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Overview of Scientific Evaluation Metrics Workshop

Delve into the importance of evaluating scientific output for grant allocations, policy decisions, and benchmarking in academia. Explore citation databases and tools like Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar.

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Overview of Scientific Evaluation Metrics Workshop

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  1. كارگاه آشنايی با شاخص های ارزیابی برونداد علمی

  2. Why do we evaluate scientific output International • Grant Allocations • Policy Decisions • Benchmarking • Promotion • Collection management • Funding allocations • Research National Institutional Faculty SPLIT IN NEEDS SPLIT IN NEEDS Researchers

  3. Adopted from: “Islam and Science: the data gap”, Nature, 2006, 444(7115):26-7

  4. اينفوگراف وضعيت علمي ايران در دنيا براساس مقالات سال 2011

  5. Databases • General Databases(Comprehensive OR Core Databases) • Specialized Databases(Subjects Specified Databases)

  6. General Databases(Comprehensive OR Core Databases) • Medical Sciences • Medline • Embase • All Sciences • Web of Sciences • Scopus

  7. Citation Databases • Web of Science • Scopus • Google Scholar • (http://scholar.google.com)

  8. 3 Types of Citation Data Indexes Articles • Citation Impact Authors • Number of papers (Quantity) • Number of Citations (Quality) • Average number of citations/article • h-index & g-index (Quantity & Quality Both) Journals • Journal Impact Factor • h-index

  9. Other Tools Available • Other bibliometric indicators: • Journal Citation Reports (JCR) • Other indicators databases (national, essential, university, institutional) • ISIHighlyCited.com

  10. Scopus • Positioning itself as an alternative to ISI • More journals from smaller publishers and open access (+18,000 journals; +1000 conf proceedings) • Source data back to 1960. • Excellent for physical and biological sciences; poor for social sciences; does not cover humanities or arts. • Better international coverage (60% of titles are non-US) • Back to 1996 ! (e.g. citation data for the last decade only) • Easy to use in searching for source publications; clumsy in searching cited publications. • Citation tracker works up to 1000 records only.

  11. Google Scholar • Better coverage for all citations as it retrieve web ! • More coverage of references also gray literature ! • Coverage and scope? • Inclusion criteria? • Very limited search options • No separate cited author search • Back to 1990 NOT more ! • Free!

  12. Web of Science(Now Thomson Reuter ISI) • Covers around 10,000 journal titles and 110,000 conference proceedings & alos 200 book series divided between SCI, SSCI and A&HCI. • Over 40 million records! • Electronic back files available to 1900 for SCI and mid- 50s for SSCI and mid-70s for A&HCI. • Very good coverage of sciences; patchy on “softer” sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities. • Full coverage of citations.

  13. WoS and Scopus: Subject Coverage (% of total records) WoS SCOPUS Google Scholar ?

  14. Web of Science • If a journal is in Web of Science, it means it should have Impact Factor & vice versa. • Don’t confuse Web of Sciences Journals with ISI Master list Journals ! • Web of Science indexed about 10,000 Journals while ISI Master List 14,000 Journals.

  15. The Journal Impact Factor • The Journal Impact Factor is calculated for those journals only which are indexed & included in Web of Sciences Databases, NOT more ! • The database which contain the Journal Impact Factors is Journal Citation Report abbreviated JCR.

  16. What is Journal Impact Factor? • The average citation frequency for articles published in a journal, or how many times, on average, during the study year the articles that appeared in the 2 preceding years of that journal received citations in other (ISI) indexed journals only.

  17. Impact Factor Calculation • Citations in the current JCR year to articles published in the previous two years divided by the number of articles published in the previous two years. Citations in 2007 to articles published in 2005 + 2006 IF= Total 2005 + 2006 Papers

  18. Citation Source paper – published in 2007 Cited reference – published in 2006 or 2005 Immediacy Index 2007 2006 2005 All Previous Years Impact Factor Cited ½ Life Cited reference – published in 2007

  19. How to Find Impact Factors? • Directly from Journal Citation Report Database through ISI. • Using the Excel & PDF Datasheets, prepared especially for this matter. • www.hbi.ir • www.sid.ir

  20. 2009 Impact Factors

  21. 2010 Impact Factors

  22. The h-index • شاخص جديدي از شاخص‌هاي علم‌سنجي است. اين شاخص در سال 2005 ميلادي توسط Jorge Hirsch در دانشگاه کاليفرنيا ابداع شد. اين شاخص در واقع با هدف ارزيابي کيفي اثر و ارزيابي کمي برون‌داد پژوهشي محققين ابداع شده است.

  23. The h-index • مفهوم H-Index عبارت است از تعداد مقالات نويسنده که تعداد ارجاعات برابر با h و يا کمتر از آن دارند. مثلا چنان‌چه H-Index محققي 5 باشد، مفهوم آن اين است که اين محقق 5 مقاله منتشر شده دارد که هرکدام حداقل 5 استناد يا Citation دارند. به عبارت ديگر مفهوم آن اين است که ساير مقالات اين محقق کمتر از 5 استناد دارند. • امروزه اين شاخص معادل Impact Factor براي محققين محسوب مي‌شود.

  24. H-index was born ! • We need an Index both to include quantity & also quality of an authors' paper • Productivity • Impact • Not affected by “big hits” • Not affected by “noise”

  25. The H-index: a definition • ‘The H-index is the highest number of papers a scientist has that have at least that number of citations.’ Nature (2005)

  26. H-index Concept through its Graph

  27. The h - Graph

  28. How to calculate the h-index? • You can calculate the h-index through the following citation databases: • Web of Science • Scopus • Google Scholar • (http://scholar.google.com)

  29. h-index Calculation through Google Scholar • To calculate h-index thriough Google Scholar, you shodul use the 3rd parties services. • Some softwares has been developed for this matter, like: Publish or Perish

  30. Thehighesth-index in the World & Iran • بزرگترين شاخص h در دنيا مربوط به حوزه علوم زيستی برابر با 197 و بزرگترين شاخص h محققان ايران جناب آقای دکتر شمسی پور استاد شيمی دانشگاه رازی کرمانشاه با عدد hبرابر 47 می‌باشد.* * مربوط است به سال 1390

  31. My h-index is bigger than yours! But more people know who I am! Stephen Hawking Physicist h=62 Edward Witten Physicist h=132

  32. سامانه‌های پروفايل پژوهشگرانAuthors Profiles System

  33. Authors Profiles Services • Through these services, you can set your own academic CV’s & profiles & make them visible in the web for all. • Scopus Authors ID • ResearcherID • ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) • Google Citation Service

  34. ResearcherID http://www.researcherid.com

  35. Google Scholar Citation Service http://scholar.google.com/citations

  36. http://scholar.google.com/citations

  37. http://scholar.google.com/citations

  38. http://scholar.google.com/citations

  39. http://scholar.google.com/citations

  40. Researchgate

  41. Mendeley

  42. Biomedexperts

  43. Academia

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