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Learn about managing pandemic influenza with guidance from Patrick Gardner, including source control, personal protective equipment, staff training, and more. Stay informed and prepared for potential outbreaks.
Pandemic Influenza Patrick Gardner
Maxim: Source control (the ill person) is primary and can prevent opportunities for transmission
Level of Protection Powered Air Purifying Respirators Full Face Respirators Half Face Respirators High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Approved filtering mask (i.e.: N95) Tight fitting surgical or procedure mask Cloth mask Masks Higher Air purifying Lower
Maxim: Masks are likely to be the most effective intervention
Surgical and Procedure Masks • Masks should be changed when leaving isolation area, when wet, visibly soiled and changed every 4 hours • After removing or changing masks, hand hygiene should be performed
Personal Protective Equipment • Face shields are not necessary unless directly attending clients (avoid hand / eye contact) • Gloves should be worn if exposure to blood or body fluids is anticipated • Gloves are not a substitute for hand hygiene
Staff with direct client contact should monitor their temperature twice a day and report any febrile event (> 100.4°F) Staff who are unwell should not come into work COOP Return to work Management of Ill Staff
Infection Control Precautions • Infection control precautions should be implemented for: - 7 days after resolution of fever in those age > 12 years - 21 days after the onset of illness in children (aged < 12 years)
CDC: Enhanced Precautions • Standard influenza: Standard surgical mask with eye protection for close contact • CDC’s Enhanced Precautions - The risk of serious disease or death - Each new infection is an opportunity for the influenza virus to further adapt - Although rare, human to human transmission may indicate emergence of a pandemic strain
Staff Training • Risks and risk avoidance • World Health Organization (WHO) phases • Communication • Infection control measures • Personal Protective Equipment – PPE use: When, placement, removal & disposal • Fever monitoring, symptom reporting
Semper Gumby http://www.gumbyworld.com/memorylane/histgum.htm
Contact Information Patrick J. Gardner RN, MPH Planning Manager Office of Emergency Operations Florida Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin # A 22 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Email Address: Patrick_Gardner@doh.state.fl.us Phone: 850-245-4444 extension 3938 Fax: 850-413-8859