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Physics 122B Electricity and Magnetism

Explore concepts of electric field, point charges, superposition, symmetry principle, and calculating field maps. Learn about Maxwell’s Equations and symmetry types in field structures. Utilize Coulomb’s Law for computing E-fields of charged objects.

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Physics 122B Electricity and Magnetism

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  1. Physics 122B Electricity and Magnetism Lecture 3 (Knight: 26.2-3)Electric Field, Field Lines andCharge Distributions March 30, 2007 Martin Savage

  2. Electric Charge Distributions Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  3. Electric Field of a Point Charge Positive Negative Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  4. Electric Field Superposition q Therefore, the electric field of any charge distribution can be calculated by dividing the distribution into point charges and superimposing these. Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  5. The Electric Field ofMultiple Point Charges Component electric fields may be superimposed to obtain the net field. This is very useful in calculating the field produced by a number of point charges. This is really three equations: Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  6. The E-Field of 3 Point Charges in the plane of reflection symmetry q1=q2=q3=q Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  7. The E-Field of 3 Point Charges in the plane of reflection symmetry Near-field limit: Far-field limit: Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  8. The Electric Dipole Permanent Dipole Induced Dipole Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  9. Electric Field of a Dipole Y >> s Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  10. Q -Q 2Q Field Map vs. Field Lines Field lines start on positive charges. weak Field lines stop on negative charges. More charge Þ more field lines. strong Field lines never cross. Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  11. A Prelude toMaxwell’s Equations Suppose you come across a vector field that looks something like this. What are the identifiable structures in this field? 1. An “outflow” structure: 2. An “inflow” structure: 3. An “clockwise circulation” structure: 4. An “counterclockwise circulation” structure: Maxwell’s Equations will tell us that the “flow” structures are charges (+ and -) and the “circulation” structures …. we will come back to this later…do no occur in static situations Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  12. The Dipole Field Field Map Field Lines Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  13. Two Positive Charges Field Map Field Lines Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  14. Charge Distributions Symmetry Principle: An electric field must have the samesymmetries as the charge distribution that produced it. Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  15. A(yes)A E (no) 720 E Types of Symmetry Translational symmetry: translation along a line does not change object. Full rotational symmetry:any rotation about any axis does not change object: Sphere Cylindrical symmetry:any rotation about one axis does not change object: Cylinder Reflectional symmetry: mirror image reflection is same as object. Partial rotational symmetry: 720 rotation about one axis does not change object: Star Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  16. Computing E-Fields of Charged Objects Using Coulomb’s Law • Choose a coordinate system that will facilitate integration. • Use any applicable symmetries to set E-field components to zero or equal to each other. • Break up the object into point-like elements. • Write the Coulomb’s Law contribution to the E-field from a representative point-like element. • Integrate over the entire object to get the E-field. Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  17. Example:E-Field of a Charged Line A thin uniformly charged rod of length L has a total charge Q. Find the electric field at a distance r from the axis of the rod in the plane that bisects the rod. Strategy: Break up the rod into small charge elements, use Coulomb’s Law to calculate the E field of each, and add them up. Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  18. Example:E-Field of a Charged Line (2) Consider the x component of the electric field contribution dEx produced by a small segment i of the rod located at yi with length dy. Its charge DQi will be (Q/L)dy. Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  19. An Infinite Line of Charge…the limit of a finite line-charge Top view; field lines spread in a plane + Side view; field lines are parallel. Field of an infinite line of charge falls off as 1/r (not 1/r2). Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  20. Question Which of the following actions will increase the electric field strength at the position of the dot? (a) Rod longer, net charge the same;(b) Rod shorter, net charge the same;(c) Rod wider, net charge the same;(d) Rod narrower, net charge the same;(e) Move dot farther from rod. Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  21. Computing Charged ObjectE-Fields Using Coulomb’s Law • Choose a coordinate system that will facilitate integration. • Use any applicable symmetries to set E-field components to zero or equal to each other. • Break up the object into point-like elements. • Write the Coulomb’s Law contribution to the E-field from a representative point-like element. • Integrate over the entire object to get the E-field. Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  22. The E-Field of a Charged Ring A thin uniformly charged ring of radiusRhas a total chargeQ. Find the electric field on the axis of the ring .. the z-axis …(perpendicular to the page). The linear charge density of the ring isl = Q/(2pR).The system has cylindrical symmetry for rotations about the axis, soalong the z-axisEx=Ey=0and we need only to findEz. Consider a small segment of the circumference of the ring of widthdl = R df. The contribution to the electric field on the z-axis is : Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  23. The on-axis E-Field of a Charged Ring (2) Near-field limit: linear Far-field limit: 1/r2 (same as point charge) Physics 122B - Lecture 3

  24. End of Lecture 3 • Before the next lecture, read Knight,Chapters 26.4 through 26.5 • Lecture Homework #1 is on the Tychosystem and is due at 10pm on Wednesday

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