meetings. • Acceleration strategy for 25 countries agreed. • Support from bilateral donors secured.

  4. Future Role of UNGEI • Influencing and advocacy to turn gender equity policies into action through national and international initiatives. • Supporting coordination and collaboration at the regional and country level to achieve the EFA goals for gender equity.

  5. National planning frameworks: (UNDAF, CAP, PRSP, MTEF ) UNGEI In-Country Education sector development programme ‘National partnership’ Government Civil society UNICEF Unesco Donors NGOs ‘Working groups’: Finance Access Quality Girls education group HIV / AIDs Teacher training Curriculum Others… UNGEI global partnership UNGEI regional partnership

  6. UNGEI: Opportunities at the Country Level • Promoting a common understanding among key stakeholders. • Facilitating harmonized approaches to girls’ education. • Sharing information and lesson-learning. • Joint advocacy and influencing to mainstream gender equity policies in PRSPs, SWAPs, national budgets.

  7. Girls’ Education: The Challenges for UNGEI • Human resources: UNGEI regional and country focal points. • Ensuring sufficient capacity on gender equity and sector planning within UNICEF education group. • Strategy for international, regional, and national coordination. • Developing effective structures for engagement at the country level. • Approach for the non-selected countries.

  8. UNGEI at Country Level What we do in partnership for girls’ education… …will be stronger than what we can do alone

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