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INDOT Contractor Prequalification

Access vital information on Indiana Department of Transportation contractor prequalification process, requirements, and application details.

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INDOT Contractor Prequalification

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  1. INDOT Contractor Prequalification

  2. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Locating Our Website • Go to www.in.gov/indot • On the left, click on Doing Business with INDOT • Click on Contractors/Construction • Click on Contractors Prequalification • Direct link to the Contractors Prequalification webpage is at http://www.in.gov/indot/2740.htm

  3. INDOT Contractor Prequalification

  4. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification Information • A few links of importance from the webpage: • Rules for Prequalification of Contractors and Bidding (105 Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) 11) • General Information on Prequalification and Bidding • Prequalification Work Type Codes, which includes major work types and several specialty (4 digit) work types (These codes are not the same as the DBE and NAICS codes.) • List of Prequalified Contractors • Contractors Statement of Experience and Financial Condition (CR-1) (This is the application.)

  5. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification Information • To work as a prime contractor on INDOT projects or LPA projects let through INDOT, your company must be prequalified with INDOT. (Indiana Code 8-23-10-1; 105 IAC 11-2-1(a))

  6. Subcontractors can enter into subcontracts up to $300,000 without being prequalified with INDOT; however, the subcontractor is limited to a total of $300,000 in unearned work under contract on any given date with any owner, contractor, or other party. (Indiana Code 8-23-10-4; 105 IAC 11-2-10) 105 IAC 11-2-10(a) refers to a $100,000 contract limit; however, it was superseded by Indiana Code 8-23-10-4, which increased the limit to $300,000. The subcontractor contract and unearned work limits in 105 IAC 11-2-10 do not apply to subcontractors providing professional services or hauling material or supplies to or from a job site. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Subcontractor Information

  7. INDOT may request disclosure of a subcontractor's board of directors, shareholders, officers, and principals prior to subcontract approval. Failure to disclose such information may result in denial of subcontract approval. All subcontracts must be approved by INDOT prior to work being performed by the subcontractor. Non-prequalified subcontractors need to provide a W-9 showing the company’s name, tax ID, and address to the Prequalification Section to be added to our database, before they can be approved to work on INDOT contracts. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Subcontractor Information- continued

  8. Unearned work is the amount of work contracted but not performed, and includes the value of items purchased and delivered, but not installed. (105 IAC 11-1-33) Unearned work includes work under contract with any owner, contractor, or other party. (105 IAC 11-2-10(g) and 105 IAC 11-3-4(a) ) All contractors and subcontractors should keep track of their overall unearned work and unearned work by work type. Contractors list their unearned work when they submit a bid on a contract. INDOT may ask contractors to fill out Form CR-3, Current Contractual Obligations, to show unearned work. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Unearned Work

  9. Contractors that want to bid on projects let through INDOT and subcontractors that have more than $300,000 of unearned work will have to become prequalified with INDOT. We only accept hard copies of the application with original signatures. The following slides address some main points regarding the prequalification application and process. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification Application

  10. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification ApplicationReferences • We check references on new contractors. We send evaluation forms to the reference contacts listed on page 19 in the application. We will not prequalify a contractor until we have received three positive references back. • Please include contact information on page 19, including the agency or company name, the full address, the contact person’s name, and their phone number.

  11. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification ApplicationReferences • The contact person’s evaluation ratings and comments will be kept confidential. We do not share the information with anyone, including the contractor applying for prequalification. (105 IAC 11-2-1(h))

  12. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification ApplicationFinancial Statements • There are three types of financial statements that can be submitted. • A compiled or self-certified statement is considered unaudited and the prequalification capacity is limited to $200,000.* • With a reviewed financial statement the capacity is limited to $1,000,000. • With an audited financial statement the capacity is only limited to the amount determined by the equations in our Rules. • *A prequalified contractor with a bidding capacity limited to $200,000 can still work as a subcontractor up to $300,000 of unearned work.

  13. An audited or reviewed financial statement has to be certified by a Certified Public Accountant (registered in any state) or a Public Accountant (registered in Indiana). (Indiana Code 8-23-10-3; 105 IAC 11-2-2) The accountant must sign the Certificate of Review or Certificate of Audit and include his/her license number on pp. 5 or 6 of the application, respectively. The Accountant’s Questionnaire on p. 4 of the application must be filled out for reviewed and audited statements. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification ApplicationFinancial Statements

  14. Your company’s financial condition is based on its current, fixed, and equipment assets and liabilities. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification ApplicationFinancial Condition • The prequalification capacity equation is the sum of the following: • 10 times net current assets • 8 times net equipment assets, but limited to 1.5 times (1) • 2 times net fixed assets, but limited to 25% of (1) and (2) • 105 IAC 11-2-3(c)

  15. We apply an experience reduction factor before setting the final aggregate bidding capacity. For new applicants we use a 30% reduction. We do not go below a 10% reduction unless the contractor has worked for INDOT for at least ten years. (105 IAC 11-2-3(k) & (m)) INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification ApplicationFinancial Condition

  16. We will not prequalify a company if their net current assets are negative. (105 IAC 11-2-1(e)) INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification ApplicationFinancial Condition

  17. Include an aged receivable report. You can attach it to the application. Include notes payable, including terms and due dates. Include an equipment list detailed with book value or depreciation. You can attach it to the application. (105 IAC 11-2-3(i)) INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification ApplicationFinancial Information

  18. Fill out all of page 22 and have it notarized. We only accept applications with original signatures. Corporations need to submit their latest Minutes of Corporation with the application. We will not accept minutes more than three years old. (105 IAC 11-2-2(l)) INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Prequalification Application Information for Corporations

  19. INDOT evaluates the contractor’s performance on every contract. INDOT also evaluates all subcontractors that do at least $10,000 of work on a contract. The evaluation form is called the CR-2. The CR-2’s are sent to the Prequalification Section and placed in the contractor’s file. If there are performance issues with a contractor, we may ask them to come before the Prequalification Committee. INDOT Contractor Prequalification Contractor Performance

  20. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact : Greg Christoff, Contractor Prequalification Auditor at gchristoff@indot.in.gov or (317) 232-5096 Fred Bartlett, Contractor Prequalification Analyst at fbartlett@indot.in.gov or (317) 232-8364 Karen Macdonald, Prequalification Engineer at kmacdonald@indot.in.gov or (317) 232-5094 Mark Tidd, Prequalification Director at mtidd1@indot.in.gov or (317) 232-5411 INDOT Contractor Prequalification

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