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Vocational Education and Taining Armenia. Education System. 4. Labor Market Specific. Other elements of Curriculum development Professional Training Module at workplace Professional Integration Module * no yet in Armenia*. Vocational Education and Taining Armenia. Education System.
Vocational Education and Taining Armenia Education System 4. Labor Market Specific. Other elements of Curriculum development Professional Training Module at workplace Professional Integration Module * no yet in Armenia* By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Taining Armenia Education System 4. Labor Market Specific. Other elements of Curriculum development Professional Training Module at workplace Professional Integration Module * no yet in Armenia* By Belén Cano
1. PROFESSIONAL MODULE. At theend of theprocess training EstimateDuration: 300/400 hoursaprox. Itsincluded i a training programme In real worksituation By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia Professional Training Module at workplace The workplace is also an important educational space. It is necessary to ensure that best value is recognized trainer of work, which takes into account the experience gained in the exercise of a profession. Should multiply the associations between education and business, to foster the necessary rapprochement between the initial and ongoing training.Objectives: Preparation for existing jobs Capacity of adapting to jobs that are not even imaginable.In the same way that the gap between classroom and the outside world becomes less rigid, teachers should extend the educational process outside the campus. By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia Professional Training Module at workplace Previous consideration Structure of the module Methodology for the development of the module Tools By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • Preliminary considerations:1.1 Concept and objectives.1.2 Agents involved. features: • - The school and tutor. - Chambers of Commerce and other intermediaries.- Companies and monitors companies.- Students. • 1.3 FCT benefits it provides, for the education system, business, students.1.4 Specific regulatory framework.1.5 Concept Training Programme. By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • Preliminary considerations:1.1 Concept and objectives.1.Concepts: His module is, consisting of a set of objectives (terminal capabilities), a content (training activities) and assessment criteria to allow students to complement the skills already acquired at school and acquire skills terminals, which can not be achieved in this, for demanding real production situations. The FCT is developed in the work environment, where students can observe and perform tasks of different jobs on a profession and learn about the organization of production processes and real socio-labor relations that occur in business.Duration Training in the Workplace is done generally (with exceptions, which provide up to 740 hours), over 300-400 hours of work, business partners, in full working day. The module placement is established as a compulsory module performance (curriculum) in all Vocational Training, being usually the last phase of the specific vocational training. As curriculum must have an equal academic treatment than the other modules / subjects, must be evaluated and graded so that the results obtained in the same decision making. Agreed a “ProfessionalTrainingProgramme" between schools and the workplace or business partners. By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • Preliminary considerations:1.1 Concept and objectives.1.Objectives of the FCT: 1. Tocomplementtheacquisitionbystudents of professionalcompetenceachieved in theschool, byperforming a set of training identifiedamongtheproductiveactivities of theworkplace.2. Contributetothe general aims of vocational training (acquiringprofessionalcompetence of eachsecurityfeature and a professionalidentity and maturitymotivatingfuturelearning and adaptationtochangingabilities).3. Evaluatethemostimportantaspects of professionalcompetenceacquiredbythestudents and, in particular, demonstratethoseaspects of competencerequired in employment (expressed in theprofile of eachtitle) that can notbeverified at theteaching center fordemanding real-lifesituationsproduction.4. Acquireknowledge of theorganization of productionfortheprofile and thesystem of social and labor relations in theworkplacetofacilitatetheirfutureemployability By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • Preliminary considerations:1.2 Agents involved. features: • Task ofThe school and teacher tutor. - The Coordinator and tutor should become the driving forces in the rapprochement between their school and local businesses [project the image of the center to the outside].• Ensure the achievement of the professional profile for (department and team teaching), for the students.• Propose and sign the cooperation agreement with the workplace on behalf of the Educational Administration.• Attention to students during the tutorial session for monitoring of the training program at school, the group was enriched from the experiences.• The team must interweave throughout the process of school-business approach. By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • Preliminary considerations:1.2 Agents involved. features: • Task of chamber of commerce or other intermediate organizations. a) Develop a catalog of potential business partners by family practitionersb) Explain the characteristics of companies module FCT and the terms of participation in it.c) Check the requirements to be met by companies for practices, according to the quality criteria specified by the educational authorities.Develop a catalog of partner companies (database available on the pages of the Chambers of Commerce or, or While on the page of the Ministry of Education, or centre, with indication of: Sector (professional family, and cycle in the event that the company requires it or deemed appropriate by the House itself) Number of training positions Location geographical training positions Any other observations that may be of interest to the better development of the FCTd) Facilitate the signing of the specific agreement of collaboration between businesses and schoolse) Advise the company regarding the internship: · Technical Issues · Elements organizational · Framework Legal Business to school and student-company · Profile Monitor Company· Objectives organizational and content of programming practices Assessment, etc.f) Assist in the training of the instructors of business, as responsible students in the workplace. By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • Preliminary considerations:1.2 Agents involved. features: • Task of Business and Business monitor. · Sign the agreement with the school and assume responsibility for its implementation.· Agree with the teacher monitor the activities to meet the "Training Program" in the FCT.Designate Monitor Company, for monitoring, coordinating and evaluating the placement of students in the workplace.• Plan activities to be undertaken by students adequately to carry out the purposes specified in the PTM.· Observe and record the evidence of the student's professional competence, contrasting with the capabilities and the evaluation criteria set out in the module placement.Facilitate regular access Professor - tutor for tracking, assessment and monitoring of the PTM undertaken.· Take responsibility through corporate monitor for monitoring the student during their stay in the workplace and compliance training program.· Facilitate meetings between teachers and monitors of the company, to facilitate exchanges of experience and new technologies sector.· Issue PTM at the end of an assessment report of each student on the degree of compliance training program and in particular the competition shown by the students in real work situations.• Assist training courses· Encourage quality for integral human development: knowledge, expertise and know how to be (living together and being).· To promote responsibility and autonomy of the students by assigning tasks that favor it.· Partners in the process of student assessment.• Collaborate on the employability of students in new hires.• Allow periodic teacher stays for update· Agree collaborative strategies that allow for better training of workers, teachers and students to use new technologies, the use of the facilities of schools By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • Preliminary considerations:1.3 FCT benefits it provides, for the education system, business, students. By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • 1.3 Specific regulatory framework. • …….ON CONSTRUCTION ..? By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • Preliminary considerations:1.5 Concept Training Programme. By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • 2. Structure • Partner collaborator. Company • Student • Centre-School • Cycle, level • Hours • Learning outcomes • Contents • Assessment Criteria • Sequence • Department on the company • Time • Value of monitoring • Assessment By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • 3. Methodological guidelines for the development of the training program.3.1 Procedures for identifying and selecting partners.3.2 Organization of the Training Programme.3.3 Implementation and monitoring of the PTM.3.4 Proposal for the Evaluation of the PTM (annexes, exercises) By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • 3. Methodological guidelines for the development of the training program.3.1 Procedures for identifying and selecting partners. • Minimum guarantees on acceptance of the principles and objectives of the placement by the company • .• Assessment on the organization and business structure, noting that allows the development of training activities related to the professional profile of the training cycle. • · Judgement on the current availability of technological resources, both in facilities and in equipment and qualified personnel for the good development practices.Socio-economic • · Interest in the workplace in relation to local or provincial development and employability of students. By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • 3. Methodological guidelines for the development of the training program. 3.2 Organization of the Training Programme. Chambers of Commerce and business organizations, will determine the workplace to fit properly to the completion of training practices by students. A useful tool to verify this adaptation is called "Sheet partner company." (Word format)· Delivery of this information to the service required of the General Department.· The General Services of the Center will provide this information to the schools involved.· The workplace and proven integrity and form a "catalog companies, agencies and institutions for the implementation of the," database that is available to schools in the pages of the Chambers of Commerce or on the website of the Ministry of Education: · Similarly, educational services may avail themselves of local information, through companies or associations that may be of interest to the development of best practices By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • 3. Methodological guidelines for the development of the training program. 3.3 Implementation and monitoring of the PTM. • The periods of performance are those prefixed by the education authority, usually from September to December (short cycles), and from April to June (long cycles), depending on the duration of the training cycle.• The tutor will develop a day at school with students as well as regular visits to the company.• The Monitor Company will coordinate the activities of students in the company, bringing those guidelines that contribute to their learning process. By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • 3. Methodological guidelines for the development of the training program. 3.4 Proposal for the Evaluation of the PTM (annexes, exercises) Monitor companymustissuean "assessmentreport" evidence of professionalcompetence of thestudent, demonstratedduringthedevelopment of the PTM. Thisreportistakenintoaccountbythe tutor and theteachingstaff at the time of qualifyingtheplacement module and, therefore, the training cycle in question.Theseeffectsinclude a proposalfortheevaluation of the PTM:- Evaluationbasedontechnicalcapabilities, skills and attitudes. - Indicativecriteriafor rating. (no Annex).* - Example of computerprocessing of results. (Annex). - Instruments: - Tocollectinformation. (annex). - Fortreatmentinformation and results. (annex).Theinstrumentincluded, basedontheevaluation of technicalcapabilities, skills and attitudes so thattheresultiscoherent, allstudentsmusthavethesamenumber of grades, so itwillbenecessarytoalsoinclude cases in whichthequalificationiszero, toavoidmiscalculation of weightedaverages.Note that, in ordertoobtainproperoperation of theinstrument, mustbeweighedononesideeach of theelementstoevaluateeach of thethreeareasconsidered (technical, skills and attitudes) to 100% and in turn, alsoweigh up to 100% thethreeaspects (seeexampleincludedannex). By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia • Professional Training Module at workplace • Tools. See Annexes • 1. Data collectionsheet of thepartnercompany PTM2. SpecificcollaborationConcert PTM 3. AnnextothespecificcollaborationConcert PTM4. Sheetchangesorlowstudents in thedevelopment of the PTM 5. PTM Tab of the training program6. PTM Sample record training program7. PTM Tracking: Studentfile8. PTM Sample record for tracking the FCT: Studentfile9. PTM Evaluation: Indicativecriteriafor rating 10.PTM assessment: data collectionsheet • 11. PTM Assessment: Treatment of the data By Belén Cano
2. INTEGRATION MODULE At theend of theprocess training EstimateDuration: 300/400 hoursaprox. Itsincluded in a training programme In real worksituations By Belén Cano
Vocational Education and Training Armenia Professional Training Module at workplace Annexes and exercises. By Belén Cano