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Welcome to Curriculum Night!

Welcome to Curriculum Night!. We are Salerno’s Superheroes. 3C. “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”. Why Are We Here?. The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to discuss the third grade curriculum and to begin to establish a partnership on your child’s behalf.

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Welcome to Curriculum Night!

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  1. Welcome to Curriculum Night! We are Salerno’s Superheroes 3C “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”

  2. Why Are We Here? The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to discuss the third grade curriculum and to begin to establish a partnership on your child’s behalf. Research shows that when schools and families work together,children do better, yielding long term social and emotional benefits.

  3. Our Mission The Floral Park-Bellerose Union Free School District is committed to fostering a safe learning environment that promotes social-emotional, physical and intellectual growth, where students use their creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills to be successful, kind and compassionate members of a global society. Students will be prepared for their future, while embracing their individuality with an eagerness to face challenges. Through open, on-going communication, we strive to have our parents, teachers and community members actively involved in educating and developing the whole child.

  4. 3rd Grade Goals • To guide and facilitate student learning as they develop the academic and social skills necessary for fourth grade and beyond while emphasizing the importance ofcollaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, • Compassion, Composure, ConstructiveCriticism, and Civic Responsibility To help our students gain a stronger understanding of their role in the learning process and the importance of exhibiting a growth mindset To provide a respectful, supportive, and caring classroom environment for all children and adults To help your children make new friends and build strong relationships, discovering new interests and talents while seeing him or herself as an accomplished 21st century learner with a bright future

  5. 3rd Grade Goals What Learning Looks Like...

  6. ELA Our Goals: 1) Prioritize instruction to support all learners in reading and writing 2) Implement a balance of fiction and informational texts (realistic fiction, poetry, drama, folk tales, historical fiction, expository texts, biographies and autobiographies) 3) Cultivate lifelong reading habits 4) Build content-area knowledge (Social Studies and Science connection) 5) Emphasizes close reading skills and strategies 6) Incorporates vocabulary and spelling words

  7. ELA Some skills and strategies addressed: • Understanding a story’s plot, identifying conflict • Determining the setting and how it impacts the plot • Identifying the mood of passage using descriptive, sophisticated • adjectives, differentiating between positive and negative moods • Labeling a character’s personality and motives based on dialogue and actions • Discovering characteristics of a variety of genres in fiction and nonfiction • Analyzing the structure of the text • Detecting an author’s point of view • Class Novels • Independent Reading (teaching for transfer, applying the skills and • strategies during their own reading)

  8. Writing • Conventions/Grammar/Spelling are areas of focus • Mini lessons focus instruction on key features and craft of good writing. • Mentor text used to model key features • Products of writing: personal narratives, fiction, how-to reports, informational texts, etc. • Writing conferences/peer editing/writing partners • Sharing/Reflections

  9. Critical Areas of focus include: • Operations and Algebraic Thinking • Number and Operations in Base Ten • Number and Operations-Fractions • Measurement and Data • Geometry Math • Go Math! helps students engage mathematically in new ways. • Uses context-based situations and then builds to more abstract problems. • Students use models, manipulatives, quick pictures, and symbols to build mathematical understanding. • Step-by-Step instruction and modeling. • Problem Solving opportunities to apply concepts. • Stations (direct teacher instruction and differentiation, builds math fluency and • promotes automaticity, supports communication and collaboration)

  10. Social Studies The Social Studies Framework • 1Teaching Literacy through Content • 2 Social Studies Literacy • 3 “Doing” Social Studies 3rd Grade Social Studies –Communities Around the World In this course, students examine different communities and their cultures. Culture includes social organization, customs and traditions, language, arts and literature, religion, forms of government, and economic systems. 6 Units: Maps, Geography, and comparing United States to other countries

  11. Science The Need for Next Generation Science Standards Science isn’t just a mere bunch of facts. Science is the way we think about the world. The way we question the world. The way we communicate about the world. Developing that is a huge piece of the new standards.

  12. Science INSPIRE • Prepares students for a future full of STEM opportunities • Problem-Based Learning • Hands-on Activities • Group Collaboration • Math and Literacy Integration Motion and Forces Electric and Magnetic Forces Weather and Climate Parents and Offspring Survival Changes in the Ecosystem Learn from the Past

  13. STEM Lab • All students visit the STEM Lab and work with Mrs. Goldberg • Lab classes will include inquiry based hands-on experiences with the focus on STEM: • >Science-Technology-Engineering-Math • Through Lab activities and challenges, students will ask questions, plan, create, improve and communicate their ideas • Visit the STEM Lab website from the FPBS website

  14. Social Emotional Learning • SEL: “Socialand emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.”
NYS Framework for Mental Health Education Instruction: Project Wisdom, Morning Meetings, Message of the Day, Literacy Instruction, Daily Interactions, Team Building Activities, Growth Mindset and Mindfulness Lessons

  15. Assessments • The district reviews assessments regularly – through grade levels meetings, committees, and curriculum writing projects. • These are the assessments that we currently use to provide us the information we need. • > STAR, Reading Street Unit Tests and Performance-Based Tasks, Exit Tickets, Chapter Math Tests and Projects, Science and Social Studies Project Based Assessments, Student’s Daily Writing and Published Work (There are many ways to demonstrate one’s understanding!)

  16. Schedule 10:35– 11:15am • Monday: Library • Tuesday: Art • Wednesday: Gym • Thursday: Music • Friday: Gym • Science Lab • Computer Lab

  17. Extra • Technology (IPADS, Remind App, Class Website, Google Classroom, Seesaw) IPAD Policy • Homework/Read Independently • Healthy Snack • Birthday Celebrations • Food Allergies • Extra Help • Field Trips • Class Website/Remind App/Facebook • Safety (no scooters, bats, electronics) School Attendance - Absence letters must be received the day after an absence. Lateness to school and illegal absences are monitored by administration. Your child should arrive by 8:50 each day as class begins at 9:00 a.m. Dismissal Changes – We MUST have a note for any changes in dismissal and/or other names of people you designate to pick up your child. Your child’s safety is our highest priority. *If dismissal changes midday, please call main office!*

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