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Controlling Bacteria

This lab aims to test the effectiveness of three bactericides in inhibiting the growth of bacteria. The procedure involves streaking the bacteria on petri dishes, measuring the zone of inhibition, and analyzing the results.

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Controlling Bacteria

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  1. Controlling Bacteria

  2. Antimicrobial Agents (Bactericide) • Chemical substances that either kill bacteria or inhibit bacterial growth without harming the host

  3. 3 Types of Antimicrobial Agents • Antiseptics - chemicals used to inhibit the growth of or kill bacteria on living tissues • Disinfectants - chemicals used to inhibit the growth of or kill bacteria on nonliving things • Antibiotics - compounds that block the growth and reproduction of bacteria

  4. How Antimicrobial Agents work • Inhibition of cell wall synthesis • Damage cell membranes • Inhibit the synthesis of DNA or RNA • Inhibit protein synthesis • Inhibit enzyme activity

  5. Bacterial Inhibition Lab Level 5 Formal Lab

  6. Lab Objective • To test the effectiveness of 3 bactericides • You pick the bactericides you want to test • You need to bring them to class next Monday (except for the antibiotics), small samples

  7. State the problem • Write the question that you are trying to answer • Hypothesis • If … then … because • Be sure that your “because” is reasonable • Include name of bacteria being used • Which bacteriacide will be most effective?

  8. Bacillus subtilis or E-coli (decide) Petri dish with agar Inoculating loop Bunsen Burner Tweezers Filter paper discs 3 bactericides of your choice (name them) Sharpie marker Parafilm wax Ruler Alcohol Distilled water Incubator Goggles Provided Materials

  9. Procedure • Pay attention to the next couple of slides and to the demonstration • Think about the materials provided • Write a logical procedure • Your procedure will be due and checked prior to starting the experiment

  10. SterileTechniques • Dip loop in alcohol • Heat loop and wire to red-hot. Flame the handle slightly • Allow the loop to cool for 5 seconds. • Remove a loop full of the organism from the plate by gently scraping the loop against the bacterial lawn.

  11. 4. Streak the Plate • Start at edge of the plate (Area A) with a loop full of organism. Spread the organism in one single continuous movement towards the opposite side of the plate. Use light pressure and avoid gouging the agar. • Replace lid • Flame loop and let cool • Obtain another loop full of organism • Start at the opposite edge of plate (Area B) with loop full of organism and spread in continuous movement toward the opposite side of the plate. • Replace lid • Flame loop, let cool, and return

  12. Get This Checked Off To Start Lab by next Monday: • Investigative question • Hypothesis • Materials list (Your group supplies antiseptics and disinfectants) • Procedure (logical)- 3 procedures • sterile technique • Streaking • setting up your petri plate • Variables • Data- diagram of plate before (how is it set up), data table for zone of inhibition, picture of plate after (drawn or with camera)

  13. How to Measure the effectiveness • Measure the Zone of Inhibition • area around a paper disk or colony of bacteria or mold where no other organisms are growing • measurements are made to quantify the relative effectiveness of a compound

  14. Collecting Data Fill in data table: • Find diameter of zone of inhibition • Measure in mm using the ruler • Draw a picture/ or take a picture of your plate, shade in where there is bacteria • Write conclusion (with data #’s as supporting evidence) • Write error analysis • Lab books will be stamped at the beginning of class Monday/Tuesday.

  15. How to Measure the effectiveness • Measure the Zone of Inhibition • area around a paper disk or colony of bacteria or mold where no other organisms are growing • measurements are made to quantify the relative effectiveness of a compound

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