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You can now let go off of the excess fat you have on your body without any workouts, exercises, yoga, or diet sessions! Just have the safe, quick, and most effective CoolSculpting procedure done at Dr. Marwah’s Clinic!<br>Read More @ https://bit.ly/2EPENEZ
We all have been struggling with exercises, cardios, gyms, yogas, and diets to get rid of the excess fat on our body. Some of us even undergo surgical procedures to get rid of the fat when it is so much in excess that it interrupts with our daily activities. But, what if you are told that you can now get rid of the fat on your body without doing any of the above!? It’s obviously unbelievable, isn’t it? But, it won’t be once you know what we are talkingabout. Here, we are talking about CoolSculpting – world’s #1 non-invasive fat-reduction procedure! This is an extremely safe, quick, and effective treatment, which has been proven by the7 million patients across the globe, who have undergone this procedure. It is a completely non-surgical procedure that requires little or no downtime investment, and is also FDA-cleared. In fact, the CoolSculpting procedure has recently been awarded The NewBeauty Award for Fight Fat in aFlash! Thisblogtellsyoueverythingabout CoolSculpting–whatthisprocedure is,whatyou can expect from it, how it works, and the after effects you maysee. What IsCoolSculpting? CoolSculpting is a fat-freezing procedure that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubbornfatthatisotherwisedifficulttoeliminatethroughdietandexercise.The
coolingispreciselycontrolledtogentlyand effectivelytargetthefatcellsunderneath theskin,whileleavingtheskinunaffected.Moreover,theequipmentusedisdesigned with built-in safety measures. If the sensors detect the skin getting too cold, the system is automatically shut down, which means zero risk. And, all of this is done under the supervision of a licensed professional, which guarantees the highest standards of care, meaning nothing for the patient to worry about at all. You can use this procedure to eliminate fat from several areas like the abdomen, flanks, double chin, inner thighs, outer thighs, and upper arms, with long lasting and noticeable results, so that you can look great from every angle; making you feel confident about yourself. InitialPreparations Nowthatyouareconfidentenoughtohavetheprocedureexecutedonyourbody,you need to understand how to go about it. First and foremost, you will need to get in touch with a CoolSculpting provider, one like Dr. Marwah’s Clinic, where the finest CoolSculpting treatment in Mumbai is offered. Here, you will undergo a one- on-oneconsultation,wherealltheholisticapproacheswillbediscussedtoyourgoals for reshaping your body. As everybody is different, you will need a treatment plan that is customized to your individual body. All of this will be discussed beforehand to know where the fat needs to be eliminatedfrom. Once discussed, you will be given a date and time for the procedure. During the procedure, a gel pad and applicator will be applied to the targeted area so that controlled cooling can be delivered to those points. You are free to do anything you want during the procedure, providing you stick to the place you have been assigned. Youcanalsoreturntoyoureverydaychoresimmediatelyaftertheprocedureisdone. The results will be slowly visible within the first 3 weeks of the treatment, with dramatic results showing between the following 1-3months. How Does ItWork? But, how does the method work? When the cooling is delivered to the target points, the fat cells in the area are frozen and then die. Over time, the body naturally processes this fat and eliminates these dead cells, thus bringing the right shape to your body. What you need to understand here is that the CoolSculpting process is completely different from weight loss programs. Remember that reducing fat is not thesameaslosingweight.Losingweightonlymakesthefatcellssmaller,whilelosing
fatmeansmakingthefatcellsdieandgoaway,nevertoreturnagain.Thus,losingand gaining weight changes the size of the fat cells, but losing fat completely eliminates the fat cells from the body, which makes it difficult for the body to gain the fat again, at least for a very long time. This is because with this technique, the number of fat cells are reduced by about 20-25%, thus reducing at least that much possibility of gaining fatagain. So now, with no surgery, no anesthesia, no diet, no exercise, no invasive techniques, and100%safety,getreadytoloveyourselffromeveryangle.Getamazingresultsand love how your clothes fit better, to make you look and feel fitter and more confident. Neverfearanymirroragain!Wastenomoretimeandgetintouchrightawaywith Dr. Marwah’s Clinic to have the fastest and most effective body shaping treatment in Mumbai.
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Before After Dr. Marwah’s Clinic has an offer for you – “Newer You Now, Pay Later!” So get the treatment done now and you can pay with easy 3/6/9/12 monthsEMI. Follow Us On: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+,Instagram