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Here is Fall Winter 2-19 Bluebird Tour Schedule for the Seniors Over 55 in the Prince William Area. For More details please visit https://dctrails.com/tours/blubird-senior-tours/ or call us at 1 (703)360 2800
TRIPS FOR THE “OVER 55” -Prince William Area FOR RESERVATIONS & INFORMATION: FOR RESERVATIONS & INFORMATION: bluebirds@QualityTour.com bluebirds@QualityTour.com P.O. BOX 1520, Lorton, VA 22199 P.O. BOX 1520, Lorton, VA 22199
through Our Travel Guard Chartism Our Travel Guard Chartism and is available for everyone. Rates are based on the cost of the tour Rates are based on the cost of the tour and your age. and your age. The insurance provides trip cancellation coverage, trip interruption coverage, baggage up to $500, emergency accident/sickness medical expenses up to $2,500, and emergency evacuation repatriation of remains up to $25,000. The insurance must be paid The insurance must be paid for with your first deposit or payment on the trip for with your first deposit or payment on the trip. . The cost will be provided on request. Seating Policy for One Day Trips Passengers boarding in Manassas sit on the Driver’s side of the bus. Passengers boarding in Woodbridge sit on the Door side of the bus. Departure Points Plan to arrive at least 15 minute 15 minutes before trip departure time. One Day Tours Manassas Manassas Walmart Walmart at at the WaWa the WaWa located at 9401 Liberia Avenue. We load in the parking lot on your right close to Wawa. No parking overnight. Woodbridge Woodbridge at Featherstone Shopping Center at Featherstone Shopping Center located at 14527 Jefferson Davis Highway. We load in the rear of McDonald’s. No parking overnight. Overnight Tours Manassas Manassas at the public parking lot next door to the Manassas Sr. Center located at 9320 Mosby Street, Manassas, VA 20110. Woodbridge Woodbridge at the A. J. Ferlazzo Building located at 15941 Donald Curtis Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22191. For this pickup point you will receive a parking permit in with your baggage tags and itinerary . Return Times The bus driver and/or escort will make the decision as to which location will be dropped off first. The decision will be based on the factors that affect driving. Note: All return times are approximate. The driver All return times are approximate. The driver will provide a more exact time on the return day of the will provide a more exact time on the return day of the trip. trip. Alcohol No consumption of alcohol No consumption of alcohol is permitted on the bus. All tours take place on a Quality Tour Transport All tours take place on a Quality Tour Transport motor coach. motor coach. BLUEBIRD POLICY INFORMATION The current Bluebird policy Bluebird policy manual is on line at www.pwcgov.org/bluebird. It is your responsibility to make yourself aware of important information make yourself aware of important information concerning your Bluebird experience concerning your Bluebird experience. Payment Policy Payments for trips are are due within two weeks of making due within two weeks of making the reservation. the reservation. Check, exact cash, money order or credit card is accepted. If you do not make your payment within those two weeks your name can be dropped from the reservation list without notice. Receipts for payments can be emailed. When making your payment, request a receipt by providing an active email address. If you don’t have email, request a confirmation be mailed. Refunds and Cancellations If you need to cancel your reservation, please call Quality Tour Transportation and speak with one of the agents handling the Bluebird Tour program. All cancellations are subject to an administrative fee of $5.00 for day trips and $10.00 for overnight trips. A A refund will only be given if there is someone on the refund will only be given if there is someone on the “standby list “standby list” to take your space ” to take your space Trip cancellation insurance is available only for the overnight tours and it is highly suggested. Schedule and Trip Information Schedules for the Bluebird trips can be printed from the web page: www.pwcgov.org/bluebird. If you want to receive Bluebird trip updates via e-mail, please send a request to BB4information@aol.com and you will be added to the address book maintained by the Advisory Board. You may also contact Quality Tours at dcreek@dctrails.com for addition. Call 703-792- 7433 (RIDE) to check if a current trip is operating as scheduled. Guidelines for Tipping The suggested gratuity for a driver is $2-$3 per day. The gratuity for sightseeing guides is included in cost of tour. A docent is usually not tipped for their service. If a meal is included in a tour, all taxes and gratuities have already been included in the tour cost (excluding alcoholic beverages). Tour Escorts do not expect tips but do appreciate them. Trip Insurance TRIP CANCELLATION TRIP CANCELLATION AVAILABLE AVAILABLE ONLY ON OVERNIGHT TOURS ONLY ON OVERNIGHT TOURS AND AND IS NOT IS NOT INCLUDED INCLUDED in the price of the overnight trips. However, insurance is available It is your responsibility to is permitted on the bus. INSURANCE INSURANCE IS IS
BLUEBIRD TRAVEL ADVISORY COMMITTEE RESERVATIONS Reservations commence on the date listed under each tour destination in this schedule. On that date, reservations are accepted by telephone only at (703) 339-0333 beginning at 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. On reservation day, reservations can be made for up to four persons per phone call. One-day tours must have a minimum of twenty persons to run and an overnight tour must have a minimum of thirty persons to run. CHAIRPERSON Gerry Nowinski – 703-494-5489 VICE CHAIRPERSON Chester H. Smith – 703-368-9552 Joyce Andrew – 703-392-9745 Bill Barnhart – 703-791-2197 Diane Fulton – 703-590-3512 Jill Gentry – 703-335-1529 Fran Harrod – 703-791-6381 Wanda Pulliam – 703-670-3731 Carol Scarton – 703-361-3181 Robert Skipper – 703-530-7758 Nan Wehmeyer – 703-670-0319 At the time of reservation any special accommodations, including but not limited to seating and dietary restrictions, should be mentioned. Three (3) days after the initial reservation date, remaining space will be opened to residents over 18 years of age as well as groups from Prince William County and neighboring counties. Installment payments may be arranged for any tour with the reservationist at time of booking. AREA AGENCY ON AGING STAFF Joshua Lee – 703-792-6406 QUALITY TOUR BLUEBIRD MANAGER Dee Creek – 703-339-0333 Find Us on the Web: www.pwcgov.org/bluebird or also at www.qualitytour.com or www.dctrails.com Checks are to be made payable to Quality Tour Transport, Inc. and mailed to: Quality Tour Transport, Inc. P.O. Box 1520 Lorton, VA 22199 BLUEBIRD QUARTERLY MEETING Friday, Friday, November November 1, 2019 1, 2019, 10:00 a.m. Board Chambers of the McCoart Building. Board Chambers of the McCoart Building. , 10:00 a.m. in in the the We ask that you issue a check for each tour booked and indicate the date of the tour on each check. If you pay by cash, you must present the exact amount. Payment can also be made by credit card. Trip money will be accepted as soon as the reservation has been confirmed. Please refer to the Bluebird Tour Program Policy Manual for full details of the policies governing the Bluebird Program. BLUEBIRD SOCIAL Sept. 9, 2019 at the Manassas Golden Corral at 12:00 p.m. ($11.25 pp inc drink, gratuity not incl) A COURTESY BUS will be PROVIDED DEPARTING Woodbridge at 11:15 a.m. on Monday Sept. 9, 2019. Call Quality Tours for reservations. BLUEBIRD NAME TAGS ARE AVAILABLE AT A COST OF $9. CONTACT CHESTER SMITH AT 703-368-9552 NOTE: The trip escort is permitted to make changes as necessary to trip itineraries while on the road
follows two intercultural love stories: Nellie, a spunky Arkansas nurse who falls in love with French plantation owner Emile, and Lieutenant Cable who falls for a beautiful island native. Both Americans find themselves struggling to reconcile cultural prejudices with their amorous feelings, all the while under the dark cloud of a war coming ever closer to their island paradise. Enjoy lyrical favorites “Some Enchanted Evening,” “Younger Than Springtime,” “There is Nothing Like a Dame,” and many more. We will depart Manassas at 10:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 10:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 5:00 p.m . Friday, September 13 SOTTERLEY PLANTATION Hollywood, MD Cost: $99 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Today we are headed to southern Maryland to visit Sotterley Plantation, the only Tidewater plantation in Maryland open to the public. With our docent guides, we are able to tour the early 18th-century m ansion. The property also includes, an original slave cabin, a custom s warehouse, a sm okehouse, a necessary and a corn crib, as well as a form al Colonial Revival garden. The property com prises 95 acres of rolling fields, gardens, and riverfront. We are actually scheduling two tours that will give you additional insight into this historical gem . First and forem ost is a tour of the plantation hom e itself and learn how this hom e survived three wars to stand today as a rem inder of our history. The second event on our schedule is about the women of Sotterley. You will encounter a personal narrative of residents throughout the estates storied past. Whether it is the m istress of the house, the farm m anager’s wife, the heiress or the enslaved servants, the wom en of Sotterley were fascinating people who lived extraordinary lives. Lunch is at Fitzie’s Marina Restaurant in Leonardtown, MD, overlooking the Patuxant River. With reservation provide your choice of New York strip steak, 8 oz. steamed or fried shrimp, fried or broiled scallops or broiled salmon. We will depart Manassas at 7:45 a.m . and Woodbridge at 8:30 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 3:45 p.m . Tuesday, September 17 SAIL THE CHESAPEAKE BAY ABOARD THE SCHOONER WOODWIND Annapolis, MD Cost: $110 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Check aboard the 74-foot Schooner Woodwind. Custom designed and built specifically for sailing on the Chesapeake Bay, Woodwind is a replica of the classic, fast wooden schooners that were built as “yachts” in the early 1900’s. Her handsom e m ahogany bright work, gleam ing chrom e and room y cockpit distinguish her from cargo carrying work vessels. Each trip is unique. The captain and crew m ake your trip m ost enjoyable and m em orable. Help hoist the sails (all 4 of them ) or take a turn at the wheel. All cruises will see: United States Naval Academ y, Annapolis Harbor, Chesapeake Bay, Scenic views of Annapolis skyline, Severn SEPTEMBER Monday, September 2 The National’s vs. NY METS Washington, DC Cost: $78 pp Grandchildren Welcomed Reservations Open: Immediately We have great seats out of the direct sunlight in Section 108- 109. You will also be in the area with easy access to the restroom s and the food vendors. The gam e starts at 1:05 p.m . Be there to encourage our hom e team for the season that perhaps will take them to a national cham pionship. We will depart Manassas at 10:45 a.m . and Woodbridge at 11:30 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 5:45 p.m . There is no food included. Wednesday, September 4 THE KENNEDY CENTER PRESENTS: ALADDIN Washington, DC Grandchildren Welcomed Cost: $125 pp Reservations Open: Immediately One of Broadway’s finest family shows, don’t m iss the spectacle that is Aladdin on tour! Based on the beloved m ovie, we follow our plucky hero as he tries to win the heart of Princess Jasm ine and keep his m agic lam p (Genie included) from the clutches of the evil Jafar! Featuring all the songs from the m ovie including, ‘A Whole New World’ and ‘A Friend Like Me’. Aladdin is a charm ing street urchin in Agrabah, who, when ‘exploring’ the m ysterious Cave of Wonders, uncovers an ancient lam p that proves to be more than just a lighting solution. He unwittingly frees the lam p’s resident wacky Genie, who grants him three wishes. Transform ed from pauper to Prince, Aladdin catches the eye of beautiful but bored Princess Jasmine, who longs for som e adventure of her own! But it’s not all a sm ooth m agic carpet ride, because Aladdin isn’t the only one that knows of the lam p’s power. Enter the nefarious Jafar and his minions, who have plans for three wishes of their own and it’s up to Aladdin to defeat him to keep the Kingdom from his clutches. We will depart Manassas at 11:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 12:00 noon. Return tim e is approxim ately 5:45 p.m . No food stop is included. Wednesday, September 11 SOUTH PACIFIC Riverside Dinner Theatre Fredericksburg, VA Cost: $94 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Set on an idyllic South Pacific island against the dramatic background of WWII, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classic musical intertwines romance, duty, and prejudice to create a thought-provoking story both hilarious and heartbreaking. Based on anecdotes of a real-life Navy commander, the story
the backbone of Verm ont with spectacular m ountain vistas around every corner”! A Foliage feast for the eyes! Dinner on your own Day #3 – Expanded hot Continental breakfast. New Hampshire Food and Foliage Day – In the Eastern Presidential Range. Fadden’s General Store & Maple House w/ Pancakes – Visit historic Faddens, boasting syrup worthy of being nam ed New Ham pshire’s best a whopping five tim es, as well as being once nam ed the best in North Am erica! The adjacent 18th-century general store is a fifth-generation treasure, com plete with squeaky floors, and original counters and display cases stocked with m aple products, specialty foods, and New Ham pshire-m ade item s and souvenirs. Taste the pancakes with the award winning syrup. Franconia Notch – Drive through one of New Ham pshire’s m ost scenic passages where sheer rock walls reach up to the sky. Hom e of the site of the state’s sym bol, the ill-fated “Old Man on the Mountain.“ Sugar Hill Outlook – With the hillsides ablaze with color, stop for a breathtaking photo-op. The Rocks Estate with Moose & Bear Program – Perched on pristine m ountainous terrain, this m ulti-functional estate encom passes a huge Christm as tree farm , m aple sugar house and production, gift shop and m ore. Travel through scenic m ountain passages to “The Rocks.” Learn about the interesting lives of the m oose and bears of New Ham pshire. Taste of New Hampshire – Mountain Train Ride – Fall doesn’t get any better!!! Munch on sam ples of New Ham pshire m ade and grown products as you ride the rails through the m ajestic White Mountains of New Ham pshire, through passes and notches with grand m ountain vistas, and am azing foliage. Following the winding “Pem i” River you’ll cross over two span trestle. Stop at a Farm Stand adorned with life-size Scarecrows m ade by local fam ous artisans. Pick up your favorite New Ham pshire goodies. Dinner on own. Arrive at the Fairfield Inn & Suites, Plymouth, NH, for two-night stay. Day # 4– Expanded hot Continental breakfast. A Double Summit Day – In the Western Presidential Range. Loon Mountain Skyride and Summit Adventure – Soar to Loon’s Sum m it on New Hampshire’s Longest Scenic Skyride! Board the four-passenger gondola skyride and enjoy extraordinary scenery, while being carried to the 3,050-foot sum m it of Loon Mountain, in the heart of the New Ham pshire’s White Mountains. Kancamagus Highway – Travel New Ham pshire’s m ost scenic roadway, filled with breath-taking, m ountain vistas. Tim e for photo-ops. Capture great foliage shots!!! North Conway Village – Ready your cam eras for a stop in one of New Ham pshire’s m ost charm ing villages. Take in the Austrian-style train station, crisp, white church steeples and colonial era shops. Check out the yum m y local food products, Main Street cafés, hand- m ade crafts and antiques at Zeb’s fam ous New England Country Store. Tim e for lunch on own. Mount Washington Mountaintop Tour – Enjoy this one-of- a-kind experience to the very top of New England’s tallest peak at 6,228 feet! Your “Stage Driver” will enlighten you from base to sum m it with anecdotes, legends, history and insight into the ecological wonder of Mount Washington not to m ention the incredible vistas en route. Photo-ops abound River. Depending on the wind direction and speed, we may also see: Chesapeake Bay Bridge (we m ay even go underneath), Thom as Point Lighthouse, Kent Island, ospreys and other local birds and waterm en checking their catch. Following our sailing, we will enjoy a buffet lunch at the Seafood Palace Buffet. We will depart Manassas at 7:45 a.m . and Woodbridge at 8:30 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 3:45 p.m . **REVISED** Sunday, September 22 LONGWOOD GARDENS WITH SCENIC RAIL RIDE THRU THE RED CLAY VALLEY Wilmington, Delaware Cost: $122 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Surround yourself with the beauty and splendor of autum n during the m ost colorful tim e of the year. We will journey on a 1-1/2 hour roundtrip steam -engine excursion as it m eanders along the bucolic Red Clay Creek as we enjoy a delicious box lunch. Bring your cam era and behold the best that the Red Clay Valley has to offer. Following our train excursion, we will proceed to Longwood Gardens to enjoy the fall season and the first day of their Chrysanthem um Festival. We will depart Manassas at 8:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 9:00 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 8:45 p.m . Monday-Saturday, September 23-28 BEST DARN FALL FOLIAGE EVER Vermont & New Hampshire Cost: $1213 Single & $903 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately Tour includes 5 expanded continental breakfasts, 1 luncheon lake cruise, two dinners and all adm issions. We will depart Manassas at 6:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 7:00 a.m . Return tim e to the area is approxim ately 9:00 p.m . Note: An initial deposit of $150 is due with reservation. The Itinerary Day #1 – Arrive at the Comfort Inn Trolley Square, Rutland, VT for a two night stay. Dinner is included. Day #2 – Expanded hot Continental Breakfast. Morgan Horse Farm – Visit this working horse farm and learn of the history of the Morgan Horse. Watch the introductory video about the farm followed by a guided tour of this historic site including the barn, horse training arenas and visit the colts. Visit the gift shop. Champagne on Champlain Lunch Cruise – Discovery Verm ont’s Great Lake! Board the Ethan Allen for a gentle scenic cruise on Lake Champlain. The rich hues of fall surround you with great views of the m ajestic Adirondack Mountains of New York and the Green Mountains of Verm ont. Enjoy a com plete Hot and Cold Luncheon Buffet as you sip on your cham pagne and take in the stunning scenery. Ben and Jerry’s – Visit the Ice Cream facility, fam ous for Verm ont’s Finest… Tour & Taste! Scenic Route 100 – One of Am erica’s m ost scenic routes as voted by Am erican Travel Magazine…”A road cutting through
at the sum m it, surrounded by the 750,000-acre White Mountain National Forest, where views on a clear day m ay extend as far as Verm ont, New York, Massachusetts, Maine, Quebec, and at tim es even the Atlantic Ocean! Check out the Mount Washington Observatory offering the interactive “Extrem e Mt. Washington Museum .” New England Inn Dinner – Tuck into a hearty New England fare in the warm atm osphere of the historic Woodstock Inn. Day #5 – Expanded hot Continental breakfast. Golden Pond Cruise – On beautiful Squam Lake where the fam ous film was m ade. Cruise past Purgatory Cove, Thayer Cottage, Church Island and a few loons. Hear about the history of the shores and the wildlife. Cruise departs from Squam Lake Nature Center. Enjoy the exhibits and visit the gift store. Mill Falls Marketplace – Tim e for lunch on own. This quaint m arket place is filled with shop, unique boutiques and eateries. Located on the shore of beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee. Castle in the Clouds – Begin with an overview presentation and learn about the history of this m agnificent m ansion. Tour through the picturesque Estate perched high above New Ham pshire’s largest lake with a back drop of the White Mountains. Stunning in any season! Bright fall hues abound at this elevated vista. Dinner is en route to hotel at the Cracker Barrel in Tewksbury, MA. Escort will provide $18 gift card. Please leave tip on table. Arrive at the Holiday Inn Express, Lawrence, MA. Day #6 – Expanded hot Continental breakfast. Depart for hom e. We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips, so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! OCTOBER TUESDAY-THURSDAY - October 1-3 RAIL & SAIL Mystery Tour Cost: $655 Single $525 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately This is a fall foliage tour at its peak. Our tour includes lodging for two nights, two breakfasts, three lunches and two dinners; and a whole lot m ore! We will depart Manassas at 6:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 7:00 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 9:15 p.m . Note: Tour limited to 23 rooms on a first come first serve basis. Saturday, October 5 VIRGINIA STATE FAIR At the Meadow Doswell, VA Cost: $87 pp Reservations Open: Immediately The very first Virginia State Fair was held in 1855. The fair was held to prom ote agriculture and farm ing but like m ost state fairs it transform ed in to a m ore public friendly event along the way, and farm ing and agriculture becam e just one of m any attractions that the fair hosts to entertain and fascinate the public. That is not to say, however, that farm ing and agriculture have been forgotten. Anim als m ake up a big part of the fair, and can be found com peting in races and blue ribbon events, entertaining both children and adults at the petting zoo, and perform ing in rodeos. Com e see Virgnia’s finest anim als and agriculture, exhibits and shows, toe-tappin’ m usic fine arts and crafts. You form er country boys will enjoy the blue ribbon com petitions and m ore! We will depart Manassas at 8:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 9:00 a.m . Return tim e to the area is 5:15 p.m . Note: No food or rest stop on this trip. Monday, October 7 TANGIER ISLAND Reedville, VA Cost: $124 pp Reservations Open: Immediately In the sum m er of 1608 John Sm ith started out on an exploration trip of the Chesapeake Bay. He cam e across a group of islands in the middle of the bay. He nam ed them the "Russell Isles," for a Doctor Russell who was on board ship with him . One of those islands is today known as Tangier Island. The m en of Tangier Island took on life on the Chesapeake Bay, fishing and crabbing for the Blue Crab. The tour includes the luncheon spread put out at Hilda Crockett’s Chesapeake House Restaurant served fam ily- style. We also hope you enjoy the taxi buggy tour of the island that is included. We will depart from the western shores of the Chesapeake Bay at Reedville, VA, aboard the Chesapeake Breeze for a delightful crossing to and from Tangier Island. We will depart Manassas at 5:45 a.m . and Woodbridge at 6:30 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 8:30 p.m . Note: Golf Cart tours of the Island are available departing Crocketts for $5 per person. Wednesday, October 9 ANNIE Starring Sally Struthers in her role as Miss Hannigan Riverside Dinner Theatre Fredericksburg, VA Cost: $94 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Unlike m ost of the other children at Miss Hannigan’s orphanage, little orphan Annie believes that her parents are still alive and will one day return to claim her. So, when billionaire Oliver Warbucks offers to adopt her, she asks him to help find her real m om and dad instead. Warbucks agrees, and his whopping reward for Annie’s parents attracts the attention of con artists Rooster, Lily and the wicked Miss Hannigan, who hatch a plot to kidnap Annie and take the reward. But don’t fret: This classic fam ily m usical has a happy ending for Annie, Daddy Warbucks and the whole gang. We will depart Manassas at 10:00 a.m . and
Woodbridge at 10:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 5:00 p.m . Wednesday, October 16 The Potomac Eagle Romney, WV Cost: $125 pp Reservations Open: August 23 The historic Potomac Eagle Scenic Railroad is one of Am erica’s m ost beautiful train rides. For three hours enjoy a narrated excursion through a tranquil and pristine m ountain valley. View historic farm s and lush m ountain greenery. Around every curve you are rewarded with the splendor of native wildflowers, evergreens, and m ixed hardwoods in an unspoiled countryside environm ent. Experience “The Trough,” which is a spectacular narrow m ountain valley. Below you runs the South Branch of the Potom ac River, where the water is so clear that you can see fish as they lie resting in the shade. Above you the high m ountain walls and thick forest help keep a secret few have discovered, This is a three hour ride com plete with an included hot turkey lunch served aboard the train. We will depart Woodbridge at 8:45 a.m . and Manassas at 9:30 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 7:30 p.m . There will beno rest stop going or returning. Restroom s are available at the train depot and aboard the train. Friday October 18-Moday October 28 TEXAS! AT IT’S BEST!! Cost: $2178 Single & $1519 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately If you’ve wanted to visit or revisit one of our m ost fascinating states in the U.S. then this trip is for you! Let’s do Texas, highlights DALLAS, FORT WORTH, SAN ANTONIO & HOUSTON -- from the Riverwalk in San Antonio to the JFK assassination site and so m uch more from start to finish. We will depart Woodbridge at 6:15 AM and Manassas at 7:00 AM. Pack a sm all overnight bag for the first 2 nights. Our return tim e is approxim ately 5:00 PM. A deposit of $200 is due with reservation. The Itinerary The first two and the last two days are long travel days going and returning. Bring along a little pillow to nap, or that book you were always m eaning to read, m aybe a deck of cards for solitaire or rum m y with your seat partner. This is also a good tim e to bring your headphones and listen to your favorite m usic or audio book. Throughout the tour our driver and escort will determ ine lunch and rest stops along the way. Day 1 – Travel day through Virginia to our first overnight in Pigeon Forge, TN. After dinner (included), we will see a fabulous show at The Sm okey Mountain Opry to end our day. (A sm all travel bag for 2 nights will be required as we keep the heavy luggage underneath until we reach Texas). Day 2 – After breakfast, we check out and depart for our second night of lodging in Little Rock, AR. Dinner is on your own this evening. Day 3 – Following breakfast, check out and depart for the Willian Clinton Presidential Library for a visit. Afterwards we head to DALLAS! Check into our hotel to freshen up before dinner at a popular restaurant in the area. Day 4 – After breakfast, we will m eet our local guide for a full day of touring to include Dallas highlights, such as Old Red Courthouse, Dealy Plaza and the JFK assassination site, the JFK Mem orial, Dallas City Hall, and Old City Park. We will have tim e to visit the Sixth Floor Museum located in the form er Texas School Book Depository and overlooking Dealy Plaza. The story of John F. Kennedy’s assassination is told through thousands of incredible TV & radio broadcast, photographs, m anuscripts, docum ents and artifacts that are displayed throughout the m useum . The tour will end at the Southfork Ranch, the television hom e of “The Ewing’s” from the hit show “Dallas.” After a tour of the Ewing Mansion, enjoy a wonderful dinner at Southfork Ranch. Day 5 – Following breakfast at our hotel, m eet our guide for a tour of the AT&T Stadium , which is not only the hom e of the Dallas Cowboys but also the largest dom ed structure in Texas and an art m useum . After our tour, continue to Fort Worth. Fort Worth is known as “Cowtown.” Our tour will include such sights as the Cultural District and a tour through Billy Bob’s of Texas, the world’s largest honky tonk. You’ll see a cattle drive of longhorns that parade right down Exchange Boulevard. The tour ends at the Stockyards where you will have tim e to browse the shops and have dinner on your own. Day 6 – After breakfast, checkout and travel to Waco to visit the Magnolia Market at the Silos inspired by Chip & Joanna Gaines of HDTV’s the Fixer Upper Show. There’s som ething for everyone at the Magnolia Market at the Silos, shopping, gam es, the garden and even a bite to eat from the assortm ent of food trucks. The Market is set up to inspire you to own the space you’re in. Visit and leave excited about your hom e. Then travel to San Antonio to check in to our hotel for 2 nights. We will go to Riverwalk for som e free tim e on your own. Dinner is included tonight. Day 7 – Breakfast at the hotel, then m eet our guide for a full day of touring San Antonio’s highlights to include The Alam o, site of the Battle of Alam o 1836, Mission Trail, Market Square, the King William Historic District, The Governor’s Palace and m ore. We will also enjoy an exciting Riverboat Cruise on the Paseo Del Rio where you’ll have the best views of the Riverwalk. Dinner is on your own at Riverwalk this evening. Day 8 – After breakfast, check out and travel to Houston. Arrive early afternoon for lunch on your own and to tour the Space Center Houston, the official visitor’s center of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Be inspired by the wonders of space exploration and go behind the scenes of Am ericas exciting space program . Later check into our hotel and enjoy dinner on your own. Day 9 – After breakfast, check out. Pack a sm all overnight bag for 2 nights, as your large luggage will not be unloaded until Virginia. Overnight lodging in Hattiesburg, MS. Dinner on your own. Day 10 – Enjoy breakfast at the hotel, then check out and return to Pigeon Forge, TN, for our last night. Dinner and entertainm ent has been arraigned at the Hatfield & McCoy’s Dinner Theatre. Day 11 – After breakfast, check out and head hom e m aking appropriate lunch and rest stops with lasting m em ories of our trip to TEXAS!
Welcom e to the 11th century! The Royal Court invites you to join in a spectacle not seen since the m iddle ages. Enjoy a four-course feast & watch knights com pete in a thrilling jousting tournam ent. Witness the beautiful war horses in action as they carry their riders into battle and enjoy the m edieval-style gam es of sword fighting and jousting as perform ed by a cast of 75 actors and 20 horses. Medieval Tim es is housed in a replica 11th-century castle. Dinner is included. We will depart Manassas at 7:45 a.m . and Woodbridge at 8:30 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 3:00 p.m . Wednesday, November 6 MERCERSBURG JUBILEE GOSPEL CHRISTMAS Presents: GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST Mercersburg, PA Cost: $109 pp Reservations Open: September 10 The Star Theatre in Mercersburg, PA, presents, Oh Come All Ye Faithful! This is the favorite of the Opry cast who perform a great collection of Gospel Favorites. And, in the second half, - it’s all about Christm as! Com e celebrate the reason for the season with The Pennsylvania Opry! Before the perform ance, enjoy lunch at the Keystone Fam ily Restaurant located in Waynesboro, PA. This will be buffet- style. We will depart Woodbridge at 8:30 a.m . and Manassas at 9:15 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 7:30 p.m . Friday – Sunday, November 8-10 CHRISTMAS IN THE BIG APPLE New York City Cost: $1147 Single and $895 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately This tour includes shopping, great entertainm ent and good food as the Big Apple enters the Christm as Season. There is nothing quite exciting as Manhattan during the Christm as Season. People com e from all over the world to join in. We will depart Manassas at 6:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 7:00 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 8:00 p.m . On Friday we arrive in Manhattan at Eataly, an indoor Italian Marketplace located in the heart of New York City for lunch on your own. Eataly is a unique com bination of sandwich stands, m arket style stalls and full-fledged restaurants where you can purchase a wide variety of Italian delicacies. Before leaving the marketplace, you will have tim e for browsing in the gift shop which features an eclectic selection of housewares, apparel, books, as well as unique gift boxes for that special occasion. We will then proceed to the Hampton Inn Manhattan Times Square for the next two nights. Dinner this evening will be at Montebello’s. Please advise your choices from the following: veal parmesan, chicken marsala or salmon. Your dessert choice is either Italian ricotta cheesecake or chocolate mousse cake. Then, sit back and enjoy orchestra seats to the Broadway m usical hitTootsie. On Saturday you are free to shop or pursue individual interests. At 5:00 p.m . we will depart the hotel for the Dallas We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! Sunday, October 20 THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA AT THE HIPPODROME Baltimore, MD Cost: $209 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Cam eron Mackintosh’s spectacular new production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Operacom es to Baltim ore as partt of a brand new North Am erican Tour. This production, which retains the beloved story and thrilling score, boasts exciting new special effects, scenic and lighting designs, staging and choreography and has been hailed by critics as “bigger and better than ever before.” We have orchestra seats. Prior to the 1:00 p.m . m atinee perform ance, enjoy an early fam ily-style lunch at Sabatino’s Italian Restaurant. We will depart Manassas at 8:45 a.m . and Woodbridge at 9:30 a.m . We will arrive back in the area at approxim ately 5:45 p.m . Saturday, October 26 OLD DOMINION AUTUMN TRAIN Buckingham Branch Railroad Dillwyn, VA Cost: $128 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Join us for a nostalgic journey! The Buckingham Branch Railroad collaborates with the Old Dom inion Chapter of the National Railway Preservation Society to offer seasonal fall rail excursion train journeys from the picturesque Dillwyn Station in Central Virginia. A vintage diesel-powered train winds through the rolling hills and deep forests of an unspoiled landscape in the heart of Central Virginia. A round trip typically lasts 3½ hours and travels from Buckingham County to New Canton, then circles back to the railroad station. The train travels through brilliantly changing trees in view of fields and forests and features a breathtaking view of the James River from the bridge at New Canton, Virginia. Prior to our excursion we will enjoy the Dogwood Buffet at Charley’s Waterfront Café in Farmville, VA. Featured will be shrim p & scallop alfredo English sliced prim e rib & chicken m arsala along with a salad bar. We will depart Manassas at 8:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 8:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 7:00 p.m . NOVEMBER Saturday, November 2 Medieval Times Dinner Theatre Hanover, MD Cost: $94 pp Grandchildren Welcomed Reservations Open: Immediately
exhibit is the display of the Capitol Hill Building. We will depart Woodbridge at 3:00 p.m . and Manassas at 3:45 p.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 9:00 p.m . Food Vendors are available on site. TOUR OF FANTASY If you desire a rom antic night surrounded by absolutely beautiful sights then visit “Tour of Fantasy” where the castles, forests and stars m ake it feel like you entered a real life fairy tale. FREEDOM AMERICA “Freedom Am erica” presents various Am erican landm arks such as the Capital Building, Mount Rushm ore and the Stature of Liberty have been recreated. You will see Am erica’s history and its dedication to its ideals of freedom and equality. MYSTERIOUS EAST In com parison “Mysterious East” presents a showcase of traditional Chinese culture as shown by its history, art and traditions that com bine to create an am azing experience as we see how rich Chinese culture truly is. MAGICAL WORLD "Magical World" showcases the anim al kingdom in all of its m odern and prehistoric form s. There is also a dazzling m aze and interactive activation that both adults and kids alike can indulge and enjoy thoroughly. In addition to the am azing light displays, the LightUP Fest also features daily perform ances of acrobats, interactive art and craft displays, authentic cuisine and special holiday program s. This is a m ust see event for all. Tuesday – Friday, November 19-22 CHRISTMAS IN RHODE ISLAND Newport, RI Cost: $664 Single and $564 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately This tour includes: 3 nights lodging at the Com fort Inn, Newport Beach, 3 full breakfasts at hotel, 2 full dinners with dessert and coffee, 1 buffet luncheon and show at the Newport Playhouse, touring of: Newport (with adm ission to Marble House, adm ission to the Breakers Mansion, adm ission to the International Tennis Hall of Fam e and adm ission to Blithewold Mansion with private Christm as concert with the Merry Dickens Christm as carolers), PLUS: All adm issions, baggage handling, taxes, restaurant gratuities and Tour guide for days 2 and 3 of the trip. The Itinerary Day One: Today you depart on your deluxe m otor coach for a scenic drive through the New England countryside to Newport, Rhode Island. For the next 3 nights you have accom m odations at the lovely Com fort Inn, Newport Beach, directly across from the ocean. Day Two: This m orning, after a full buffet breakfast at your hotel, you tour Marble House, the spectacular hom e of William K. and Alva Vanderbilt. Built in the height of the Victorian Era, this beautiful m ansion was constructed with m illions of dollars’ worth of gold and m arble at a tim e when a carpenter worked for a m ere fifty cents a day! Magnificent original fam ily furnishings decorate the hom e. Next, it’s on to the International Tennis Hall of Fam e, hom e to the nation’s m ost exciting tennis m atches. Designed by fam ed architect Sanford White in the late 19th century and featuring beautiful BBQ for dinner followed byorchestra seats to Radio City Music Hall for their fabulous Christmas Spectacular. On Sunday, the m orning is free until 11:00 a.m . when we will depart our hotel to proceed to ChelesaPier to board the Spirit of New York for the Sunday Eat Drink & Be Merry lunch cruise. From here we will depart for hom e. This tour includes lodging for two nights, orchestra seats to a Broadway show, and orchestra sets to the Christm as show featuring the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall, plus 2 expanded continental breakfasts, one lunch and 2 dinners. We will depart from Manassas at 5:45 a.m . and Woodbridge at 6:30 a.m . (NOTE: This trip may require walking several blocks as the bus may not always be able to give door to door service.) Return tim e is approxim ately 7:00 p.m . Tour Trip cancellation insurance is available. Please refer to Page 1 for detailed information. Please request insurance at the time you make your reservation. A DEPOSIT OF $250 IS NEEDED ON OR BEFORE APRIL 15 TO COVER THE PLAY AND RADIO CITY THIS INSURES THE BEST OF SEATS! Wednesday, November 13 AMERICAN MUSIC THEATRE PRESENTS JOY TO THE WORLD Lancaster, PA Cost: $125 pp Reservations Open: Immediately The ringing of church bells in a quaint town square set the scene for Joy to the World, AMT’s newest holiday spectacular. Evoking the revered holiday nostalgia of hom etowns all across the US, the stage will transform into a sm all-town winter carnival brim m ing with fam ily and friends. Featuring scenes filled with entertaining elves, dram atic dancing, sensational singing, and grand m om ents galore. The incredible AMT Singers, Dancers, and Orchestra will perform favorites such as “Away in a Manger,” “Jingle Bells,” “Hark, The Herald Angels Sing,” “Let it Snow,” and “Carol of the Bells” live on stage. Awe-inspiring m usic and dance, phenom enal voices, and light-hearted holiday hum or are the ingredients for this season’s all-new extravaganza. We will enjoy a delightful buffet lunch at the Eden Resort following the 10:30 a.m . perform ance. We will depart Manassas at 6:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 6:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 6:30 p.m . Friday, November 15 THE LIGHTUP FEST Ashburn, Virginia Cost: $70 pp Reservations Open: Immediately THE LIGHTUP FEST is an eight-week exhibition that com bines the latest lighting technology and artisan crafted lanterns to showcase the rich heritage, tradition and culture of the world. With 77 stunning displays presented in different them es, the LightUp Fest prom ises an eventful night for everyone. There are 4 m ajor them es in the exhibit: Tour of Fantasy; Freedom Am erica; Mysterious East and Magical World. One of the featured highlights unique to this
m osaic tiles, the collection here includes rare tennis m em orabilia and offers an in-depth history of the sport from its beginnings in the 12th century to the present. You end your day at nearby Blithewold m ansion, an Edwardian m asterpiece built with exquisite craftsm anship and known for its spectacular ocean views. Now, during the holidays, the lawn is all aglow with hundreds of tiny white lights and decorations. At 5:00 pm , when the m ansion closes, a special hour is in store for just you and your tour group here when you are treated to a private Christm as concert featuring the Merry Dickens Christm as Carolers in full Victorian costum e singing traditional favorite holiday tunes. Enjoy! Dinner. Day Three: Today, after a full buffet breakfast at your hotel, you tour the Breakers, biggest and grandest of all Newport estates. Built in 1895 for Cornelius Vanderbilt, this 70-room estate is known for its beautiful décor, splendid at the holiday season with festive Christm as ornam ents, red ribbons, and the tallest indoor Christm as tree in Newport! Now, it’s tim e for a grand buffet luncheon and show at the Newport Playhouse, so festive with decorations for the season, before ending your tour this evening with dinner at the La Forge Casino restaurant. Located on fashionable Bellevue Avenue, this establishm ent has been the hom e of fine dining since the Gilded Age, when it was frequented by such prestigious clients as the Astors and Vanderbilts. What a wonderful way to end your tour! Day Four: This m orning, after a full buffet breakfast at your hotel, you depart with wonderful Christm as m em ories of Newport! We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips, so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! Saturday, November 23 Historic Christ Church Presents its 92ND Annual Oyster & Ham Dinner Accokeek, MD Cost: $50 pp Reservations Open: September 12 If you love fried oysters and real baked ham served fam ily- style and all you can eat, then this is the tour of your dream s. Held at the church where George Washington often worshipped, you will also find a bake sale, handm ade butter candy, and a twice new sale going on. We will depart Manassas at 10:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 11:00 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 3:15 p.m . Saturday, November 30 GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR THE ARTS PRESENTS CHANTICLEER CHRISTMAS Fairfax, VA Cost: $93 pp Reservations Opened: Immediately Unwrap holiday m agic as Chanticleer returns to the Center to usher in the season with a festive program of Gregorian chant, Renaissance m otets, Gospel m elodies, and Christm as carols. Called “the world’s reigning m ale chorus” (The New Yorker) this sublim e ensem ble of vocalists takes a m usical journey through the ages with a level of clarity and virtuosity that is unm atched by others. It has becom e known around the world as an orchestra of voices, ranging from countertenor to bass, original interpretations of vocal literature from Renaissance to jazz and popular genres, as well as contem porary com position. Chanticleer has sold well over a m illion album s and won two Gram m y® awards in addition to m any other honors. “Chanticleer fascinates and enthralls for m uch the sam e reason a fine chocolate or a Rolls Royce does: through luxurious perfection” (Los Angeles Tim es). We will depart Woodbridge 6:00 p.m . and Manassas at 6:45 p.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 11:30 p.m . DECEMBER Sunday. December 1 DOMINION ENERGY GARDENFEST OF LIGHTS – GINTER GARDENS Richmond, VA Cost: $88 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Enjoy the Christmas buffet dinner in the beautifully decorated Robins Room featuring hand-crafted botanical ornaments and displays. We will also have a guided stroll thru the outside illumination as well as the Conservatory. A dazzling display of lights and a grand buffet featuring crab cakes and roasted pork loin make this a memorable day. We will depart Manassas at 1:15 p.m . and Woodbridge at 2:00 p.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 8:15 p.m . Wednesday-Sunday, December 4-8 CURRIER & IVES CHRISTMAS Burlington, Stowe & Woodstock, Vermont Cost: $1267 Single & $967 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately Com e to Verm ont and take hom e m em ories wrapped in the warm th of our Currier & Ives Holiday. You will appreciate the sim plicity of a hand-m ade evergreen wreath decorating a barn door, hear the jingle of bells as your team of horses and fellow carolers cruise through the woods, m ake your own candy cake and savor the sweet rewards. Did you know that between 1834 and 1907 Currier and Ives produced two to three new lithographic im ages every week? Producing m ore than a m illion of what partners Nathaniel Currier and Jam es Merritt called “Colored engravings for the people.” They were an Am erican success story nostalgically linked to the beauty of sim pler days and Christm ases past. Tour
includes four breakfasts, two lunches and four dinners. We will depart Manassas at 6:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 7:00 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 6:30 p.m . The Itinerary Day 1 Wednesday, Decem ber 4 Today depart for Christm as in Verm ont! Travel to Albany, NY, for an overnight stay at the Hampton Inn. Take som e tim e to settle in before enjoying a planned dinner at a local restaurant. Day 2 Thursday, Decem ber 5 After breakfast this m orning you continue your trek to Vermont. The holiday season is such a special tim e in the Green Mountains with snowcapped m ountains, glistening white fields, the arom a of crackling fires across the Valley and the countryside adorned with beautiful Holiday decorations – it’s truly a unique Currier & Ives experience unlike any other! By m id-day, we arrive at the Waybury Inn for an included lunch. Built in 1810 as a Stagecoach stop, it becam e m ore popularly known from the television series, “The Bob Newhart Show.” After lunch, enjoy free tim e for holiday shopping at Middlebury’s Exchange Street District. Visit the Vermont Soap Company, Maple Landmark, Woodcraft and Danforth Pewter and enjoy watching dem onstrations from craftsm en. Visit Dakin Farm for wonderful sam ples of m any Verm ont specialties! We then check into the Holiday Inn ExpressSouth Burlington, VT, for a two-night stay. Dinner at a local restaurant. Day 3 Friday, December 6 This m orning enjoy breakfast before setting out for another fun-filled festive day! Begin with a visit at one of Vermont’s traditional Maple Farms for a dem onstration and tasting of syrups. Then enjoy a holiday luncheon at Trapp Family Lodge. The Trapp Fam ily Lodge is a little of Austria and a lot of Verm ont! Situated on 2,500 acres in beautiful Stowe, Verm ont, Trapp Fam ily Lodge is a unique m ountain resort featuring Austrian-inspired architecture and European-style accom m odations. The Lodge also offers stunning m ountain views. Visit the Vermont Annex this afternoon to shop at a variety of Verm ont’s Specialties: Cabot Cream ery, Lake Cham plain Chocolates, Danforth Pewter, Sm uggler’s Notch and distillery tasting room and others! End the afternoon with free tim e for Christmas Shopping at Church Street Marketplace. Find the perfect gift for everyone on your list at one of the local boutiques and national brands in downtown Burlington! For clothing, shoes, hom e goods, outdoor equipm ent, jewelry and m ore – you’ll always find som ething special when you shop on Church Street. Take som e tim e to settle in before enjoying a planned dinner at a local restaurant. Day 4 Saturday, December 7 This m orning after breakfast, we depart for another festive day in Woodstock. Enjoy a Horse Drawn Sleigh Ride (or wagon ride) taking you back in tim e as you wind along wooded trails and across open fields, with the fresh sent of the pines, feeling the runners glide and hearing the sleigh bells ringing softly. Next is an old-fashioned New England winter experience not to be forgotten as we have the opportunity to see the Wassail Parade in Woodstock. Enjoy the town’s festivities especially this wonderful Wassail Parade featuring all the festive 19th century holiday costum es, singers, horses and riders for everyone’s delight! Overnight Lodging at the D. Hotel in Hadley, MA Dinner is at a local restaurant Day 5 Sunday, December 8: Depart for hom e after breakfast. We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips, so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! Thursday, December 5 Highlights & Tea National Cathedral Washington, DC Cost: $80 pp Reservations Open: August 14 On arrival at the National Cathedral we will proceed to the m eeting place where our docent will be waiting to give us the one-hour tour Cathedral Highlights tour. Angels high and low. This will be followed by a traditional afternoon English tea in the Pilgrim Observation Gallery, which affords a com m anding view of the city. A variety of freshly-brewed im ported teas will be served along with finger sandwiches, cookies and scones with clotted cream and fruit preserves. We will depart Manassas at 11:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 11:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 5:45 p.m . Tea is included. Since tea is not a full m eal and is not served until 2:45 p.m ., we advise everyone to bring a sandwich and beverage from hom e to enjoy aboard the bus. There is walking on this tour. NOTE: This tour is limited to the first 44 persons to sign up. Saturday, December 7 US Army Band Christmas Concert Washington, D.C. Cost: $35 pp Reservations Open:September 10 It has becom e a Washington, DC, tradition to attend the United States Arm y Christm as celebration concert followed by a drive-by the National Christm as Tree and other illum inations within the city. Our tickets are not for reserved seating but on a first-com e basis at the DAR Constitution Hall. We have allowed extra time to arrive early to ensure good seats and to see the illum ination. We will depart Manassas at 12:45 p.m . and Woodbridge at 1:30 p.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 6:45 p.m . No food is included. Tuesday, December 10 RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL New York City Cost: $222 pp Reservations Open: Immediately For those short on tim e, we are offering this one-day trip to New York City to attend Radio City Music Hall for the fabulous Christmas Spectacular featuring the renowned Rockettes. On arrival we will enjoy lunch at the Dallas BBQ. A fast food rest stop will be m ade en route to New
York City, and on the return trip hom e. We will depart Manassas at 5:45 a.m . and Woodbridge at 6:30 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 9:15 p.m . Friday, December 13 Sight & Sound presents The Miracle of Christmas Lancaster, Pennsylvania Cost: $158 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Join those people from all over the world who have seen this one of a kind, awe-inspiring experience. Sight & Sound takes you back in tim e to witness the greatest birth in history in The Miracle of Christmas. Be surrounded by the bustling village of Bethlehem as cam els, horses, donkeys and villagers pass by. Be transported to the hillside where legions of angels descend upon the shepherds to proclaim , “The Savior is born!” Prior to the 3:00 p.m . show we will visit an Amish Market, if tim e perm its, and enjoy lunch at the Eden Resort. We will depart Manassas at 7:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 8:00 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 9:15 p.m . There is no breakfast stop, just a fast food rest stop returning. Sunday, December 15 US Navy Band Christmas Concert Washington, D.C. Cost: $35 pp Reservations Open:September 10 It has becom e a Washington, DC, tradition to attend the United States Navy Christm as celebration concert followed by a drive-by the National Christm as Tree and other illum inations within the city. Our tickets are not for reserved seating but on a first-com e basis at the DAR Constitution Hall. We have allowed extra tim e to arrive early to insure good seats and to see the illum ination. We will depart Manassas at 12:45 p.m . and Woodbridge at 1:30 p.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 6:45 p.m . On the return we will drive past the Nationa8l Christmas Tree. No food stop is included. Tuesday-Wednesday, December 17-18 COLONIAL CHRISTMAS Williamsburg &Virginia Beach, VA Cost: $345 Single & $316 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately Williamsburg is delightful at any tim e of the year, but especially, at the Christm as season. We have arranged for lodging at the beautiful Fort Magruder Inn decorated for the Christmas season. Following lunch at the King’s Arm Tavern, we will board our coach and m eet our guides at the Capital to begin our guided tour of Colonial Williamsburg and the Governor’s Palace. (Note: Private buses cannot transport within Colonial Williamsburg. The group will be dropped 2 blocks from the King Arm s Tavern. From there the group will then walk to m eet the guides for a walking tour.) We will then proceed to our hotel to check-in. This evening we will drive to Virginia Beach where we will enjoy the fantastic 72 item buffet dinner at George’s Seafood Buffet. This will be followed by the drive thru Christmas illumination along Virginia Beach’s Boardwalk’s. Next day, sleep in and enjoy the hotel’s buffet breakfast. In the m orning we are taking you Christm as shopping at Merchant Square and Yankee Candles for those last-m inute purchases. We will then proceed to our afternoon Victorian Tea Luncheon and tour at Edgewater Plantation, before departing for hom e. Tour includes breakfast, 2 lunches and dinner. We will depart from Manassas at 7:45 a.m . and Woodbridge at 8:30 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 5:45 p.m . A deposit of $100 is due with reservation. Note: This tour is limited to 38 participants. We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips, so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! Saturday, December 21 JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR AT THE HIPPODROME Baltimore, MD Cost: $157 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Jesus Christ Superstar is an iconic m usical phenom enon with a world-wide fan base. In celebration of its 50th Anniversary, a new m esm erizing production com es to North Am erica. With m usic and lyrics by Em m y, Gram m y, Oscar and Tony winners Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, Jesus Christ Superstar is set against the backdrop of an extraordinary series of events during the final weeks in the life of Jesus Christ as seen through the eyes of Judas. Reflecting the rock roots that defined a generation, the legendary score includes ‘I Don’t Know How to Love Him’, ‘Gethsemane’ and ‘Superstar’. Prior to the matinee performance, enjoy a family-style lunch at Sabatino’s Italian Restaurant. We will depart Manassas at 9:15 a.m. and Woodbridge at 10:00 a.m. We will arrive back in the area at approximately 6:15 p.m. Sunday. December 22 CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR Riverside Dinner Theatre Fredericksburg, VA Cost: $94 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Back by popular dem and and updated for 2019!Experience the excitem ent, m em ories, and joy of Christm as as our spectacular cast of singers and dancers present the heart and essence of the holiday season in this pageant of your favorite songs and m usic. Escape the hustle and stress and rekindle your Christm as spirit at Riverside Center with this glittering celebration of everything that m akes this “the m ost wonderful tim e of the year”! We will depart Manassas at
10:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 10:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 5:00 p.m . MERRY CHRISTMAS Sunday December 29 HISTORIC HANOVER TAVERN PRESENTS ALWAYS PATSY CLINE Hanover, VA Cost: $125 pp Reservations Open: Immediately One of the m ost produced m usicals in Am erica according to Am erican Theatre Magazine. “Always…Patsy Cline” has also been enjoyed internationally by audiences in Canada, the UK and Australia. “Always…Patsy Cline” is m ore than a tribute to the legendary country singer who died tragically at age 30 in a plane crash in 1963. The show is based on a true story about Cline’s friendship with a fan from Houston nam ed Louise Seger, who befriended the star in a Texas honky-tonk in l961, and continued a correspondence with Cline until her death. The m usical play, com plete with down hom e country hum or, true em otion and even som e audience participation, includes m any of Patsy’ unforgettable hits such as Crazy, I Fall to Pieces, Sweet Dreams and Walking After Midnight…27 songs in all. The show’s title was inspired by Cline’s letters to Seger, which were consistently signed “Love ALWAYS… Patsy Cline. We will enjoy a buffet lunch at the Tavern prior to the perform ance. We will depart Manassas at 9:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 10:00 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 6:15.p.m . Monday-Friday December 30-January 3 “NEW YEAR’S ON THE BEACH” CALLAWAY GARDENS Pine Mountain, Georgia Cost: $1124 Single & $857 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately This is the best Christm as present you could give yourself. Im m erse yourself in one outstanding display of illum inating lights after another. Enjoy great southern cooking and relax in som e of the greatest lodging. Tour includes 4 breakfast and 4 dinners. We will depart Manassas at 6:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 7:00 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 8:30 p.m . The Itinerary Day 1: We will make a com bination rest stop and quick breakfast-on-the-go stop at the driver and escort’s discretion. As long as you are careful and put your trash in the bags provided, you m ay take food and drink on the coach. Later in the day a m ore leisurely lunch stop will be m ade at the discretion of the escort and driver. One last rest stop will be m ade in the late afternoon and we should arrive at our destination, the Hampton Inn Bermuda in Advance, NC. NOTE: We will not unload the baggage beneath coach tonight. Pack a carry on bag with your overnight necessities. After checking in our room s and getting settled, we will proceed to Clemmons, NC, for dinner at the 2520 Tavern. After dinner we will take the short ride to TANGLEWOOD to see the fantastic display of lights. This will be a driving tour. Day 2 – Enjoy breakfast in the m otel dining area beginning at 6:00 a.m . We will then depart at 8:00 a.m . for WARM SPRINGS, GA, to visit the Roosevelt Little Whitehouse. After our tour of the hom e and tim e in the Gift Shop, we will continue to Callaway Gardens where we will spend two nights at the Callaway Lodge & Spa. After checking into our room s, tim e to relax and enjoy the New Year dinner buffet from 7:00 p.m . to 9:00 p.m . For the rem ainder of the evening you m ight want to relax on your balcony and enjoy the fireworks display at m idnight or go down to the pavilion by the lakeside to enjoy the festivities. Day 3 begins with a fantastic buffet breakfast followed by a 3-hour guided tour of Callaway Gardens including the Mem orial Chapel and the Day Butterfly Center that is one of North Am erica’s largest conservatories – and one of the Gardens’ m ost popular attraction. Lunch is on your own along with a free afternoon to enjoy the facilities. There is a free shuttle service provided hourly to visit within the gardens. This evening we have a private Trolley tour of the breathtaking beauty of the Fantasy in Lights Christm as display with 8 m illion lights and 15 dazzling scenes. Fantasy In Lights is not only the South’s m ost spectacular holiday light and sound show, it is one of the world's "Top 10 Places to See Holiday Lights," as nam ed by the National Geographic Traveler. Enjoy another buffet at your hotel. Day 4 begins with another fantastic buffet breakfast. Bags outside your door before you leave for breakfast. Our destination is Asheville, NC, where lodging will be at the Brookstone Lodge. Tonight, we will enjoy the Christm as buffet dinner at the Deerpark Restaurant followed by the candlelight tour of the Biltmore Estate dressed in its Christm as finery. Day 5 begins with breakfast in the lodge dining area beginning at 6:30 a.m . This m orning we will begin our journey back hom e m aking rest stops and a lunch stop on your own. We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips, so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! FUTURE 2020 TOURS JANUARY Saturday, January 4 NATIONAL THEATRE PRESENTS JERSEY BOYS Washington, DC Cost: $145 pp Reservations Open: Immediately
Today we visit one of Washington, DC's m ost im portant and m oving m useum s which is dedicated to never forgetting the dark history, the millions of victims, and the am azing stories of survival that collectively m ake up the Holocaust. The United States Holocaust Mem orial Museum 's exhibits trace the story of Jewish persecution under the Nazi regim e from 1933 to 1945 using authentic artifacts, oral histories and com puters. After our selg-guided tour, we will board our bus to proceed to the Pentagon City Mall Food Court for lunch on your own. We will depart Manassas at 8:30 a.m . and Woodbridge at 9:15 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 3:30 p.m . Note: All visitors to the museum will be processed through metal detectors and all bags will be scanned. No Exceptions! FEBRUARY Saturday, February 1 THE KENNEDY CENTER PRESENTS: NEXT TO NORMAL Washington, DC Cost: $177 pp Reservations Open: September 25 Next to Normal is a contem porary m usical that explores how one suburban household copes with crisis. With provocative lyrics and a score featuring m ore than 30 original songs, the m usical shows how far two parents will go to keep them selves sane and their fam ily’s world intact. The show stars Rachel Bay Jones. We will depart Manassas at 11:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 12:00 noon. Return tim e is approxim ately 5:45 p.m . No food stop is included. Wednesday, February 5 DUTCH APPLE DINNER THEATRE Savannah Sipping Society Lancaster, PA Cost: $118 pp Reservations Open: September 25 In this delightful, laugh-a-m inute com edy, four unique Southern wom en, strangers to one another, are drawn together by fate—and an im prom ptu happy hour—and decide it’s high tim e to reclaim the enthusiasm for life they’ve lost through the years. Over the course of six m onths, filled with laughter, hilarious m isadventures, and the occasional liquid refreshm ent, these m iddle-aged wom en successfully bond and find the confidence to jum pstart their new lives. Together, they discover lasting friendships and a renewed determ ination to live in the m om ent—and m ost im portantly, realize it’s never too late to m ake new old friends. We will depart Manassas at 7:30 a.m . and Woodbridge at 8:15 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 6:30 p.m . Wednesday, February 12 GREASE Riverside Dinner Theatre Fredericksburg, VA Cost: $94 pp Reservations Open: September 25 How did a group of blue-collar boys from the wrong side of the tracks becom e one of the biggest Am erican pop m usic sensations of all tim e? This sm ash hit jukebox m usical gives us the true and always spectacularly entertaining story of falsetto idol Franki Valli and The Four Seasons. The blue collar boys in the shiny Lurex suits strode onto the scene in 1965, wowing the public for 20 years with hits such as 'Big Girls Don't Cry' , 'Oh What a Night,' 'Walk like a Man,' and m any m ore. But before fam e and fortune, com es a difficult, and som etim es not entirely legal, journey to stardom . We will depart Manassas at 11:45 a.m . and Woodbridge at 12:30 p.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 5:45 p.m . There is no food stop included. Saturday, January 18 THE KENNEDY CENTER PRESENTS: MY FAIR LADY Washington, DC Cost: $177 pp Reservations Open: September 10 Experience the magic of this timeless classic all over again! This beautifully designed revival by New York's esteem ed Lincoln Centre was nom inated for several Tony Awards in 2018, and is now taking to the road on a North Am erican tour! Based on Shaw's play and Pascal's m ovie "Pygm alion," with book m usic and lyrics by Lerner and Loewe, MY FAIR LADY is trium phant. With m usical greats like Wouldn't It Be Loverly?, Get Me to the Church on Tim e and I've Grown Accustom ed to Her Face, it's no wonder everyone - not just Henry Higgins - falls in love with Eliza Doolittle tim e and tim e again. We will depart Manassas at 11:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 12 Noon. Return tim e is approxim ately 5:45 p.m . No food stop is included. Monday, January 20 The American Civil War Museum Richmond, Virginia Cost: $104 pp Reservations Open: September 10 The ruined brick archways of the form er Tredegar Ironworks is artfully preserved as the centerpiece of the $25 m illion facility — the exhibits aim is to shatter expectations of what a Civil War m useum looks like. This is a m ust see of lovers of Am erican history. Following our visit we will proceed to lunch at Bistro 27. With reservation provide your choice from the following: salmon,stuffed chicken breast, beef ravioli or vegetarian entrée of the day. We will depart Manassas at 7:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 7:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 4:45 p.m . Tuesday, January 28 U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Washington, DC Cost: $40 pp Reservations Open: September 25
Friday-Saturday, March 13-14 HIGHLAND MAPLE FESTIVAL & THE HOMESTEAD Monterrey & Hot Springs, VA Cost: $419 Single & $294 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately Take a step back in tim e to Highland County, "Virginia's Switzerland." Travel back roads and m ountain byways to the annual Highland Maple Festival. Each year, thousands of visitors are drawn to this unspoiled, rural region of Virginia to celebrate the "opening" of the trees and observe the process of m aple syrup-m aking. Sugar cam p tours provide a unique and educational experience that portrays a rapidly vanishing way of Am erican life. In addition, there will be one of the largest craft shows of the season! Artists and crafters from all over the east coast display their artistic creations in various locations throughout Monterey, at the Highland High and Highland Elem entary Schools with m ore than 80 vendors filling the two gym nasium s with a variety of fine art and crafts, including baskets, candles, jewelry, leather, paintings, pottery, quilts, yarn, stained glass, and wood furnishings. Baskets, sheepskins, wood furnishings, jewelry and candles are just a few of the crafts to be found on the Courthouse lawn. Along Main Street shop for country crafts and m aple products as well as antiques, fine arts and unique gifts. This evening you will be relaxing in Hot Springs at one of Virginia’s finest five star resorts, the Homestead. Lodging is, in the spirit of true Southern hospitality at the Homestead. It is com m itted to m aking every aspect of your stay com fortable and carefree. The Virginia m ountain setting and elegant lodgings are enhanced by a wealth of guest services and am enities awaiting your stay. We will depart the parking lot adjacent to the Manassas Sr. Center at 6:15 a.m . and the Ferlazzo Building at 7:00 a.m . We will arrive back in Manassas at approxim ately 8:30 p.m . and Woodbridge at 9:15 p.m . There will be som e walking Dinner, breakfast and afternoon tea are included in the tour. We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! Thursday, March 19 GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR THE ARTS PRESENTS CHIEFTANS – THE IRISH GOODBYE Fairfax, VA Cost: $98 pp Reservations Open: October 1 Irish m usic legends, The Chieftains, return to the Center for a thrilling night of their signature blend of traditional Celtic and contem porary m usic. The six-tim e Gram m y® Award winners are celebrated for reinventing traditional Irish m usic and popularizing the form on a global scale. Now, audiences get a chance to celebrate this m usical talent on “The Irish Goodbye” tour. The group has m ade num erous cross-over A musical about teens in love in the 50's! It's California 1959 and greaser Danny Zuko and Australian Sandy Olsson are in love. They spend tim e at the beach, and when they go back to school, what neither of them knows is that they both now attend Rydell High. Return in tim e to your own teenage years in that era. We will depart Manassas at 10:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 10:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 5:00 p.m . Wednesday-Sunday, February 26 - March 1 SPRING on THE STRAND Myrtle Beach SC Cost: $891 Single or $713 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately We were looking at the destination of Myrtle Beach filled with exciting entertainm ent (three live shows), a day in Charleston enjoying a guided sightseeing tour plus a fabulous harbor cruise to see Charleston from the ocean. You can dress casually every day with tim e to hang out at the beach or on your private balcony overlooking the ocean. You will be sorry you stayed at hom e when those that did go share how m uch they enjoyed them selves. Included are four dinner and four breakfasts. We will depart Manassas at 6:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 7:00 a.m . Return tim e in the area is approxim ately 7:00 p.m . A deposit of $150 per person is due with reservation. We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! MARCH Wednesday, March 4 INTERNATIONAL FLOWER SHOW Philadelphia, PA Cost: $99 pp Reservations Open: October 10 “Riviera Holiday” is the working title for the 2020 version of the world’s biggest, longest-running, indoor flower show. The show’s central feature will highlight the French Riviera, but the overall theme won’t be limited to just southern France, according to chief of shows and events for the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. We will depart Manassas at 6:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 6:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 7:00 p.m . All meals are on your own. There is a cafeteria on site of the event.
collaborations with artists like Elvis Costello, The Rolling Stones, Alison Kraus, and Luciano Pavarotti. Since form ing in Dublin over five decades ago, these cultural am bassadors have been linked with sem inal historic events, such as being the first Western m usicians to perform on the Great Wall of China, participating in Roger Water’s “The Wall” perform ance in Berlin in 1990, and being the first ensem ble to perform a concert in the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. Don’t m iss your chance to experience a m em orable evening of m usic, song and dance on this final journey. We will depart Manassas 6:00 p.m . and Woodbridge at 6:45 p.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 11:30 p.m . Wednesday-Tuesday, March 25-31 Escape to Sunny Florida Amelia Island – Jacksonville & St. Augustine Cost: $1533 Single & $1091 Twin pp Reservations Opened: Immediately Celebrate Spring with our fantastic tour to the sunny south and the fabulous beaches along the Atlantic Ocean. This tour includes 6 expanded continental breakfasts and 6 dinners along with exciting shows, river cruise and m uch m ore. The Itinerary Day 1: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 Board your spacious, video and restroom equipped m otor coach and set off for the sunshine of Jacksonville, Florida! Our first night will be in Myrtle Beach, SC, to enjoy your oceanfront hotel. Dinner tonight is at Benjamin’s Original Calabash. If this is your first visit, you will not soon forget the awesom e 170 Item buffet with everything from crab legs to steak and everything else in between! This will be followed by the outstanding perform ers at the Alabama Theatre. Day 2: THURSDAY, MARCH 26 After enjoying breakfast, take tim e to enjoy the beach or catch a cab for som e shopping and lunch on your own. We will depart for sunny Florida at 12 noon with a rest stop en route. We will enjoy dinner at the Royal Buffet before arriving at the COMFORT SUITES FERNANDINA BEACH at Am elia Island for four nights. . Day 3: FRIDAY, MARCH 27Today, you'll enjoy a Continental Breakfast. The early MORNING FREE TO ENJOY BEACH. Late m orning we will visit the historical district “Fernandina Beach” and have an opportunity to stroll along this stunning beach and have lunch on your own. Then we are off with our local guide for a tour of Amelia Island, southernm ost of the Atlantic coast barrier islands that stretch from North Carolina to Florida. After taking our Guided Tour of this beautiful island, we continue our adventure as we head to Kingsley Plantation, where you’ll stop to see the lovely grounds and learn about its historic past and ongoing restoration. Tonight, we dine buffet Southern-style at the Lunchbox in Kingsland, GA. Day 4: SATURDAY, MARCH 28 Today after enjoying a continental breakfast, we will proceed to St. Augustine to enjoy a Guided Tour of charm ing St. Augustine, Am erica's 1st city on a delightful narrated trolley tour. Enjoy lunch on your own and som e free tim e to browse the shops on historic St. George Street. Next, you’ll stop for a visit to the fam ous “Fountain of Youth. This evening, enjoy dinner at Ginger’s Southern Cooking. Day 5: SUNDAY, MARCH 29 After breakfast you have a free m orning to enjoy the beach or shop. We will be spending the afternoon and evening in Jacksonville.Our first stop will be to board a boat for a harbor cruise and a chance to see Jacksonville from the water. We also have a guided tour of the city following lunch on your own. Our tour of Jacksonville will term inate at the Alhambra Dinner Theater to enjoy a great m eal and entertaining show. Day 6: MONDAY, MARCH 30 Enjoy a continental breakfast at your hotel before leaving. Today our first stop is in Savannah, GA, where we will have a guided tour of this beautiful and historic city as well as allow tim e at the City Market to shop and have lunch on your own. Continuing north to Wilson, SC, we will stop for a family-style dinner at Parker’s BBQ Restaurant. It is then only a short drive to Santee, SC, and overnight at Quality Inn & Suites Santee. Day 7: TUESDAY, MARCH 31 After enjoying a continental breakfast, you will depart for hom e...a perfect tim e to chat with your friends about all the fun things you’ve done, the great sights you’ve seen and where your next group trip will take you! We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! APRIL Saturday, April 25 THE KENNEDY CENTER PRESENTS: BYE BYE BIRDIE Washington, DC Cost: $177 pp Reservations Open: Immediately A loving send-up of the early 1960s, sm all-town Am erica, teenagers, and rock and roll, this 4-tim e Tony Award® - winning m usical rem ains as fresh and vibrant as ever. Teen heartthrob Conrad Birdie has been drafted, so he chooses All-Am erican girl Kim MacAfee for a very public farewell kiss. Featuring a tuneful high-energy score and a hilarious script, Bye Bye Birdie continues to thrill audiences around the world. We will depart Manassas at 11:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 12:Noon. Return tim e is approxim ately 5:45 p.m . No food stop is included. Thursday, April 30 THE FULTON THEATRE PRESENTS The Titanic Lancaster, PA Cost: $131 pp Reservations Open: January 17 The sinking of the Titanic in the early hours of April 15, 1912, rem ains the quintessential disaster of the twentieth century.
Experience the sights, sounds and sensations of 300 years of Am erican history. Take a ride in an authentic Model T, visit Thom as Edison’s lab and see world-class artisans at work. Dinner at Ford’s Garage Enjoy a fantastic buffet dinner and a bit of autom otive nostalgia at Ford’s Garage as the restaurant’s interior celebrates the look of a 1920s-era service station. See the bars with a Ford Model T perched high above. After dinner we will return to the hotel. Day #3: Enjoy breakfast. Today with the services of a private guide, we will take a driving tour of downtown Detroit. We will be sure to check out the new Little Caesars Arena and The District Detroit – just a few walkable blocks from the city’s signature sports stadium s Com erica Park and Ford Field — as well as Cam pus Martius Park, the Joe Louis Fist, the Spirit of Detroit and the fabulous Fox Theatre. We will take in the wide variety of architecture in the city — from the towering Renaissance Center to the Guardian Building, Detroit’s “Cathedral of Finance.” Lunch on your own. Motown Museum Long known as Hitsville USA, the museum is hom e of the world- fam ous Studio A, where The Temptations, Marvin Gaye and countless others recorded with the Funk Brothers. Detroit Historical Museum The Detroit Historical Museum is the only m useum dedicated to telling our region’s history, with perm anent exhibitions such as Am erica’s Motor City, Doorway to Freedom – Detroit and The Underground Railroad and the beloved signature exhibit, The Streets of Old Detroit. Dinner tonight is at the Cracker Barrel located in 45525 North I94 Service Drive in Belleville, MI Following dinner we will proceed to the m otel. Day #4: Enjoy breakfast. Eastern Market Tour. Experience, explore and enjoy the ever- popular year-round Eastern Market. “Com e Hungry, Leave Happy, Learn Healthier” strolling and tasting tours. Think tasty locally-produced specialty food item s, farm fresh produce, seasonal plants and flowers, and hom etown treats; historic restaurants and shops; new galleries and boutiques; and gifts for all occasions; delicious and fun for everyone, with som ething new every tim e! The sheds and the stores are covered, so no m atter what the weather, you’ll have a grand tim e. Edsel & Eleanor Ford House. Experience the elegant lifestyle of a bygone era at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House in scenic Grosse Pointe Shores. At the hom e of Henry Ford’s only child, Edsel, you’ll see original antique furnishings, an im pressive collection of fine and decorative art and m uch m ore in a breathtaking 60-room Cotswold m ansion. Dine in the Cotswold Café for lunch, and then take a stroll on 87 acres of gorgeous lakefront gardens and grounds. Detroit’s Pewabic Pottery. Visit the national historic landm ark where this unique art form was developed in 1903. Pewabic is known for its distinctive vibrant glazes used for pottery and tiles. Get a dem onstration of how the pottery is m ade and create a tile to take hom e. Pewabic Pottery houses a m useum , gallery of contem porary pottery, learning center and gift shop. Dinner tonight is at Sinbad’s Restaurant & Marina [provide choice of strip steak or fried shrimp]. Day #5: Enjoy breakfast and depart for hom e. We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! A total of 1,517 souls—m en, women and children—lost their lives (only 711 survived). The m usical play TITANIC exam ines the causes, the conditions and the characters involved in this ever-fascinating dram a. This is the factual story of that ship—of her officers, crew and passengers, to be sure—but she will not serve as m erely the background against which fictional narratives are recounted. The central character of our TITANIC is the Titanic herself. A buffet lunch at Millers Smorgasbord is included prior to the perform ance. We will depart Manassas at 7:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 8:00 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 8:15 p.m . A fast food stop will be m ade on the return trip. MAY Sunday-Thursday, May 17-21 SEE AMERICA’S GREAT COMEBACK CITY Detroit & Dearborn, Michigan Cost: $995 Single & $752 Twin pp Reservations Open: November 1 It’s tim e to see what this revived and renovated city has to offer and why it was nam ed the #2 Top City to visit in Lonely Planet’s “Best in Travel 2018.”Tour includes 4 expanded continental breakfasts, one lunch and four dinners and all adm issions. We will depart Manassas at 6:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 7:00 a.m . Return tim e to the area is approxim ately 9:00 p.m . Note: An initial commitment deposit of $150 is due with reservation. The Itinerary Day #1: Travel day to our destination with rest stops and a leisurely lunch stop on your own. Lodging for the next four nights will be at the Comfort Inn & Suites located in Dearborn-Michigan. We will enjoy a dinner cruise aboard theDetroit Princess. See Detroit by night from the water. Day #2: Enjoy breakfast Spend the Day at The Henry Ford Museum Connect with Am erica’s history with 26 m illion artifacts on 200 acres or take in a film at The Henry Ford Giant Screen Experience. Ford Rouge Factory Tour Put yourself at the center of sheer m anufacturing m ight. See the history of the com plex, the world’s largest living roof on this “green” plant and watch the action of the real-life factory floor where the Ford F-150 is m ade. Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation From race cars and freedom rides to m odular houses and m icroprocessors, experience the breakthroughs, big and sm all, that have m ade our world what it is today. Highlights include the Driving Am erica exhibit, President Kennedy lim ousine, Rosa Parks bus, President Lincoln chair, DC-3 airplane, and m ore. Don’t forget lunch on your own at any of the following: Michigan Café or Lam y’s Diner in Henry Ford Museum of Am erican Innovation, or A Taste of History or Eagle Tavern in Greenfield Village. Snack your way through the offerings throughout Greenfield Village, such as Mrs. Fisher’s Southern Cooking (barbecue stand) or Cotswold Cottage (tea and sweets near the garden). Greenfield Village
with a stop at fam ed Plym outh Rock, where our forefathers landed after their perilous journey from the New World in 1620. A Lobstering Cruise in Plym outh harbor is included, where you see actual lobster traps hauled on board. Dinner is included at the 1850's m ansion of statesm an Daniel Webster in the original fam ily dining room with its gilded m irrors, carved fireplace and crystal chandeliers. What a lovely way to end your last night on Cape Cod. Day 4:This m orning, after a full buffet breakfast at your hotel, you head to New London, Connecticut, where you have a view of the Nathan Hale schoolhouse, where the fam ed patriot taught school in 1775, before taking a one and a half hour ferry ride to Orient Point, on the eastern side of Long Island. This body of land, settled in the 17th century by Connecticut Yankees, is 118 m iles long and just 15 m iles wide, but is filled with beautiful scenery. Upon arrival, you board your m otor coach once again and head west through picturesque wine vineyard country. Tim e perm itting, a stop will be m ade at one of the area's fam ed wineries before continuing Northwest to the town of Stonybrook. Known as one of the wealthiest towns in New York and the hom e of m any celebrities, Stonybrook is fam ed for its New England clapboard architecture, quaint shops and historic grist m ill. Dinner this evening is at the historic Mirabelle Tavern, built in the 18th century and known for its superb cuisine. Now, you see a show at the Theatre Three, a fabulous 400- seat 1860's vaudeville theatre, where such well-known Am erican stars as Bert Lahr and Milton Berle once perform ed. Day 5: This m orning, after a full buffet breakfast at your hotel, you take a 20-m ile ride to Centerport, where you enjoy a tour and luncheon at the m agnificent 1912 m ansion of William K. Vanderbilt, authentically furnished with original fam ily furnishings. Yes, relive the opulence of "The Great Gatsby" era as you dine with superb ocean views, overlooking breathtaking Long Island Sound. Now, you depart and head back to your hom e city with wonderful seaside m em ories of Cape Cod and Long Island! A fast food rest stop will be m ade en route. We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! JUNE Monday-Friday, June 1-5 OPEN DOOR TO ADVENTURES IN CAPE COD & LONG ISLAND Hyannis, MA & Port Jefferson, NY Cost: $1179 Single & $979 Twin pp Reservations Open: September 18 If you love the sea and waterways you are going to be a happy traveler on this tour. From the whale watching adventure on the Atlantic Ocean to a dune buggy ride over the giant sand hills of the Cape Cod National Seashore Park to the ferry ride on the ocean between Connecticut and Long Island, we have som ething planned for your pleasure and relaxation. This tour includes three nights at the Comm odore Inn by the Sea in Harwick and one night at the Holiday Inn Express in Stonybrook, Long Island. All attractions m entioned together with four American breakfasts, one lunch and four dinners plus a night at the theatre are also included. We will depart Manassas at 6:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 7:00.a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 7:30 p.m . The prices above reflect the summer season rates. The Itinerary Day 1: This is a travel day with several rest stops along with a leisurely lunch stop on your own will be m ade during the course of the day and at the discretion of driver and escort. A dinner stop at the Cracker Barrel will be m ade en route and is included. Lodging for the next three nights will be at the Commodore Inn By The Sea in Hyannis, MA. Day 2: This morning, after a full breakfast at your hotel, you m eet your step on guide and travel to Provincetown, the very tip of Cape Cod. On your way, you pass charm ing windmills, white-spired churches and quaint historic hom es. At the National Seashore, learn all about the natural history of the area and explore rare scrimshaw work and whaling harpoons from the Victorian era. Now, upon arrival in Provincetown, you enjoy a one-hour Dune Buggy tour over the sand dunes, passing beautiful scenery and the rem ains of the "writer's shacks" that inspired such authors as Eugene O'Neil and Henry David Thoreau.Im agine dunes stretching as far as you can see with wispy beach grass, dark green pine trees and deep red beach plum s nestled in hollows which are brought together by a silhouette of blue sky. You will be am azed at what you will see on this incredibly scenic sand dune tour. Now, you have a chance to have lunch and shopping time on your own in Provincetown or on your own embark on an exciting whale watch cruise, where you witness the site of these "gentle giants". On board you will find an experienced crew of whale spotters and scientists as well as rest room s and a snack bar, too. Later, you feast on an old-fashioned lobster bake with all the trim m ings. [If you prefer steak, please indicate with reservation.] Day 3: After a full buffet breakfast, you m eet your step on guide and tour Hyannisport, as known and loved by President John F. Kennedy. Stops will include the JFK Mem orial. Next, you head to Sandwich, Cape Cod's oldest town, founded 1636. Here, you stop at the Jam Kitchen and Nature Center and then tour the Sandwich Glass Museum , with 8,000 colorful pieces of original Sandwich Glass, m ade between 1825 and 1888 when the Boston and Sandwich Glass factory operated here. You end your day in Plym outh,
TOUR NOTES Month 2 4 11 13 17 22 23-28 1-3 5 7 9 16 18-28 20 26 2 6 8-10 13 15 19-22 23 30 1 4-8 5 7 10 13 15 17-18 21 22 29 30-1/3 4 18 20 28 Destination SEPTEMBER Nationals vs. Mets Kennedy Center presents Aladdin Riverside presents South Pacific Sotterley Plantation Schooner Woodwind Longwood Gardens Best Darn Fall Foliage Tour EVER OCTOBER Fall Foliage Mystery Tour Virginia State Fair Tangier Island Riverside Dinner Theatre presents Annie The Potomac Eagle TEXAS Hippodrome presents Phantom of the Opera Old Dominion Autumn Train NOVEMBER Medieval Times Dinner Theatre The Mercersburg Jubilee Christmas in New York City AMT presents Joy to the World Light UP Fest Christmas In Rhode Island Historic Christ Church Ham & Oyster Dinner GMU Performing Arts presents Chanticleer Christmas DECEMBER Dominion Energy Garden Fest of Lights Currier & Ives Christmas Highlights & Tea at the National Cathedral US Army Band Christmas Concert Christmas at Radio City Music Hall with Rockettes NYC Sight & Sound presents The Miracle of Christmas US Navy Band Christmas Concert Colonial Christmas & 21st Century Illumination Hippodrome presents Jesus Christ Superstar Riverside Dinner Theatre presents Christmas Spectacular Hanover Tavern presents Always Patsy Cline New Year’s on the Beach in Callaway Gardens JANUARY National Theatre presents Jersey Boys Kennedy Center presents My Fair Lady New Richmond Civil War Museum U.S. Holocaust Museum Cost $78 $125 $94 $99 $110 $122 Paid Date $1213/$903 $655/$525 $87 $124 $94 $125 $2178/$1519 $209 $128 $94 $109 $1147/$895 $125 $70 $664/$564 $50 $93 $88 $1267/$967 $80 $35 $222 $158 $35 $345/$316 $157 $94 $125 $1124/$857 $145 $177 $104 $40
FEBRUARY 1 5 12 Kennedy Center presents Next to Normal Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre presents Savannah Sipping Society Riverside Dinner Theatre presents Grease The Grand Strand & Charleston MARCH Philadelphia International Flower Show Virginia Highland Maple Festival & the Homestead GMU Performing Arts present The Chieftains Sunny Florida on Amelia Island APRIL Kennedy Center presents Bye Bye Birdie Fulton Theatre presents Titanic MAY Detroit & Dearborn, Michigan JUNE Cape Cod & Long Island TOURS BY QUALITY Maryland Live Hollywood Casino Hollywood Casino MGM THE MARITIMES Dover Downs $177 $118 $94 26-3/1 4 13-14 19 25-31 25 30 17-21 1-5 8/23 9/20 11/15 12/6 6/22-30 10/31 $891/$713 $99 $419/$294 $98 $1533/$1091 $177 $131 $995/$752 $1179/$979 $35 $35 $35 $35 $2078/$1579 $70
TOURS BY QUALITY Saturday-Sunday, June 22-30, 2020 NOVA SCOTIA & BAY OF FUNDY, CANADA Cost: $2078 Single $1579 Twin pp Reservations Open: Immediately If you have never had the opportunity to see the Maritim e Province of Nova Scotia, this is your golden opportunity. We have chosen to m ake the tour in June because the landscape of the province is especially spectacular with the wild lupines in full bloom . Located in eastern Canada and alm ost com pletely surrounded by ocean, the province of Nova Scotia is a place and where you can feel your pace fall in sync with the rhythm of the sea, as the clean salt air breathes life into an afternoon. Our tour includes 8 expanded continental breakfasts and 8 dinners. We wll depart Manassas at 6:15 a.m . and Woodbridge at 7:00 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 8:00 p.m . NOTE: MUST HAVE AN ACTIVE PASSPORT. WHEN MAKING RESERVAION PROVIDE DATE OF BIRTH, SS NUMER AND PASSPORT NUMBER. The Itinerary Day 1: 6/22 Depart for New England for our 1st overnight where lodging has been arraigned, and dinner is en route at the local Cracker Barrel.. (Pack an overnight bag for tonight) HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS LAWRENCE, MA Day 2: 6/23 Following breakfast at the hotel we continue traveling to Portland ME. Upon arrival we have a Trolley tour of the city scheduled. After lunch we are off to Boothbay Harbor .a popular resort town known for its bustling waterfront with its quaint shops and historic footbridge. We will experience it first-hand as we take a cruise aboard the Cap’n Fish’s boat. This narrated cruise passes by the beautiful vacation hom es, lighthouses, sm all islands and see the seals on the ledges. Following the cruise, free tim e to shop before returning to Portland and overnight at the Best Western Merry Manor Inn. Your bags will already be in your room . Our escort/guide, who will be with us our entire Canadian stay, will greet us before we unload and you receive your room key. Dinner will be at Dimillo’s Floating Restaurant. Day 3: 6/24 Following breakfast, we will continue north m aking a rest stop in Bangor, Maine. At Calais, Maine we will clear custom before entering the province of New Brunswick. Be sure to set your watch ahead by one hour. Arriving in the city of Saint John, the largest and oldest city in the Province, we will pickup our local guide for a tour of the city.. Sightseeing of St. Johns will include the fam ous reversing falls, a natural phenom enon where the high tides of the Bay of Fundy m eet and overpower the St. John River forcing it to reverse and flow back upstream . Overnight lodging will be at the Hampton Inn & Suites. Dinner will be at Lily’s Lakeside Casual Dining. Day 4: 6/25 Following breakfast we will proceed to Hopewell Rocks where 50-feet tides have carved the world’s largest flowerpot out of the cliffs. Nowhere on earth are the tides as high as in the Bay of Fundy. After lunch on your own along the way, we arrive in Halifax for sightseeing, including a tour of the Citadel National Historic Site. We also have a visit to the Public Gardens and Fairview Lawn Cemetery, burial place for m any of the Titanic victim s. Our lodging for the next two nights is at the LORD NELSON HOTEL. This evening you will enjoy a buffet dinner and som e gam bling at Casino Nova. Day 5: 6/26 After breakfast we head to the fam ous local fishing village known as Peggy’s Cove, hear the history of the town and take in the extraordinary views!!! According to legend Peggy’s Cove was nam ed after the only survivor of a schooner that ran aground and sank in 1800...a wom an nam ed Margaret. Local folks called her “Peggy” and her hom e cam e to be known as Peggy’s Cove. The original lighthouse was built in 1868. Returning to Halifax we will continue with a tour of the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic and free tim e to shop. This evening we will be attending the Halifax Feast Dinner Theatre to enjoy a fabulous m eal and great entertainm ent. Day 6: 6/27 Following breakfast we are off to travel through the scenic Annapolis Valley, passing som e of North Am erica’s earliest European settlem ents, taking you past quaint villages, orchards, fortresses, farm s and fishing villages. At Annapolis Royal we will m eet your costumed guide and discover Canada’s first established com m unity. Stop at historic Fort Anne and the Port-Royal Habitation, recounting Cham plain’s 1605 fur-trading post. Hear about the Acadia story in its' birthplace and the Scottish influences. We will end our Maritim es visit with a trip aboard the Princess of Acadia, from Digby, NS to St. John, NB (3 hour ferry ride). Dinner is included on board. On arrival we will return to the Hampton Inn & Suites for overnight. Day7; 6/28 After breakfast we will proceed to Campobello, Franklin D Roosevelt’s sum m er hom e and retreat. Campobello Island is one of 3 Fundy Isles, located in the Bay of Fundy. A special part of the Province of New Brunswick, this Canadian Island lies just off the shore of the m ost eastern town in the United States, Lubec, Maine. Cam pobello is accessed from the m ainland by the Roosevelt Cam pobello International Bridge. Well-to-do fam ilies from such cities as New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Ottawa and Montreal escaped to Cam pobello by private yacht, steam ship and train. When we clear custom s be sure and set your watch back one hour. Upon arrival in Portland, we say goodbye to our Canadian escort and continue to, check into your room at the Best Western Merry Manor Inn. (Pack an overnight bag for tom orrow night) Days 8:6/29
This m orning we depart for "Beantown" where we m eet our guide to begin a tour of Boston's historic neighborhoods. We'll ride along the Freedom Trail to see the USS Constitution - "Old Ironsides" - and disvoer som e of Boston's m ost fam ous sites - such as the Old North Church where lanterns were hung to warn of the British invasion. Lunch and free tim e will be at the fam ous Quincy Market. This afternoon we depart Massachusetts for our final night in New England. An "American Heritage" dinner will be served in colonial style at the historic Publick House Inn. Day 9: 6/30 We travel to Bristol, Connecticut where we visit the enchanting New England Carousel Museum which is hom e to one of the largest collections of antique carousel pieces in the country. We have lunch in Bristol on your own and then continue our journey hom e. We strongly encourage travel insurance on this and any overnight trips so you will be covered for any unforeseen events! ONE DAY casino eXCURSIONS PLEASE NOTE THAT REBATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGES BY THE CASINOS OVERWHICH QUALITY HAS NO CONTROL Friday 8/23 MD LIVE CASINO Arundel, MD Cost: $35 pp Reservations Open: Immediately Located at Arundel Mills Mall, this casino spans twelve acres and includes 4,750 slot m achines and electronic table gam es, acclaim ed restaurants, and of course, the m all for first class shopping. It is one of the largest gam ing, retail and entertainm ent destinations in the country. Com e along to enjoy so m uch at one destination. We will depart Manassas at 8:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 8:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 3:00 p.m . Thursday, October 31 DOVER DOWNS AIR FORCE BASE TOUR PLUS VISIT TO THE DOVER CASINO Dover, Delaware Cost: $70 pp Buses will be m et at the Main Gate by a Dover AFB Tour Am bassador, who will accom pany the group onboard the bus and will rem ain with us for the duration of the tour. Included will be a visit to the m useum . We will then proceed to the Dover Downs Hotel and Casino where we will enjoy a fantastic lunch buffet followed by free tim e in the casino Tour includes a buffet lunch and. We will depart Manassas at 6:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 6:45 a.m . Arrival tim e back is approxim ately 7:45 a.m . Friday 9/20, 11/15 HOLLYWOOD CASINO Charles Town, WV Reservations Open Immediately Cost: $35 pp From Charles Town Slots to BROADWAY CASINO, 5,032 gam ing m achines are featured along with 112 table and poker gam es. There are six restaurants and a food court. You will have four hours and a rebate of $20 to test your luck. Lunch is on your own at the Epic Buffet or food court. We will depart Woodbridge at 8:45 a.m . and Manassas at 9:30 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 4:00 p.m . Friday 12/6 MGM CASINO National Harbor MD Reservations Open Immediately Cost: $35 pp MGM is a luxury resort, retail, dining, entertainm ent and gam ing experience just m inutes from Washington DC, on the banks of the Potom ac River’ Bigger m eans better. Being the largest gam ing floor in the area m eans options, lot of options. We will proceed by bus to MGM for a four-hour visit. We will depart Manassas at 9:00 a.m . and Woodbridge at 9:45 a.m . Return tim e is approxim ately 3:00 p.m . for historic Sturbridge,