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Some Ways to Use Orff - Schulwerk With Children’s Books About Muslims Natalia Ritchie

Some Ways to Use Orff - Schulwerk With Children’s Books About Muslims Natalia Ritchie NEH Seminar July, 2019 Muslim American History and Life. Introduction.

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Some Ways to Use Orff - Schulwerk With Children’s Books About Muslims Natalia Ritchie

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  1. Some Ways to Use Orff - Schulwerk With Children’s Books About Muslims Natalia Ritchie NEH Seminar July, 2019 Muslim American History and Life

  2. Introduction There are thousands of arrangements that have been applied to rich text children’s literature,using the Orff - Schulwerk method of teaching. Some examples include compositions for Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Native American, English Nursery Rhymes and poems. A strong rhythmic rhyming book lends itself beautifully to being set to an Orff arrangement. I have included many suggestions to use in my bibliography. However, as I researched the topic of Muslim story books and songs, I found little besides some songs that had been written in English for the Orff music classroom. The challenge was to write an arrangement that would use an authentic sounding scale, and to use a book that would cross the curriculum with beautiful illustrations, verse and a meaningful educational purpose. It can be used in a multicultural unit with similar books from other cultures, religions, or The book I choose is,Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns, A Muslim Book of Colors, Written by Hena Khan, illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini Scholastic, September, 2013, New York

  3. What is the Orff - Schulwerk Method of teaching music? The Orff Schulwerk, or simply the Orff Approach, is a developmental approach used in music education. It combines music, movement, drama, and speech into lessons that are similar to child's world of play. It was developed by the German composer Carl Orff and colleague Gunild Keetman during the 1920s in Munich, Germany. Special xylophone instruments were made to use with this method, and it also uses non-pitched percussion, body percussion and children’s literature and folk songs. Carl Orff , was also a famous composer, and wrote Carmina Burana, among other works. f 1 Carl Orff 1895-1982

  4. Pitched instruments used with Orff

  5. A Student model recorder, used with Orff

  6. Some non-pitched classroom instruments

  7. “Orffer” demonstrating Orff instruments

  8. An Orff class performing a lesson!

  9. Where is this method used? 1.The Orff - Schulwerk method of teaching music to children is used in schools all over the world. 2.The American Orff - Schulwerk Association (AOSA) was founded in Muncie, Indian in 1968. It is a professional organization of educators dedicated to the creative music and movement approach developed by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman. 3.There are state and local chapters in all the 50 states and territories. Training is available as part of the college curriculum and workshops are offered on the local and state level for professional development. Certification includes Levels I, II, and III and Master Level.

  10. Teachers learning the Orff Method in a workshop at the American Community School in Beirut, Lebanon

  11. Websites of some Orff - Schulwerk professional associations 1. American Orff Schulwerk Association (AOSA) https://aosa.org/ 2. Greater Tampa Bay Area Orff Chapter Greater Tampa Bay Area Orff Chapter 3. International http://www.orff-schulwerk-forum-salzburg.org/english/about_english.html 4. Orff-Schulwerk Teacher Education Course | Florida State University … 5. Carl Orff Schulwerk Canada

  12. . Orff is included in National and State Music Curriculums

  13. Publications and resources include: Orff Schulwerk: Music for Children, I - V by Murray, Keetman and Orff Music for Children, Grace Nash All major Music Series text book publications Online Music programs, such as QuaverMusic.com International Orff Associations Children’s story books, poems, and nursery rhymes Method books by music teachers, and Orff clinicians AOSA, including online publications of Reverberations and the Orff Echo

  14. Lesson Plan

  15. I chose this book because, as Cyndee Giebler asks in the article, Making a Case for Quality Material, March, 2019, AOSA Teacher Educator, Reverberations article (March, 2019), it fits the following criteria: “Finding pieces with good solid musical concepts is a relatively straightforward matter, but finding or creating quality text can be more problematic. In addition to considerations of pedagogical concepts, here are some questions that may be asked when considering poetry, short stories, riddles, prose, or proverbs for use in the classroom: 1. Is this relevant? Will students understand the context? Is it meaningful in their day to day lives? Does it help students find their place in the world? Does the text describe the universal condition in some way? 2.Is it relatable? Can students feel empathy for the situation? Can they envision themselves in the context 3. Does the text stand the test of time? Has the text come from an older source? Is it likely to have meaning 50 years from now? 4. Is the language on a high level and full of imagery? Slang and popular idioms are fun, but not lasting. Words that need explanation, or, even better, a consultation with a dictionary will help expand vocabulary. A text that sparks imagination or helps form a mental picture is one that will serve well in the music class. 5. Does the text invite further creative exploration? That exploration may come in the form of a movement activity, a theatrical performance, the creation of a new song or poem, or the invention of a sound carpet. 6. Is the text child-like….or childish? Literature presented by the teacher in class should be child-like and rich with possibility.”

  16. Muslim Colors by Natalia Ritchie An Orff accompaniment for the book, Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns A Muslim Book of Colors by Hena Khan illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini LISTEN TO THE COMPOSITION HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LkhGZWyqR7PbcGT0bf0iH216Rl7VboTX/view?usp=sharing (This is not being played by Orff instruments due to limited voicing program choices)

  17. A selection of additional books that can be used with an Orff - Schulwerk lesson Crescent Moons and Painted Minarets, A Muslim Book of Shapes by Hena Khan, illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini Green Is a Chile Pepper: A Book of Colors by Roseanne Thong and illustrated by John Parra Hush! A Thai Lullaby by Minfong Ho and Holly Meade I am Enough, by Grace Buyers, illustrated by Ketura A Bobo My First Book of Hindi Words: An ABC Rhyming Book of Hindi Language and Indian Culture by Rina Singh, illustrated by Farida Zaman My First Book of Japanese Words: An ABC Rhyming Book of Japanese Language and Culture by Michelle Brown and illustrated by Aya Padron My First Book of Tagalog Words: An ABC Rhyming Book of Filipino Language and Culture by Liana Romulo and Jamie Laurel My First Book of Vietnamese Words: An ABC Rhyming Book of Vietnamese Language and Culture by Phuoc Thi Minh Tran and Dong Nguyen Round is a Mooncake: A Book of Shapes,by Roseanne Thong and illustrated by Grace Linby Round is a Tortilla: A Book of Shapes by Roseanne Thong and illustrated by John Parra

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