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Structure of Daily Hydrologic Series in Serbia and Northern Mediterranean

This study analyzes the structure of daily hydrologic series in Serbia and the Northern Mediterranean, including data selection, filtering, and testing. It also examines the hydrological regime and analyzes drought episodes using various threshold level methods.

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Structure of Daily Hydrologic Series in Serbia and Northern Mediterranean

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  1. Structure of Daily Hydrologic Seriesin Serbia and Northern Mediterranean Vladislava Mihailović * and Zoran M. Radić ** *Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade**Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade

  2. General estimation procedure

  3. Vipava 4 Rhone 1 Morača 2 Tech 3 5 Ofanto Basic analysis and estimations – data selection, filtering and testing Selected gauging stations (daily flow data) from the Serbian national database from the Northern Mediterranean area (MED-HYCOS database) Referent period: 1961-1990.

  4. Basic analysis and estimations – periodicity analysis Periodicity in six basic parameters of the daily flow series; periodic component was estimated with three significant harmonics (R. Velika Morava, st. “Ljubičevski Most”, period 1961-1990.) minimum mean skewness maximum st. deviation kurtosis

  5. Further analyses and applications – hydrological regime studies River regimes in Serbia, by dimensionless periodic time functions of daily mean

  6. Further analyses and applications – hydrological regime studies Five basic types of hydrological regimes in the Serbia and Montenegro, expressed by dimensionless periodic time functions of daily mean

  7. Further analyses and applications – hydrological regime studies Hydrological regime (type 1) of the rivers in the central Serbia, expressed by dimensionless periodic time functions of daily mean

  8. Further analyses and applications – hydrological regime studies Hydrological regimes in Northern Mediterranean, expressed by dimensionless periodic time functions of daily mean

  9. Further analyses and applications – hydrological regime studies Comparative review of dimensionless time functions ofdaily mean, maximum and minimum (R. Velika Morava, st. “Ljubičevski Most”, period 1961-1990.)

  10. Further analyses and applications – catchment state behavior analyses Time functions of probability of exceedance, derived on the base of marginal distributions LP3 for each date in the year (derived for the referent period 1961-1990), and observed hydrograph for hydrological year 1998-99. (R. Velika Morava, st. “Ljubičevski Most”)

  11. Development of Drought Monitoring System for Serbia- Hydrological droughts analyses – Zoran M. Radić * and Vladislava Mihailović ** *Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade**Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade

  12. Preliminary analysis of different methodologies for hydrological (surface water) drought analysis-Threshold Level Definition Methods Analysis-

  13. st. Ljubičevski Most basins: Velika Morava Zapadna Morava Južna Morava Velika Morava, Južna Morava and Zapadna Morava basins, on the main river basins map in Serbia • daily flow data (1951-2003) • referent period: 1961-1990

  14. Threshold levels Q90 derived with different methods(Velika Morava, st. Lj. Most, referent period 1961-90)

  15. The number of episodes, total duration, total deficit volume and total intensity of drought episodes identified with six methods, for the observed and smoothed hydrograph(V. Morava, st. Lj. Most, period 1951-2003.)

  16. The number of short-duration drought episodes

  17. The number of short-duration surplus episodes

  18. Drought episodes identified with DV-LP3B i DV-DB method applied to the smoothed daily hydrograph(r. V. Morava, st. Lj. Most, period 1/10/1992-1/10/1994)

  19. Conclusions 1. New approach based on TIPS methodfordaily time series modeling was introduced and various aspects of application were demonstrated: • hydrological regime study; • catchment state behavior monitoring; • drought analysis 2. Six methods for constant and variable thresholds derivation were presented and their characteristics and influences on drought episodes number, drought volumes, drought durations and drought magnitudes were studied 3. Besides application of three known methods (traditionally used yearly constant and monthly varying thresholds, as well as daily varying threshold based on daily flow duration curves introduced through FRIEND and ARIDE project), three new methods were introduced: • Daily varying threshold based on marginal distributions (Log-Pearson type 3) • Two methods for varying threshold based on daily base flows were applied

  20. Practical aspects: • 1. Newly introduced methods have shown their advantages as well as the application of the MA(11) filter on original data sets (prior the application of threshold), in order to eliminate minor and dependent droughts • 2. All methods and models were developed in EXCEL environment, including tools for: • TIPS model application, • continual base flow separation, • drought episodes automatic separation and their statistical analysis)

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