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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Canteen Leaders Strategies and Tools to Help Prepare Ourselves For The Challenges of Life and Leadership!. CAN. Glengarry: Teaching Skills For Life. Kangaroo Valley. Reflections Of My School Years. Australian Cherub Dingy Champs. A Dream come True!.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Canteen LeadersStrategies and Tools to Help Prepare Ourselves For The Challenges of Life and Leadership! CAN
Glengarry: Teaching Skills For Life Kangaroo Valley
A Dream come True! Kayaking
Performance Under Pressure
Australian Kayak Marathon Championships Perth, Easter, 2000. 4 years of planning
Outdoor Education & Sport Psychology NSW Netball Team Undergoing Outdoor Training In Preparation For Their National Championships
Outdoor Education Fostering Change In People Requires A New Direction In Programming & Facilitation At Our Camps Matching program type with change requirements. (Priest, 1996, p.23)
The 7 HabitsOverview Optimising Our Physical & Mental Health Teamwork & Inclusiveness Understanding & Compassion Respect & Integrity Inspiration & Encouragement Flexibility & Initiative Pride & Accountability Positivity & Celebration
Pride & Accountability Positivity & Celebration Habit 1 Be Proactive Overview Is all about taking control of your life! It means that you choose to act deliberately and take responsibility for your actions and your life’s direction. • A proactive person: • Can choose their attitude to life • Is responsible for their own happiness. • Controls the things in their life that they can control, and forgets about the uncontrollable. • Overcomes setbacks through proactive thinking & action. • Strives to be a change agent through proactive actions. • Makes life happen to them rather than being a passenger. • Makes smarter decisions. Thinks before acting!
Good Leaders Make A Proactive Choice Proactive or Reactive Can-Do People No-Can-Do People Take initiative to Wait for something tomake it happen. happen to them. Think about solutions Think about problems and options. and barriers. Act. Are acted upon.
Self-Awareness: Am I a Positive or Negative Thinker? • Monitoring self-talk on a tough expedition or at camp. • At a given time, or at places dictated by the terrain that could provide “a teachable moment” have students complete a self-check for a few minutes evaluating the following: • Self-talk • Talk with others • Body language • Enthusiasm levels at different spots during the trip. • Evaluate this around the fire at night. This leads to a tutorial on positive – negative self-talk. • As a leader what kind of thinker are you? What do I see when I look inside myself? Do I like what I see? All Change has to begin from within!
Positive or Negative Tracker • What Kind Of Tracker are you? • This activity links to the monitoring of self-talk during an expedition or camp. • Around the fire students complete the tracker questionnaire and calculate the kind of “Tracker” they are. • Facilitation can involve partner sharing of results. Then a discussion on how we can be more positive in our daily lives.
Make Your Own Weather! We have the ability to see sunshine even when we are surrounded by storms! Its all about attitude!
Press Pause: Between stimulus and response we have a split second where we can pause and learn to be proactive with our decisions! • Think Before Speaking or Acting: • Monitor your dialogue with others. Is it how you would want to be treated. • Am I about to do something that I will regret, or is negative? • Good Leaders are self-aware, and roll model proactive behaviour. • Look for opportunities to use & teach the pause sign!
3 Blessings! 3 Things I Am Thankful For Today! • Around the fire at the conclusion of each day, participants are given time to reflect on their day, focusing on the good things that happened to them! Things they are thankful for. • EG: 3 things I am proud of … 3 things I did well today…. • This activity, on it’s own, has been show to significantly reduce negative feelings and emotions. • Where possible focus on the positives.
Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind Overview Flexibility & Initiative • Deals with developing a clear picture of who you want to be and what you want to accomplish in your life. • What are your values? • What is your mission? • What are your goals? • How to set them • Systems to support your goals • Identifying your talents and developing them through out your life. • Making your life extraordinary! • How can you use your extraordinary talents as a leader at Canteen? Where do we want to go in life? We better draw a map to get there”.
I Need 4 Volunteers • In 2 minutes you need to assemble this jig saw puzzle. Off you go! • Would it have been easier to put the puzzle together if you’d had a picture to look at? Why or why not? • Having a picture provides you with a clear vision of what you need to accomplish, which gives you direction and saves you time, and makes you more efficient.
If You Could Achieve One Impactful Thing At Canteen, And You Could Paint This, What Would It Look Like?
The Great Discovery • This online activity takes you through a series of questions that helps you pinpoint the priorities in your life. • Teen Mission Builderclick to open webpage • It will email you back a print out that you can then use to formulate your own mission statement for your wall at home or work. http://www.franklincovey.com/cgi-bin/teens/teens-msb/part01/index.html
Setting Goals Steps That I Need To Take To Help Me Live My Life’s Mission • Count The Cost • Put It To Pen • Just Do It • Use Momentous Moments • Rope Up
This is the spirit of Step 5: Roping Up • Climbers rely on each other for safety, motivation & support. The rope bonds them and keeps them together in their common quest! • They are also there to support you if & when you fall! • When you set goals, “rope up” with someone else with a similar vision or motivation for life. • In real life if you rope up with someone or a group; your energies and enthusiasm will drive each other to success. • You will also have people to support you through the hard times along your journey to success, which are naturally part of life!
Inspiration & Encouragement Habit 3: Put First Things First Overview • Managing Your Time [later session]. • Not Letting fear control your life and make your decisions. • Comfort zones – Courage Zones. • Overcoming the hard moments in life.
Courage Zone • Habit 3 is about putting yourself & your best interests ahead of your fears. • Putting first things first will often cause you to stretch outside your comfort zone. • And Venture into your Courage Zone!
Courage ZoneLooking For Opportunities To Sew The Seeds Of Change. • It could be argued that fear is one of the worst emotions that people can possess because of its ability to hold us back in life. • Fear can paralyse us, limiting our achievements and reducing enjoyment in our lives. • As a leader at Canteen your time with participants is full of opportunities to look for that small teachable moment that may have a BIG lasting influence on a person’s life!
Okay: Now Lets All Experience The Courage Zone! • Everyone on your feet • Make a circle • Renee is going to demonstrate how to step into your courage zone by dancing for us all in the circle. • Well each one of you has to do it to the music. • Now I want you to monitor your self talk, your thoughts, your muscle tightness, your belief in yourself. • How are you feeling right now? [look at the body language of those around you, ask them what they are thinking! Remember The key to overcoming our fears is to worry less about failing, and more about the chances we miss when we don’t even try.
Large Hard Moments I should check the weather before heading to the mountains! • Occur every so often in life & include things like: • Peer Pressure: Alcohol, drugs. • Dropping people who were friends when they won’t respect your values. • Getting dumped by a girl/boy friend. • Your parents get divorced. • Someone we love passes away. • These moments will come in your life, they are part of the cycle of life. • You can prepare for them and meet them head on like a warrior and come out victorious. • Be courageous at these key junctions in your life. Canteen operates to foster this courage! • Just REMEMBER this!
Thumb Wrestling! • Working with the person next to you, you have 1 minute to thumb wrestle with them. In that 1 minute you have to see how many times you can pin the other person’s thumb down for the count of 3. • How many of you were engaged in a competitive mindset when you started the activity? • Did anyone simply communicate with each other and work together to get as many touches as possible? • We all too often go into an activity with this win lose mindset, when Win Win can help achieve much more.
Respect & Integrity Habit 4: Think Win-Win • Thinking a Win-Win philosophy for life is the foundation for getting along well with others. • It not only means you both get something out of what you’re doing, it means you try to plan ways for both of you to win. • Win-Win is not an accident it is a deliberate way of thinking!
Your Relationship Bank Account • How you feel about yourself & others is like a bank account! • You can make deposits and withdrawals into this account through the things you think, do, and say to yourself & others. • When I make a commitment to myself or others and stick to it “Cha Ching”, it’s a deposit. • When I break a promise to myself or others, I feel disappointed and make a withdrawal.
Relationship Bank Account RBA Deposits RBA Withdrawals Keep promises. Break promises. Do small acts Keep to yourself.of kindness. Be loyal. Gossip and break confidences. Listen. Don’t listen. Say you’re sorry. Be arrogant. Set clear expectations. Set false expectations.
Small Acts Of Kindness RBA Deposits RBA Withdrawals Do small acts Keep to yourself.of kindness. • Leaders be on the lookout to facilitate small acts of kindness! It fosters win-win positive feelings within the group and individuals. • While working with your Canteen colleagues look for ways to create a “Cha Ching” moment. • Let’s hear it “Cha Ching!”
Saying Sorry: Can quickly restore an overdrawn relationship account • A great activity for sitting around the fire near the end of a trip, or with groups that you know have had some conflict. • As a group, there have been times when we have made withdrawals from our relationship bank accounts, this has been at the expense of others feelings. • Look around this circle. Who have you done something to that requires an apology? • Take 2 minutes to look around the circle and reflect on your past actions. • Offer turns of going around and saying sorry to the person that you have wronged.
Understanding & Compassion Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be understood. • Habit 5 is about being good communicators. • It teaches about listening first, then talking second. • It is about seeing things from another's point of view before sharing your own. • For young men giving them opportunities to talk about their lives, fears, challenges is a real positive! • Feeling secure socially is a buffer to depression and an area that we in outdoor education can foster!
5 Poor Listening Styles If we want to be effective communicators during our lives we have to learn to be good listeners. Good listeners are aware of poor listening styles. Let’s take a look at 5 poor listening styles and check in to see if you have any poor listening characteristics. • Spacing Out • Pretend Listening • Selective Listening • Word Listening • Self-Centered Listening
Group Campout • Students are grouped into camp groups of 4 students. • Groups are made to separate friends and cliques. • They spend the weekend camping together on campus with roving staff supervision.
Walk a Mile In Someone Else’s Shoes • After getting organised at camp have students head off in pairs for half an hour of Duo Time. • Make groups up with people they do not know too well! • Their task is to conduct an interview as if they were a reporter for the local newspaper. • The article they are writing will be read around the fire that night! [Partner sharing around the fire that evening].
Name Game • Partner Retell. [Pair people up & complete the following: • Tell us how you came to get your name or nick name. • 1 goal you have in the future. • 1 person you have in your life that is special and that you can talk to them about anything. What makes this person special and approachable? • Name one skill you possess that helps you cope with the low points in your life. How do you use it? Noble, (2007)
Something In My Life I Need Help With….. • Often we do not know how to ask for help, this is especially the case for young men. • This important life skill can be practiced around the campfire. • I need help with…. • The facilitator gives an example from their life to the group to get started. • Break off into smaller groups of 2 or 4 and share the issues they are having problems with. • Come back to the circle. A partner shares the issue with the group. • The group listens and then tries to give solutions and support to the person.