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Animation of Tidal Elevations in the Pacific

Explore the equilibrium and dynamic theories of tides, gravitational forces at play, generating forces of tsunamis, and the effects and defenses against these natural phenomena. Understand the animation of tidal circulations in the Pacific, including confined basins like the Bay of Fundy and the Northern Gulf of California. Learn about tidal bores and their impact on ecosystems, as well as the destructive power of tsunamis caused by submarine earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions. Witness the historical and numerical simulations of tsunamis from 1946 to the devastating Chile earthquake in 1960. Discover the importance of early warning systems, coastal zoning, and defensive measures in mitigating the impact of tsunamis on coastal communities.

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Animation of Tidal Elevations in the Pacific

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Animation of Tidal Elevations in the Pacific

  2. TidesandTsunamis • Gravitational forces of moon and sun • Equilibrium theory of Tides • Dynamic theory of Tides (Reality): tidal patterns, confined basins • Tsunamis: generating forces • Effects of tsunamis • Warning systems, defenses

  3. Equilibrium Theory Assumption Tides are always in equilibrium with the gravitational pull of the moon and Earth is a planet covered in water.

  4. Gravity and centrifugal force(also called “tractive forces”) Equilibrium theory of tides Together:The earth-moon system

  5. Tides: The moon and the sun together Spring tide Neap tide

  6. semidiurnal + diurnal = composite

  7. Dynamic Theory Needs to account for: Waves travel at a fixed waves speed There are continents and rotation

  8. See video

  9. Tidal circulation • Tides progress around basins, counterclockwise in S hemisphere and clockwise in N hemisphere

  10. Animation of Tidal Elevations in the Pacific

  11. Inertia + continents cause the tidal motion on the planet to differ markedly from the “motion” of the forces. We can calculate the water motion knowing the forces, but we cannot say that the shape of the water is the same as the “shape” of the forces. For this reason tides must not be visualized as bulges standing under the sun and moon. But rather as very long waves over the sea forced by the gravitational-centrifugal forces associated with the moon-sun-earth system.

  12. Tides in confined basins • Increase tidal range (the difference between high and low tide) • Examples --Bay of Fundy, Canada --Northern Gulf of California, Mexico • Tidal bores - wave of water moving upstream - result of high-tide crest entering confined inlet

  13. Bay of Fundy: map • 2.416

  14. Bay of Fundy tides • Extreme tides (10m or more) found where small marine basin adjoins large ocean • Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia • Gulf of California • (in most places, tides are 1 to a few meters in range)

  15. Shock Waves and Tidal Bores are similar!

  16. Tidal bore: Severn River, England • 2.452

  17. Tidal ecosystems • Rise and fall of tides creates stressful environments for intertidal marine organisms

  18. Tidal ecosystems • Others take refuge in tide pools, where water remains even at low tide

  19. Tsunami • Japanese for harbor (tsu) wave (nami) • Caused by displacements of water • landslides into the sea • submarine earthquakes • submarine volcanoes • asteroid impacts • “Shallow-water” wave: disturbs water all the way to bottom

  20. Tsunami of April 1, 1946 Earthquake triggers tsunami with devastating local and distant effects

  21. The speed of the tsunami wave C = sqrt(g d) C = speed, g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/sec/sec) d = depth (depth of Pacific ~4,600 m) C= sqrt(9.8 * 4,600) Speed = 212 meters per second; 472 mph Alaska to Hawaii in 5 hours!

  22. Before… and after Locally, the tsunami washed away the 5-story lighthouse at Scotch Cap, Alaska

  23. Hilo, Hawaii, 1946: Tsunami crossed the north Pacific to become one of Hawaii’s worst natural disasters

  24. Hilo, Hawaii, 1946

  25. Tsunami breaking over main pier in Hilo, 1946 This man did not survive

  26. 1.5 hours 16.5 hours 8.5 hours 23.5 hours Chile earthquake, 1960numerical simulation of tsunami

  27. Aftermath of local tsunami: Chiloe, Chile, 1960

  28. Distant effects of the Chile earthquake: tidal wave aftermath, Hilo Hawaii

  29. More tsunami damage in Hilo, 1960

  30. Tsunamis: what can be done? • Early warning system for evacuation (if EQ is distant) • Coastal zoning. Get development out of the way. Example: Hilo, Hawaii • Defense. Protective walls. Example: Taro, Japan

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