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IPUMS-International and Integrated European Census Microdata Projects Reduce Risks of Managing Trans-border Access and Add Significant Value* * *Robert McCaa and Albert Esteve PalosMinnesota Population Center and Centre d’EstudisDemografics--Barcelonawww.ipums.org/internationalwww.iecm-project.org
“Dissemination [means] opening up the value inherent in our data.”-- Walter Radermacher and Pieter EveraersSeminar on Emerging Trends in Data Communication and Statistics, UNSC, New York, Feb. 19, 2010*
Trans-Border access is essential in 21st Century.Many researchers (e.g., demographers, members of IUSSP) reside outside their country of birth • New Zealanders 60% reside outside country of birth • Dutch 40% • Germans 38% • Danes 34% • Chinese 30% • Belgians 31% • British 25% • Australians 22% • Canadians, Finns, French, Japanese, Swiss, etc. ~20% Limiting access to in-country is old-fashioned, inefficient, costly, & unfair.Encourages violations, brain drain.
IPUMS-International darkgreen = anonymized, harmonized and disseminating(69 countries, 212 censuses, 480 millonperson records)medium green = to be integrated (29 countries, 75 censuses, ~100 mpr) IPUMS-International: 2012 (weighted by population size) 2012 launch:El Salvador (2)Indonesia (9)Mexico (2010)Morocco (3)Nicaragua (3)Turkey (3)Uruguay (5) Work began in 1999. By 2020 we hope to integrate census microdata of 100 countries, including 2010 round censuses. Mollweide projection
IPUMS-International darkgreen = anonymized, harmonized and disseminating(17 countries, 56 censuses, 93 millonperson records)medium green = to be integrated (2 countries, 6 censuses, ~5 mpr) IECM/ IPUMS-Europe: 2012 (weighted by population size) Countries not yetparticipating areinvited to consider doing so: Albania, Belgium, Bosnia-H, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova R., Norway, Russia, Serbia, Slovak R., Sweden, etc. Mollweide projection
Outline: IPUMS-International & IECMReduce Risks of Managing Trans-border Access and Add Significant Value • NSOs that disseminate microdata by “going it alone” incur significant risks, substantial costs, & much user dissatisfaction • IPUMS & IECM offer a “one-stop” comprehensive solution to managing access to census microdata • Statistical Confidentiality and Security • Integration • Manage trans-border access • Conclusion: Invitation to cooperate, entrust 2010 round census microdata as soon as feasible.
I. One-stop, comprehensive solution to disseminating census microdata & metadata…of Europe and the world Organize Uniform agreement with each NSO Administer We manage approval/denial of user access Anonymize We are responsible for data anonymization Integrate We do the work Metadata Official language and integrated in English Microdata Integrated globally & optimized for Europe Disseminate Extracts, custom-tailored to each request Share We share: results, comprehensive electronic bibliography No longer enough to prepare a CD or post a dataset on a web-site
II. Statistical Confidentiality and Security • Microdata security and confidentiality protections • Employees face fines, job loss, and possible imprisonment for violations • Security: “best practice” – Dennis Trewin, ex Aus. Stat. • Statistical disclosure control protections: • Suppression of records using sub-sampling, names, low-level geography, unique variates, • Paired swapping of geographical identifiers of households to create uncertainty • Top/bottom coding, global recodes, deletion of digits, etc. • Managing restricted access to microdata (next slide)
II. Statistical Confidentiality and Security (cont’d.) • Microdata security and confidentiality protections • Statistical disclosure control protections: • Managing restricted access to microdata • Detailed registration form to establish bona-fides • 4/5ths of viewers do not complete the form! --automatic denial • Conditions of use bind researcher & institution; violations penalize every researcher at institution • Custom-tailored extracts encourage researchers to jealously guard their downloads. • More than 5,000 researchers approved for access
III. Integration: Metadata & Microdata • Comprehensive source metadata in official language(s) • Questionnaires, instructions, manuals, etc. • Integrated, DDI compatible metadata: definitions, concepts, variable names, value labels, codes--all link back to sources • Descriptions of censuses and samples, • Variables defined, comparability discussions, • Example: educational attainment (next slide) • Integrated, pooled microdata: multiple censuses in a single file • Integrated boundary files (GIS) linked to microdata • IPUMS value added variables
III. Integration: Metadata & Microdata (cont’d.) • Comprehensive source metadata in official language(s) • Integrated, DDI compatible metadata: definitions, concepts, variable names, value labels, codes--all link back to sources • Integrated, pooled microdata: many censuses in single file • Integrated boundary files (GIS) linked to microdata • IPUMS value added variables: • Technical variables: weights, identifiers • Family, household info: summary indicators • Person variables: Locations of mother, father, spouse and rules for linking (momloc, poploc, sploc)
IV. Managing Trans-border Access • Trans-border access: uniform experience for access to all countries, regardless of nationality • Custom-tailored extracts: user selects country(ies), censuses, variables, sub-populations • Extract engine fulfills request, generates custom-tailored microdata and metadata • 3 unique IPUMS extract tools: • Select cases • Attach characteristics • Customize sample size • Usage: 8,048 extracts in 2011; 40,142 samples. See next page.
IPUMS-International Google Analytics: 2011 Trans-Border Access: 169 countries/territories 3,033 cities, 45,000 page views. Up 4X from 2010 Disclosure Controls for Trans-Border access to Census Microdata via a Single License, Access Point: The IPUMS-IECM partnership* * *Robert McCaa and Albert Esteve PalosMinnesota Population Center and Centre d’EstudisDemografics--Barcelonawww.ipums.org/international“You have to do due diligence, something to assure yourself that the people you’re giving your data to can be trusted.” --http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/09/us/09breach.html?hp
IECM value-added (in beta test): Password protected, trans-border on-line tabulator
Reflections • Substantial returns to NSOs; no cost: economies of scale, low risk. • 96 NSOs are participating • If yours is not, let’s discuss how to resolve the obstacles: • Amend legislation, • Revise regulations, • Advocate statistical transparency, etc. • Entrust 2011 census microdata, as soon as feasible • Provide boundary files at low-level geography for each census possible
IPUMS at the 59th ISI (Hong Kong, Aug 24-30, 2013) http://www.isi2013.hk/ • IPUMS Workshop • Microdata session • IPUMS Funding for delegatesfromdevelopingcountries • IPUMS booth
Thank youIf your NSO is not participating yet, please contact: rmccaa@umn.eduWhen processing of your 2011 census microdata is completed, please contact: rmccaa@umn.edu