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Welding Ignites Your World Buster Brown Technical Sales Engineer – Lincoln Electric

Welding Ignites Your World Buster Brown Technical Sales Engineer – Lincoln Electric June 11 th , 2014 Ohio Ag. Ed Summer Conference. What Is Welding . Fusing materials together. Current Picture in the U.S.

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Welding Ignites Your World Buster Brown Technical Sales Engineer – Lincoln Electric

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  1. Welding Ignites Your World • Buster Brown • Technical Sales Engineer – Lincoln Electric • June 11th, 2014 • Ohio Ag. Ed Summer Conference

  2. What Is Welding Fusing materials together

  3. Current Picture in the U.S. • For the last three years, according to ManpowerGroup, the hardest segment of the workforce for employers to staff with skilled talent hasn’t been registered nurses or engineers or even web developers. It’s been the skilled trades – the welders, electricians, machinists, etc. that are so prevalent in manufacturing and construction.1 1Wright, Joshua. "America's Skilled Trades Dilemma: Shortages Loom As Most-In-Demand Group Of Workers Ages." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 07 Mar. 2013. Web. 02 June 2014.

  4. National Perspective • By 2018 there will be more than 8,500,0003 jobs in STEM • 67%4 of companies are experiencing a shortage of qualified workers • By 2018 more than 690,0005 jobs that need skills in welding 3 Edudemic, 2013 4 Deloitte Consulting LLP & Manufacturing Institute, 2011, Boiling Point? The skills gap in U.S. Manufacturing 5 Duscha, Steve, 2010, Lincoln Electric Virtual Reality Arc Welding Trainer Grant Application Aid.

  5. Deloitte Consulting LLP & Manufacturing Institute, 2011, Boiling Point? The skills gap in U.S. Manufacturing

  6. Deloitte Consulting LLP & Manufacturing Institute, 2011, Boiling Point? The skills gap in U.S. Manufacturing

  7. Deloitte Consulting LLP & Manufacturing Institute, 2011, Boiling Point? The skills gap in U.S. Manufacturing

  8. How Do These Skills Apply • STEM is the key to success

  9. Where are the Jobs?

  10. The Future is NOW!

  11. We Love Information

  12. Today’s Welding Manufacturing

  13. Who is Building my Ride?

  14. The Welding Engineer • The Designer • Avg. Salary $87,490 • Professional Degree (4 year university) • Few Universities • Job Outlook: Excellent • Develop new technologies • Waveform technology • Lasers • Develop new consumables • Design weldaments

  15. Welding Technologist • The Problem Solver • Avg. Salary: $55,000 • 4-year degree (Welding Engineering Technology) • 4 Universities • Job Outlook: Excellent • Understand all processes used in factory • Keep everything running • Apply new technologies • Problem solving skills needed

  16. Technical Sales Representative • The Educator • Avg. Salary: $50,000 • 4-Year Degree (usually an engineering deg.) • Job Outlook: Good • Heavily involved in manufacturing • Must know all welding processes and applications • Key person between manufacturer and manufacturing

  17. Welding Inspector • The Inspector • Avg. Salary: $50,000 • CWI Certification through AWS • Job Outlook: Excellent • The policeman • Must have an in-depth knowledge of welding and codes • Continuous training and skill development • Must have firm background in STEM

  18. Teacher • The Ring Leader • Avg. Salary: $45,000 • Experience and Certification • Job Outlook: Fair • Must develop skills in all processes • Must embrace new technologies and use them • Must adopt STEM and infuse into the class

  19. The Welder • The One That Makes It Happen • Avg. Salary: $37,500 • Technical Certificate • Job Outlook: Excellent • Must never stop learning • Critical to develop problem solving skills • Must adopt and accept technology

  20. Who Else Do WE Need • Scientist • Computer Programmer • Robotics • Technical Writer • Chemist • Metallurgist • The list grows everyday!!

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