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b A6 WEB. b PURPOSE. This presentation will take you through various pages included on A6 web, serially with every possible detail included in the individual page. b LOGIN PAGE. Every user has unique login Id and password.
bPURPOSE .. • This presentation will take you through various pages included on A6 web, serially with every possible detail included in the individual page
bLOGIN PAGE • Every user has unique login Id and password. • Smart Id is used as login Id. Also every user needs to enter VOIP user id to trace who is where on the floor and also it will help in remote barging. • Also user can change the Password. • We have two profiles - Admin (TL) and Advisor for entering the index page. • After logging in we get the index page which depends on the profile.
bINDEX PAGE (MAIN PAGE) • Advisors and Admin have access to personal information like name address phone no. etc which can be edited as and when required by them so the transport roster picks that updated data. • Advisors can access individual reports like ACHT, TPH, Login Hrs, and Quality Scores depending on “from” and “to” date. • Advisors can view the transport and the shift roster • Advisors can read latest updates including daily huddle log • Advisors can place queries if any. • Advisors can enter downtime online. • Advisor can enter escalation/chasing online. • Admin will have access to Site PPP,EDCSM scores along with the above destinations.
bDOWNTIME PAGE • Can choose type of downtime, error and remarks and pass it to TL on floor for authorization. • After TL approves the downtime ,it will be added up to advisors total downtime and once the system is back on they can close the error log. It will save lot of data entry time. • Downtime will be categorized as .. • Productive • Technical • Non-Technical (Other) • ID related • Admin can authorize the downtime via a link ,also can see how may people are having downtime at particular moment
bESCALATIONS/CHASING • Advisors can store the phone nos. , customers name and remarks for self chasing – this is done when Dealing group or appt forward closed. Next day Advisor can come and call them and resolve the problem. It will bring down the no. of escalations given by advisors. If advisor still cannot handle can pass to floor walkers Id or give online escalation. • Follow up calls – for better customer service we can again store details of customer and call them to make sure problem resolved. We have Fac2 but this will delight customer since we give Individual attention. • Advisors can pass faults for chasing to Floor walker by entering details of customer and attaching the floor walker’s ID to that. • Also When Floor walkers take online escalations they can attach their id to the escalation so it logs in to their id. Can keep it open for chasing or close if issue resolved.
bOTHER PAGES. • REPORTS: Admin will have access to access to reports date wise, weekly, monthly, advisors wise, TL wise. permutation and combinations of all this. • ATTENDANCE SHIFT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ASMS): Advisors can place requests for shift and weekly offs for the new roster. Admin will try to accommodate requests as focus will be on employee Satisfaction.(with ASMS team) • LEAVE REQUEST TRACKER :Advisor can place a request for leave, on a particular date which will be passedon to his TL for approval.(with ASMS team) • AGENTS INFORMATION:Admin will have access to agents information, including personal, and official including the PIN no and IDs and passwords.
bADMIN RIGHTS • Admin can see who is sitting where and can get VOIP ID for barging. • Admin can see how may people are having downtime at particular moment • Feedbacks can be send to individual Advisor by Admin and vice versa. • Admin can enter the data daily and all parameters will be calculated automatically. • They can have access to reports date wise, weekly, monthly, advisors wise, TL wise. permutation and combinations of all this to generate reports in Excel/HTML format. • All data can be shown in the form of graph. • Admin can add common downtime as well as for an individual as requiredAdmin will have access to all agent’s info.