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Contemporary World: International Relations & Organisations. 第 5 單元 : 國際關係理論 : 自由主義 vs. 現實主義 Unit 5: Theories of International Relations: Liberalism vs. Realism Lecturer: Dr. Kao Pei-Shan. 當代世界各項課題 (Topics in Contemporary World) 國際合作 (International Cooperation) vs.
Contemporary World: International Relations & Organisations 第5單元: 國際關係理論: 自由主義vs.現實主義 Unit 5: Theories of International Relations: Liberalism vs. Realism Lecturer: Dr. Kao Pei-Shan
當代世界各項課題 • (Topics in Contemporary World) • 國際合作(International Cooperation)vs. • 國際衝突(International Conflicts) • 自由貿易(Free Trade Issues)vs. • 貿易競爭(Trade Disputes) • 相互依賴(Interdependence)vs. • 權力平衡(Balance of Power) • 絕對增益(Absolute Gains)vs. • 相對增益(Relative Gains) • 自由主義(Liberalism)vs.現實主義(Realism)
1.國際合作(International Cooperation)vs. 國際衝突(International Conflicts) Example of International Cooperation (1) 1999 Taiwan Earthquake 2007 Peru Earthquake Source: Japan International Cooperation Agency, http://www.jica.go.jp/english/resources/field/2007/sep12_01.html, “consulted in September, 2007.”
Japan International Cooperation Agency • (JICA日本國際合作處) • The JICA is founded in 1974 as a bridge between the people of Japan and developing countries. • It aims to advance international cooperation through the sharing of knowledge and experience and will work to build a more peaceful and prosperous world . Its headquarter is in Tokyo. • Current Projects in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Bolivia, Angola, Chad, Central America, Kenya, Indonesia and Iran, ect. Example of International Cooperation (2)
International Crisis Group(ICG 國際危機小組) • *It is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation established in 1995, with some 140 staff members on five continents, working to prevent conflict worldwide. • (國際危機小組成立於1995年;為一非營利非政府組織。全球五大洲共有工作人員140名) • *It’s headquarter is in Brussels. It currently covers nearly 60 areas of actual or potential conflict across four continents. For instance, in Africa, Asia, Europe, in Latin America. • (國際危機小組總部位於比利時布魯塞爾; 工作遍及4大洲61個區域)
Capital from 21 countries(40%); 13charity foundations (30%)and some personal and enterprises donations(30%)
Cases of International Conflicts → ↘ → Source: International Crisis Group, http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm, “consulted in September 2007.” 1999 Belgrade Bombing → Source: BBC News, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/591916.stm, “consulted in September 2007.”
2.自由貿易(Free Trade)vs. 貿易競爭(Trade Conflicts) Source: The European Free Trade Association (EFTA), http://secretariat.efta.int/Web/Events/conference_geneva2006/, “consulted in September 2007.”
Cases of Trade Conflicts ↑ Costa Ricans protest against Free Trade Agreement negotiations with the USA in San Jose, Costa Rica, Oct 20, 2003. Source: http://www.dismalworld.com/im/protests/costa-ricans-protest-against-free-trade.jpg, “consulted in September 2007.” Free Trade is not Fair Trade- March against Free Trade in La Paz, Bolivia, Sep 20, 2005. Source: http://www.nickbuxton.info/photos/campaigning/maniflapaz_027.html, “consulted in September 2007.”
3. Interdependence (相互依賴 )vs. • Balance of Power (權力平衡) • Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye • (哈佛大學政治學教授基歐漢與奈伊提出): • Interdependence = ‘mutual dependence’ • ‘interconnectedness’ = merely interactions which do not have significant costly effects • ‘dependence’ = ‘a state of being determined or significantly affected by external forces.’ • Interdependence ≠ ‘dependence’ nor ‘ • interconnectedness’
Balance of Power(權力平衡) • A Doctrine of Equilibrium(均勢原則): • 做為一國外交政策時,目標在於使相互競爭的各方勢力處於一穩定相互牽制之局面,不使任何一方過於強大而打破均勢破壞穩定。 • Example 1: Cross-Strait Relations • (台海權力平衡) • Example 2: Soviet-US Relations in the Cold-War Period (冷戰時期美國與蘇聯關係): • Mutually Assured Destruction (恐怖平衡、互相保證毀滅)
4. 絕對增益 vs. 相對增益 Absolute Gainsvs. Relative Gains
自由主義 vs. 現實主義 Liberalism vs. Realism *Neoliberalism-derived from Liberalism, scholars such as Robert Keohane, Joseph Nye devoted their work to this approach. (新自由主義大師以基歐漢與奈伊為主要代表) *Neorealism-developed from Realism, Kenneth Waltz is the representative of this approach. (新現實主義大師以沃爾茲為代表)
新自由主義 (NeoLiberalism) *Believe human beings are basically GOOD. (人民、國家、以及公司的本質是良善的。 *The important role played by international organisations-international conflicts can be decreased by them. (經由國際組織以及國際規則,國家可以自經濟交流中獲得利益,達到互惠。國際組織可以減少國際衝突。) *Compared with Neorealism, for neoliberals, absolute gains are acceptable. (相較新現實主義,新自由主義比較能接受國與國之間收益不均的合作行為。 ) *Principle of Reciprocity. (重視互惠原則:即在國際無政府狀態下,當國際規章與法律無法由一個中央政府來執行時,國家可以經由互惠方式來實行時國際規則,並藉由國際規則的實行來促進國家利益。 )
新現實主義(Neorealism) * Human beings and states are rational self-interest;international conflicts can’t be avoided. 理性自利 人民和國家都只是依照其自身的利益行動,並且認為一國只有在對其自身有利的情況下才會與他國合作。國際衝突是無法避免的。 *States are interest-maximiser. 國家是單一行為者,他們理性的追求國家利益的最大化。
Class Discussion 4 Do you support the ideas of LIBERALISM or REALISM? That is to say, do you think human beings or countries are being GOOD or they are just SELF-INTEREST, and INTEREST-MAXIMISERS? Discuss with your friends and express your views and opinions.