Welcome to MITGaard! MITGaard is a Medieval and Renaissance history club. Our activities are highly participatory and hands-on, and most require no prior experience. We host and run workshops, classes and projects in a great variety of topics, from armored combat to cooking to making chainmail to social dancing to how to make your first costume. Our major events (about once per month or so) are done in full historical dress. The SCA is a worldwide organization, and most of the activities going on at MIT include people from throughout the greater Boston area. Local activities have anywhere from a few people to hundreds. Some of the regular activities around Boston include fencing, fighting, dancing, sewing, leatherwork, woodwork, metal work, thrown weapons, singing, music, calligraphy, and games. Whether you choose to participate in just one activity or many, there are always people willing to help you learn and explore your interest. MITGaard's activities in the coming year will include medieval clothes-making workshops, Renaissance dancing, feasts with medieval and Renaissance recipes, playing hurley (an ancient Irish sport thatis a cross between field hockey and rugby), chainmail workshops, pewter casting, and more. None of these activities require an previous experience. If you are interested in doing something you think might be done in the SCA, use the contact below and ask about it! What do I need to do to get involved? 1) Come to a MITGaard meeting (see below); there you will get more information and help in doing everything below. 2) Subscribe to the email list (mitgaard). 3) Make medieval clothing (a tunic) to wear to SCA events. 4) Attend an SCA event. Later, you will need to choose a name to be known by within the SCA, get dishes appropriate for medieval feasting, and subscribe to the Boston SCA group's newsletter, but these first four steps are the most important. How do I get started? Join us at our meetings on Wednesdays in W20-303 (PDR3), from 6:30pm to 7:30 pm. For any questions, ask: President of MITGaard: Myndroh- myndroh@mit.edu or Magistra Carolingia (help for newcomers): Lady Godith Anyon, (617) 776-6777 or magistra@carolingia.org web.mit.edu/sca/www