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Wednesday Reflect. Monday Sierra Leone. Tuesday Give. Saturday Instagram. Thursday Act. Friday Pray. Sunday Celebrate!. 5 March. 6 March. 7 March. 8 March. 9 March. 10 March. 13 March. 11 March. 12 March. 14 March. 15 March. 16 March.
Wednesday Reflect Monday Sierra Leone Tuesday Give Saturday Instagram Thursday Act Friday Pray Sunday Celebrate! 5 March 6 March 7 March 8 March 9 March 10 March 13 March 11 March 12 March 14 March 15 March 16 March Dig Deep this Lent! 17 March 18 March 19 March 20 March 21 April 23 March 22 March 24 March 25 March 26 March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 March 31 March 1 April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 9 April 8 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 16 April 17 April 18 April 19 April 20 April
Ash Wednesday Wednesday 5 March This Lent we are asking you to Dig Deep! As we start the 40 day journey, think of different ways you can Dig Deep this Lent. Read the Dig Deep Lent guideto find out how.
Thursday 6 March 1 in 8 people go to bed hungry. Join our Hungry for change campaign, calling for a fair food system where everyone has enough food to eat.
Friday 7 March Reflect on the first two Stations of the Cross today.
Saturday 8 March It is Lent Fast Day on 14 March. Tag @CAFOD with your best group pic of fundraising Fast Day lunches. Best pic will win a CAFOD t-shirt! Deadline is 4pm on Friday 14 March. #CAFODdigdeep #Lent.
Sunday 9 March Celebrate! We believe that young people can do amazing things to make the world a better place. Share your good news today! How are you getting on with Digging Deep this Lent? Tell someone you know or contact us: Email, Facebook, Instagram. Today’s Gospel: ‘‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.” Matthew 4:1-11
Monday 10 March Sierra Leone means ‘Lion Mountain’. It is a beautiful, fertile country. It is rich in natural resources, especially diamonds. However, is one of the poorest in the world. Find out more about Sierra Leone in our guide for young people.
Tuesday 11 March This Lent we are asking you to Dig Deep into yourself to support the poorest and more vulnerable people across the world. Watch Mohammed’s video to find out how he is Digging Deep. Then read our Dig Deep guide to find out how you can Dig Deep this Lent.
Wednesday 12 March “Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be that great generation. Make your greatness blossom.” Nelson Mandela What changes will you make this Lent to be part of a great generation?
Thursday 13 March “This is the way of the Lord: it is to worship God, to love God above all things and to love your neighbour. It’s so simple, but so difficult! This can only be done with grace. Let us ask for this grace.” Pope Francis. Do a secret act of kindness today.
Friday 14 March Lent Fast Day Today is CAFOD Lent Fast Day. Reflect on the third and fourth Stations of the Cross today.
Saturday 15 March It is St Patrick's day this week. We're looking for green fundraisers! Tag @CAFOD with your best St Pat's ideas. Best pic will win a CAFOD t-shirt! Deadline is midday on Friday 21 March. #CAFODdigdeep #Lent.
Sunday 16 March Celebrate! Thousands of young people have campaigned to make the global food system fairer. Watch this video to see how. Share your good news today! How are you getting on with Digging Deep this Lent? Tell someone you know or contact us: Email, Facebook, Instagram. Today’s Gospel: ‘This is my Son... listen to him’ Matthew 17:1-19
Monday 17 March CAFOD Gappers visited Sierra Leone in January, read Neal’s blog to hear about his experiences in Freetown and Makeni.
Tuesday 18 March Run the food round of our CAFOD Quiz at lunchtime to raise money for your Dig Deep collection.
Wednesday 19 March St Joseph Today is St Joseph’s feast day. St Joseph always looked after Jesus and Mary and put them first. Put someone first today. Or hire yourself out as a helper and add the money you raise to your Dig Deep collection.
Thursday 20 March It is World Water Day on Saturday. Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth to save water.
Friday 21 March Reflect on the fifth and sixth Stations of the Cross today.
Saturday 22 March How are you Digging Deep? Tag a photo of your most creative upcycling ideas @cafod. Best pic will win a CAFOD t-shirt! Deadline is midday on Friday 28 March. #CAFODdigdeep #Lent.
Sunday 23 March Celebrate! Will lived on £1 a day for a week as part of the ‘Hungry for change’ campaign. Read his blogto see how he got on! Share your good news today! How are you getting on with Digging Deep this Lent? Tell someone you know or contact us: Email, Facebook, Instagram. Today’s Gospel: “The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.”John 4:5-42
Monday 24 March Sierra Leone Facts Population: 5.5 million Currency: Leone (SLL) Languages: English, Krio,Temne, Mende and fifteen indigenous ones. Religion: Muslim 60%, Christian 30%, Indigenous beliefs 10% Land size: Slightly bigger than Ireland Average life expectancy: Male 47 years, female 50 years Exports: Diamonds, coffee, cocoa, fish National symbol: Lion
Tuesday 25 March The Annunciation For many mothers, having a baby can be a worrying time. Jatto gave birth to her son Mohammed during Sierra Leone’s civil war. She was scared of being captured and killed, and of not having enough food to feed her son. Like Mary, Jatto was determined, and kept her son alive. Use the money you have raised to buy a ‘healthy mum and baby’ World Gift. Today’s Gospel: “You see before you the Lord’s servant; let it happen to me as you have said.” Luke 1:26-38
Wednesday 26 March On Monday it was the anniversary of Oscar Romero’s death. Reflect on his words: “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.”
Thursday 27 March Like our CAFOD Great Generation Facebook page. Change your profile pic to a ‘Dig Deep’ image. Share a link to our Great Generation fundraising page.
Friday 28 March Reflect on the seventh and eighth Stations of the Cross today.
Saturday 29 March Sunday is Mother’s day. We’re looking for pictures of love and joy! Tag @CAFOD to show how you have been digging deep to care this week. Best pic will win a CAFOD t-shirt! Deadline is midday on Friday 4 April. #CAFODdigdeep #Lent.
Sunday 30 March Celebrate! Marianne went to World Youth Day (WYD) in Rio with CAFOD. She celebrated WYD with young people from our Brazilian partner MDF. Read her blog and watch her video diary. Share your good news today! How are you getting on with Digging Deep this Lent? Tell someone you know or contact us: Email, Facebook, Instagram. Today’s Gospel: “Lord, I believe.” John 9:1-41
Monday 31 March CAFOD Gappers visited Sierra Leone in January. Read Julia’s moving blog ‘the luxury of being a UK girl’ to hear about her very personal experience reflections on being a woman in Sierra Leone and the UK.
Tuesday 1 April Bake cocadas from Bolivia or banana cake from Peru. Sell them and add the money to your CAFOD Dig Deep collection. Watch our recipe videos.
Wednesday 2 April Have a quiet and reflective day. Leave your mobile or iPod switched off!
Thursday 3 April Mohammed’s family is learning to grow rice. Plant and grow seeds in solidarity with them. Think of creative places to grow the seeds, like shoes or a coffee mug! Sell them and donate the money to CAFOD.
Friday 4 April Reflect on the ninth and tenth Stations of the Cross today.
Saturday 5 April In a sporty mood looking forward to seeing team CAFOD at the London Marathon next week. Tag @CAFOD with any sporty fundraisers you are doing! Best pic will win a CAFOD t-shirt! Deadline is midday on Friday 11 April. #CAFODdigdeep #Lent.
Sunday 6 April Celebrate! Jasper is a young leader in the Philippines. He helped his community to cope with the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan. Watch his video. Today’s Gospel: “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me will live.” John 11:1-45 Share your good news today! How are you getting on with Digging Deep this Lent? Tell someone you know or contact us: Email, Facebook, Instagram.
Monday 7 April Sierra Leone suffered a civil war from 1991-2002. Around 70,000 people were killed and 2.6 million were made homeless. There are still high levels of unemployment, inequality and poverty. 67 per cent of people live on less than 60p a day.
Tuesday 8 April We are approaching the end of term. Organise a non-uniform day!
Wednesday 9 April Spend some quality time with people you love today. Take the time to listen to people in your family.
Thursday 10 April Recycle bottles, cans and paper. Make signs for recycling points in your school, parish or youth centre.
Friday 11 April Reflect on the eleventh and twelfth Stations of the Cross today.
Saturday 12 April Send us your favourite Lent moments - tag @CAFOD with your best pics. Best pic will win a CAFOD t-shirt! Deadline is midday on Friday 18 April. #CAFODdigdeep #Lent.
Sunday 13 April Celebrate! Michael and Amy organised a walk in Wales in solidarity and to fundraise for people in the Philippines. Read Michael’s blog Share your good news! How are you getting on with Digging Deep this Lent? Tell someone you know or contact us: Email, Facebook, Instagram. Today’s Gospel: “A large crowdspread their cloaks on the road and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road” Matthew 21:1-11
Monday 14 April With support from CAFOD, Mohammed’s community has transformed land that used to be used for diamond mining (which caused conflict in the civil war) into productive sites for growing food. The food supports the family through the ‘hungry season’ and the extra can be sold to pay for school and community projects.
Tuesday 15 April Write a blog about what you or your group have been doing to Dig Deep – email it to us!
Wednesday 16 April How can we follow Jesus’ example and make sure that no-one is excluded from the feast?
Thursday 17 April Maundy Thursday Today we remember that Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples. Make some simple bread and share it with friends and family. Here is a recipe.
Friday 18 April Good Friday Reflect on the final three Stations of the Cross today.
Saturday 19 April Follow @CAFOD on Instagram. Be inspired by our stunning pictures from around the world.
Sunday 20 April Celebrate! We believe that young people can do amazing things to make the world a better place. Congratulations for all you have done this Lent! Share your good news today! Share your Dig Deep successes this Lent. Tell someone you know or contact us: Email, Facebook, Instagram. Today’s Gospel: ‘‘He must rise from the dead.” John 20:1-9
Picture credits • Simon Rawles/CAFOD • Marcella Haddad/CAFOD • Ashenafi Gudeta/EthiopiaLives.net • Nikola Ivanovski/CAFOD • Sarah Smith-Pearce/CAFOD • Caritas/CAFOD • Ben White/CAFOD • Stuart Matthews/CAFOD • Agency/CAFOD