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Assessment of Immunization Policies & Practices in WV Long-Term Care Facilities

Assessment of Immunization Policies & Practices in WV Long-Term Care Facilities. David Elliott, Pharm.D. Kristy Lucas, Pharm.D. WVU School of Pharmacy. *Supported by CAMC Health Education & Research Institute. Background: Nursing Home Residents.

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Assessment of Immunization Policies & Practices in WV Long-Term Care Facilities

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  1. Assessment of Immunization Policies & Practices in WV Long-Term Care Facilities David Elliott, Pharm.D. Kristy Lucas, Pharm.D. WVU School of Pharmacy *Supported by CAMC Health Education & Research Institute

  2. Background: Nursing Home Residents • Long-term care residents are at increased risk of influenza and its complications. • Facilities may not have influenza immunization and control policies.

  3. Background:Nursing Home Employees • Unvaccinated employees pose risks to nursing home residents. • Influenza protection may be more related to employee vaccination than vaccination of residents.

  4. Background:Influenza Outbreak Control • The virus should be identified. • Symptomatic employees should be treated. • All nursing home residents should receive chemoprophylaxis regardless of vaccination status. • Vaccine should be offered to residents and employees. • Outbreak control strategies should be implemented.

  5. Background:CDC Recommended Procedures • Written policies. • Pre-written orders. • Centralized record keeping.

  6. Purpose • Assess infection control policies & practices among WV LTCF • focus on resident & employee vaccination

  7. Methods • Survey mailed to WV Healthcare Association member facilities (n=126) • Telephone introduction & follow-up completed by a research assistant • 39-question survey collected: • LTCF demographics • Information about policies for recommending and documenting influenza & pneumococcal vaccines • Information about policies for influenza outbreaks

  8. Results • N = 56 demographically diverse WV LTCFs • Findings: • Upon admission, • 80% of homes assess each resident’s need for influenza vaccination • 73% assess pneumococcal vaccination status

  9. Results • 98% of respondents have an organized program for resident vaccination of influenza • 69% have a program for resident pneumococcal vaccination

  10. Results

  11. Results • 73% recommend employee influenza vaccination • 55% recommend per diem staff influenza vaccination • 64% recommend vaccination of contracted non-employees or volunteers (e.g., podiatrists, dentists, pharmacists, hairdressers)

  12. Results

  13. Results Most could not characterize what occurred during an outbreak.

  14. Conclusions • Resident vaccination is being addressed.

  15. Conclusions • Vaccination record keeping should be improved. • Attention to staff and visitor vaccination needs to be improved. • Outbreak recognition, control, and documentation should be improved.

  16. Next Steps • Form working group • Design an intervention and measure outcomes.

  17. Discussion

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