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從一串鞭炮到 ESL. Alan P. Su Global Unichip Corp. Curriculum Vitae.
從一串鞭炮到 ESL Alan P. Su Global Unichip Corp.
Curriculum Vitae Alan P. Su received his bachelor degree in computer science from Chung-Yuan Christian University in 1986. After working as a system analyst with CMS (later EDS Taiwan and now HP), he went to the States and received M.S. degree from University of Missouri Rolla in 1994 and doctorate from University of California Riverside in 1998. Between 1998 and 2002 he worked for EEsof, Hewlett-Packard Company, later spun off to become Agilent, to develop a DSP Synthesis tool and other Electronic System Level (ESL) tools. In 2003 he returned to Taiwan and joined SoC Technology Center, ITRI to conduct several ESL projects in tool development, SoC designing and design methodologies. While remained as a consultant with ITRI, in April 2006 he joined SpringSoft, Inc. to lead the development of ESL tools. In August 2008 he joined Global Unichip Corp. to develop ESL development boards as platforms to provide ESL design services. Dr. Su involves in various ESL standardization efforts. He is a member of OSCI Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) Working Group, Synthesis Working Group, Configuration, Control and Inspection Working Group, Language Working Group and OCP-IP Debug Working Group. He is also the Chair of Taiwan SystemC Users Group. Dr. Su's research interest includes distributed and parallel computing, leakage current minimization, 3D IC and ESL verification, synthesis, debug, testing and design methodologies.
一串鞭炮 Alan P. Su received his bachelor degree in computer science from Chung-Yuan Christian University in 1986.
兩台機器 After working as a system analyst with CMS (later EDS Taiwan and now HP),…
三個專題 …he went to the States and received M.S. degree from University of Missouri Rolla in 1994…
Parallel Computing • Using a parallel computer to speed up the computation. • Parallel computer: multiple processing elements interconnected in a specific architecture and controlled by a general purpose processor. • Architecture examples: hyper cube, mesh, ring, pyramid, etc.
+ Ring Mesh Hyper Cube 22 23 24 Ring 21 Example Parallel Architectures For each application, e.g. sorting, they all have specific and different ways to implement. The implementation takes advantage of the architecture to speed up the application.
Distributed Computing • Deploy an application on inter-connected computers to tolerate fault thus increase the service quality. • Internet is an implementation of such concept. • Lots of distributed computing research focus on software engineering, including formal proving.
Grid Computing • It is distributed computing in the bone. • However many researchers today use grid to compute a big problem in parallel. • Grid blurs the line between parallel and distributed computing. And the term “concurrent computing” maybe more appropriate.
SoC Multi-Core Platform • Currently it is implemented in the mindset of distributed computing without the intent of fault tolerance. • Heterogeneous cores and multi-threaded computing. • Resource tracing is the main issue in today’s verification and debug needs.
Dining Philosopher Problem • Multi-Process Synchronization • Each philosopher think and eat • Must have two forks, or chopsticks, to eat • Deadlock occurs if • must pick right hand fork first, and • when all philosophers come to eat at the same time
Dining Philosopher Solutions • Solution 1: Not all philosophers can eat at the same time • Solution 2: Number chopsticks from small to large in order. A philosopher must take smaller number chopstick first.
Cheating Husbands Puzzle* • Mamajorca, Atlantis, a country ruled by women. • Only after proven as a perfect logician a woman could marry. • The queen, Henrietta I, gathered all married women in the town square one day and announced that: • There are one or more cheating husbands. • You know all other cheating husbands but your own. • No discussions allowed. • On the day you can determine your husband is cheating on you, shoot him at midnight. • 39 silent nights went by. On 40th night, shots were heard. • How many shots? Or how many cheating husbands? * Y. Moses, D. Dolev and J.Y. Halpern, “Cheating Husbands and Other Stories: A Case Study of Knowledge, Action, and Communication". Distributed Computing (1986) 1: 167–176.
40 Cheating Husbands Were Killed! • Proved by induction: • 1 cheating husband: the cheated wife, who know no other cheating husbands, kill that SoB the first midnight. • Assume this is true for N cheating husbands that they were shot on Nth midnight. • N+1 cheating husbands: the first N nights the N+1 wives knew N cheating husband didn’t shoot. When heard no shots the first N nights they immediately knew their husbands were cheating and kill them on the N+1th midnight.
Henrietta II, The Disgraced • Henrietta II installed a mail system so no town square gathering was required. The mail system guaranteed that mails would reach receivers eventually. She sent out a first mail to announce this mail system, then sent the second letter, exactly the same as her mother’s announcement. • No husbands were killed because of asynchronous communication system puzzled wives if other cheated wives received the message yet. P.S. If there was only one cheating husband then it would work.
Queen Margaret • Killed all cheating husbands in 3 days, with • a strongly synchronized communication system, and • allow shooting into the air. • Well, how so? Please read the paper.
Future Multi-Core SoC’s • In the near future true parallel computing will be employed by constructing a specialized parallel architecture. Like IBM Cell processor and Intel 80-core processor. • Speed-up factor analysis (against # of PE’s) and bottleneck analysis (to find why the speed-up is not as expected) are needed.
Electronic Design Automation …and doctorate from University of California Riverside in 1998.
EDA • Software tools that help designers to design, implement and verify electronic devises. • Examples: Math Modeler, RF Simulation, architecture synthesis, behavior synthesis, logic synthesis, place & route, pSpice, etc. • Almost all the problems to be solved in EDA are either NP complete or NP hard.
Leakage Current 在大學沒學好的東西 Gate Ground VDD Source Drain
Leakage Current 在大學沒學好的東西 Gate Ground VDD Source Drain VDD PMOS CMOS Inverter 0 1 0 1 In Out NMOS Ground
Leakage Current 靜電防護Electrostatic Discharge, ESD 在大學沒學好的東西 Gate Ground VDD Source Drain
一個有游泳池的家 Between 1998 and 2002 he worked for EEsof, Hewlett-Packard Company, later spun off to become Agilent, to develop a DSP Synthesis tool and other Electronic System Level (ESL) tools.
System-on-a-Chip (SoC) • Key word: System • System an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole, Random House Webster’s College Dictionary, p.1329 • Embedded System is a special-purpose system in which the computer (processor) is completely encapsulated by the device it controls, Wikipedia
13 14 15 16 17 A Single Core Design Cycle 3540 ARM Core DMAC AHB (0x3002054, 0x3F, Cycle 3550) APB (0x2054, 0x3F, Cycle 3552) USB
13 14 15 16 17 35 36 37 38 39 RAM Message Passing via Shared Memory Cycle 3540 Cycle 3760 ARM Core DSP Core WR (0x3002054, 0x3F, Cycle 3550) RD (0x1002054, 0x3F, Cycle 3764) AHB0 AHB1 ICM WR (0x2054, 0x3F, Cycle 3552) RD (0x2054, 0x3F, Cycle 3766)
35 36 37 38 39 13 14 15 16 17 73 74 75 76 77 1 2 3 RAM A Multi-Core, Multi-Thread Application AP1 AP2 Display Task Graph Data AP1 OS AP2 ISR ARM Core DSP Core WR Tx [3270, 3380] RD Tx [3450, 3570] Interrupt AHB0 AHB1 ICM APB USB LCD Display
事業第二春 In 2003 he returned to Taiwan and joined SoC Technology Center, ITRI to conduct several ESL projects in tool development, SoC designing and design methodologies.
國標 Dr. Su involves in various ESL standardization efforts. He is a member of OSCI Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) Working Group, Synthesis Working Group, Configuration, Control & Inspection Working Group, Language Working Group and OCP-IP Debug Working Group. He is also the Chair of Taiwan SystemC Users Group.
SoC Design Challenges • Moore’s Law and More than Moore • Architecture design and exploration • Lower cost and power • Faster and smaller • Verification • Top-down reusable test benches • Reliable early stage verification • Shorter & shorter turn-around • 10M gates in 3 months or less
ElectronicSystemLevel ESL is a solution to SoC design challenges. Definition: The use of appropriate abstractions in order to increase comprehension of a system, and to enhance the probability of successfully implementing its functionality in a cost effective manner, while meeting necessary constraints. “ESL Design and Verification”, Bailey, Martin & Piziali, 2007
ESL Design Methodology Macro Architecture Exploration & Verification Micro Architecture Exploration & Verification
TLM 2.0 • An Architecture Exploration Standard • Untimed (UT): algorithm verification • Loosely timed (LT): macro architecture exploration • Approximately timed (AT) • macro architecture verification • micro architecture exploration • Cycle accurate (CA, not implemented by OSCI yet): micro architecture verification
Adopting ESL What you should be doing today
Specification ESL/FPGA Co-Emulation • Legacy RTL IP Reuse • TLM 2.0 Modeling • Architecture Design • Hybrid ESL Verification • Performance Analysis • ESL IP Verification Algorithm Analysis Data Flow Analysis ArchitectureDesign ESL Verification RTL Coding High Level Synthesis ESL/FPGA Regression Test Need 1: ESL/FPGA Co-Emulation
C++ Test Vectors C++ Developed & Verified C++ Test Vectors C++ Developed & Verified SCV RTL Design RTL Design TLM 2.0 FPGA Target Emulation Verilog Test Vectors Verilog Target Simulation Functional plus Formal Verification FPGA Reduced Test Vectors FPGA Target Emulation Verilog Test Vectors Verilog Target Simulation Need 2: ESL Verification • Conventional • ESL/FPGA
Need 3: HLS with ESL Verification C++ Test Harness C++ Algorithms SCV High Level Synthesis Fast Regression Test 2 to 3 Orders Faster than Simulation TLM 2.0 Debug FPGA Target Emulation Functional plus Formal Verification Logic Bugs Identified HDL Test Vectors HDL Target Simulation
Issues to Focus • Enhance Design Productivity and Quality • Close the gap between IC Density and Design Productivity • Design flow integration • ESL Verification • Reuse algorithm level test suite • High-level models for architectural verification at early stage • ESL/FPGA co-emulation, faster and easier • High Level Synthesis (HLS) • Productivity Boost • Architecture Exploration • Control Intensive & communication interface • Multi-Core Design • Identify the architecture with lowest cost and power • Early stage software development support • Multi-core HW/SW co-debug
命運真奇妙 Dr. Su's research interest includes distributed and parallel computing, leakage current minimization, and ESL verification, synthesis, debug, testing and design methodology.