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MTSS at Oak Park

MTSS at Oak Park . MTSS Trainers: Janet Stephenson Melissa Long School Psychologist: Griselle Zeno. Agenda. Overview Instruction at Tier 1, 2 and 3 Intervention Process & Design Fidelity of the Intervention Data Team Meetings. Essential Question and Outcome.

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MTSS at Oak Park

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MTSS at Oak Park MTSS Trainers: Janet Stephenson Melissa Long School Psychologist: Griselle Zeno

  2. Agenda • Overview • Instruction at Tier 1, 2 and 3 • Intervention Process & Design • Fidelity of the Intervention • Data Team Meetings

  3. Essential Question and Outcome Essential Question: How does the MTSS process help students? Outcome: • To understand that MTSS is the school effort for improving student achievement. • To understand differences in Tier 1,2 and 3 instruction. • To know the process of meetings and paperwork expectations at Oak Park. • To understand the importance of fidelity and direct instruction.

  4. Overview of MTSS

  5. New Way of Thinking From: “What’s wrong with this child?” To: “What supports does this child need to be successful?” Instruction Curriculum Environment Learner

  6. Tiered Model of School Supports & The Problem-Solving Process ACADEMIC and BEHAVIOR SYSTEMS Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized Interventions & Supports. Tier 2: Targeted, Supplemental Interventions & Supports. Tier 1: Core, Universal Instruction & Supports.

  7. Problem Analysis: Why is it occurring?

  8. Problem Solving Teams School Leadership Team Teacher Data Team Individual Problem Solving Team

  9. In order to implement MTSS, you need a few pieces of infrastructure: • Capacity to Problem-Solve • Capacity to Collect Data, and Make Sense of it • Capacity to deliver instruction at different intensities (Tiered-levels of services) • Capacity to Display Data Over Time

  10. Don’t Jump Yet…

  11. What ShouldInstruction Look Like at Tier 1, 2 and 3?

  12. What is the Focus of Tier 1 ? Academic • High quality instruction and classroom management • Universal Screening to determine each student’s level of proficiency • Differentiated instruction is used and student’s progress monitored • Differentiation occurs in small, teacher-led flexible groups during the 90 min block

  13. What is the Focus of Tier 1?Behavior • High quality classroom management • Effective school-wide discipline plan and/or positive behavior support • Questions to ask? • Do 80-90% of students in the school respond positively to the school-wide discipline plan? • Does the behavior level of the target student differ significantly from that of the peer group?

  14. Activity: Tier 1 Instruction , Tier 2 and Tier 3 Instruction Tier 3

  15. Tier 1 Instruction VersusTier 2 Instruction • Data focuses on grade level/subject area/behavior • Effective instructional strategies for large group/small group • Differentiate Instruction focuses on diverse learners – skill/ability/interest groups • Should result in approximately 80% of students achieving proficiency • School-wide expectations align with grade level targets and supports to promote academic and behavioral needs

  16. Tier 1 Instruction VersusTier 2 Instruction • Focused on a skill that is a barrier • Data is used to identify groups for academic/behavior needs • Problem solving is used to develop interventions • Intervention is additional minutes of supplemental instruction • Instruction provided in Tier 2 must be integrated with Tier 1 content and performance expectations • Impact of Tier 2 instruction should result in 70% or more of students achieving grade-level expectations.

  17. Tier 3 – Most Intense • More instructional time • Smaller instructional groups • More precisely targeted at the appropriate level • Clearer and more detailed explanations • More systematic instructional sequences • More extensive opportunities for practice • More opportunities for feedback

  18. What do they have in common? Tier 3 HIGH QUALITY INSTRUCTION

  19. Remember: TIERS are the level of support students need in order to be successful.

  20. Intervention Design • Must Target the missing skill(s) • Include Explicit instruction • Within a supported learning environment • Purposeful • Well-planned • Based on data • Focused on alterable variables within the Instruction, Curriculum, Environment

  21. Fidelity of the Intervention • Daily consistency – no cancellations • Teaching the same skill for the entire intervention cycle. • Same teacher is teaching the group for the entire intervention cycle. • Progress monitoring regularly • Instruction is direct • Instruction is scaffolded (I Do, We Do, You Do) • Progress monitoring tool matches the intervention

  22. Data Team Meetings

  23. Problem Solving Teams School Leadership Team Teacher Data Team Individual Problem Solving Team

  24. Teacher Data Meetings Purpose Student Achievement Collaborate to problem solve and plan interventions both at Tier 1 and Tier 2 level Monitor student progress Learn from each other

  25. Data Team Meetings

  26. Examples of what to bring to Data Team Meetings and IPST • Be able to “tell the story” • Intervention Log(s) – (Form 7) • Know when interventions started, began, changed. • Include ongoing progress monitoring data – matched to intervention. • Include data for all kids that were in the intervention group. • Parent Conference Info – (Form 2) • Cume Folder/Cume Folder Review – (Form 1) • Other formative/diagnostic assessments

  27. Hoping you all stay afloat and know we are here to support you!Janet ext. 448 Melissa ext. 358

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