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International Federation of Environmental Health www.ifeh.org. The use of Indicators at the local level IFEH project on Sustainability Indicators www.ifeh.org/indicators P resented by Jerry Chaka, President SAIEH email: president.elect@ifeh.org
International Federation of Environmental Healthwww.ifeh.org The use of Indicators at the local levelIFEH project on Sustainability Indicatorswww.ifeh.org/indicatorsPresented by Jerry Chaka, President SAIEH email: president.elect@ifeh.org at the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, August 2002andPresented by Henning I. Hansen, FMK Denmark, Chair of the IFEH-indicator projectemail: fmk@inet.uni2.dkat the the World Conference on Environmental Health, San Diego CA, USA, May 2002Slides developed and produced by: Henning I. Hansen, FMK DenmarkIFEH Project Email : indicator-project@ifeh.org IFEH Project Website : www.ifeh.org/indicators Henning I. Hansen
Agenda for the session • Introduction • International indicator systems • IFEH Project on the use of indicators • How indicators can be implemented in the local planning Henning I. Hansen
IntroductionDefinition on indicators Henning I. Hansen
Indicators definitions What is an environmental indicator ? There exists no authoritative definition on the term “environmental indicator” On the European Environment Agency website there is given the following definition: Observed value representative of a phenomenon to study. In general, indicators quantify information by aggregating different and multiple data. The resulting information is therefore synthesised. In short, indicators simplify information that can help to reveal complex phenomenon. Henning I. Hansen
Indicator definitions What is a sustainability indicator ? There exists no authoritative definition on the term “sustainability indicator” The ideal sustainability indicator is aggregated information which describes the interactions between the following issues: Environmental issuesSocial, health and cultural issuesEconomic issues In the IFEH project on sustainability indicators– it is not the aim to derive or decide a precise definition of the term “sustainability indicators” – but it is to demonstrate examples on how indicators are used in order to monitor whether the developments goes in the right or the wrong direction – and mainly at the local level - with a global perspective. Henning I. Hansen
Indicator definitions Why should one use indicators ? To communicate rather complex environmental, social, health and economic information to the public in an easily understandable way. To monitor the pressure on and the state of the environment as well as impacts on human health / living conditions and to highlight trends in order to answer the basic question: Are we moving in the right direction. To establish a sound foundation for the decision making parties for them to respond most effectively through planning (set up precise targets) and to carry out the right and needed actions. To assess the environmental and health effects of taken actions(were the action successful – did it matter !) To assess the effectiveness of the taken action(cost – benefit analysis Was it worth it ! ) Henning I. Hansen
Indicator definitions What characterises the “ideal” indicator ? • From the reading of the indicator values over time you should be able to definitively and objectively conclude whether the changes describe a positive or negative development. • The indicator shall be based upon objective data measurements, where the specific data leaves no room for interpretation besides the monitoring inaccuracy. • The indicator must be easy to comprehend - and there has to be a recognized causal link between the used data that the indicator is based upon and the environmental development one wishes to describe. • The indicator is closely linked to planned targets Henning I. Hansen
International indicator systemsMajor international organisation working on developing indicator systems Henning I. Hansen
Major international organisation working on developing indicator systems - an overview in outline United Nationswww.un.org UNSDUNCSD (UN Commission on Sustainable development)UNEP European Unionwww.eu.int Commission of the European CommunitiesEEA (European Environment Agency)Eurostat OECDwww.oecd.int Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development World Bank http://www.worldbank.org/ World Health Organisation WHOwww.who.int Henning I. Hansen
Major international organisation working on developing indicator systems - Specific links on the Web United NationsUN CSD – List of indicators connected to Agenda 21 United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development CSD has set up a list of indicators and methodology worksheets to monitor progress towards sustainability. The indicators are sectored in accordance with the chapters in Agenda 21. Information on the indicators can be found on the web at this address:http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/natlinfo/indicators/indisd/english/worklist.htm ( Revised List :http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/natlinfo/indicators/isd.htm)The indicators are divided in 3 main types: Driving forces indicators – State indicators - and Response indicators. DSR - indicator framework All together the CSD work programme contains 134 indicators and to each of them there is set up a methodology worksheet. Henning I. Hansen
Major international organisation working on developing indicator systems - Specific links on the Web European UnionEuropean Environment Agency The EEA aims to support sustainable development and to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy making agents and the public. Much relevant information about indicators can be found on the EEA website: http://www.eea.eu.int/ The EEA has set up a special website where indicators are grouped after: Issues - Sectors - Media - Areas – Actions. From the site it is possible to see the latest monitoring results covering most of Europe. http://themes.eea.eu.int/all_indicators_boxhttp://themes.eea.eu.int/ The EEA uses the DPSIR indicator framework Henning I. Hansen
The EEA DPSIR indicator framework Responseindicators Policies and targets ACTIONS Driving forceindicators Causes Impactindicators Health,ecosystems,materials Pressureindicators Pollutants Stateindicators Quality Henning I. Hansen
Major international organisation working on developing indicator systems - Specific links on the Web European UnionEU commissionThe Sixth Environment Action Programme of the European Community 2001-2010 Environment 2010: Our Future, Our Choicehttp://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/newprg/index.htmTowards a local sustainability profile – common indicators – detailed worksheets:Project website: http://www.sustainable-cities.org/indicators/ Henning I. Hansen
Major international organisation working on developing indicator systems – specific links on the Web OECDThe OECD has developed several sets of indicators each responding to a specific purpose: the OECD Core Set of environmental indicators; several sets of sectorial indicators; key environmental indicators drawn from the Core Set. http://www.oecd.org/EN/about/0,,EN-about-567-nodirectorate-no-no-no-21,00.html Henning I. Hansen
Major international organisation working on developing indicator systems – specific links on the Web World Bank World Development Indicators 2002The World Development Indicators (WDI) is the World Bank's premier annual compilation of data about development. WDI 2002 includes approx. 800 indicators in 87 tables, organized in six sections: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links. http://www.worldbank.org/data/wdi2002/index.htm Henning I. Hansen
Major international organisation working on developing indicator systems – specific links on the Web World Health Organisation WHOWHO Regional Office for Europe. The WHO regional office of Europe has initiated a project in order to develop a methodology and indicators related to Environmental Health.A set of interlinked indicators has been proposed to address the main environmental health concerns and related actions in key policy areas: Air (ambient and indoor) quality Housing and settlements Traffic Noise Waste and Contaminated lands Radiation Water (drinking and recreational) and sanitation Food safety Chemical emergencies workplacehttp://www.who.dk/Ehindicators WHO uses DPSEEA indicator framework DPSEEA stands for:Driving forces Pressures State Exposure Effect Actions Henning I. Hansen
IFEH Project - Sustainability Indicatorsan example collection on how to monitor progress towards a sustainable development International Federation of Environmental Health Henning I. Hansen
IFEH ProjectAims To build a collection of initiatives and activities undertaken primarily by local and regional environment and health authorities, World-wide. To demonstrate how indicators can be used as a tool for planning and monitoring. To share the experience of using indicators – primarily at the local and regional level. The use of indicators will allow for a more accurate assessment, performed by the local authority, on whether progress has been made towards a sustainable development. www.ifeh.org/indicators Henning I. Hansen
IFEH ProjectIndicator Themes • Local Agenda 21 – initiatives • Local Environmental Health initiatives • Human Health related to environmental impacts • Human Diseases • Air pollution (dust, SO2, NOx, VOC etc) • CO2-emission / energy consumption / climatic change • Noise pollution • Wastewater (wastewater treatment / sludge handling etc.) • Drinking water • Food Control • Waste (production/ recycling / handling and waste prevention etc.) • Lakes, watercourses, rivers and the sea • Nature, forest and animal wildlife protection • Industrial and agricultural activities – pollution – use of best available technology • Use of harmful substances and chemicals • Housing standard (related to human health) • Use of non-renewable resources • Transport www.ifeh.org/indicators International Federation of Environmental Health Henning I. Hansen
IFEH ProjectCountries represented AustraliaAustriaCanadaDenmarkEngland, Wales and Northern IrelandFinlandFranceGermanyIrelandKenyaLatviaLithuaniaNew ZealandNorway ScotlandSouth AfricaSwedenTanzaniaThailandUSAZambia www.ifeh.org/indicators International Federation of Environmental Health Henning I. Hansen
IFEH ProjectIndicator Themes • One example on how the form is filled in – and what kind of information can be expected. • CO2 emission www.ifeh.org/indicators International Federation of Environmental Health Henning I. Hansen
IFEH ProjectHow to contribute The project is still open for moreparticipators !Should you and your authority / institution wish to contribute with your experience in the field of using indicators – just send the IFEH project Secretariat a mail telling that your are interested :indicator-project@ifeh.orgChairman of the IFEH project : Henning Hansen, FMK Denmark( Danish Association of Environmental Protection Officers )Email: indicator-project@ifeh.org Contact person for South Africa: Francois Nel, Secretary SAIEH( South African Institute of Environmental Health ) Email: secretary.saieh@ifeh.org www.ifeh.org/indicators International Federation of Environmental Health Henning I. Hansen
The implementation of the use of indicators in the planning at the local level Henning I. Hansen
Examples on key issues which could be addressed in a local action plan or Local Agenda 21 Human health – living conditions Description of the stateand recent efforts Energy – CO2 emission Water environment New and existing goals Traffic and transport Waste Key Indicators Drinking water Nature Urban Ecology Planned initiatives andspecific actions Environmental awareness Green public purchase Henning I. Hansen
Key indicators Description of the stateand recent efforts New and existing goals To each specific key indicatorsthere is elaborated a methodologyworksheet Key Indicators Planned initiatives andspecific actions Henning I. Hansen
Key indicators – methodology worksheet – at the local level (for each indicator)(The scheme is inspired from the UN CSD methodology scheme ) Questions : 1. General specifications Indicator theme:Chapter in environmental LA 21 action plan:Connected action/initiative:Overall responsible department / person: (a) Specific name on the key indicator: (b) Brief Definition:(c) Unit of Measurement:(d) Frequency for assessment: 2. Public access (to the value of the indicator) (a) Which publications: (b) Access through the municipal website: (b) Frequency for publishing: 3. Significance (Policy Relevance ) (a) Purpose:(b) Relevance to Sustainable Development:. (c) Linkages to Other Indicators:(d) Overall goals: (d) Specific and quantified targets: (e) International and national goals:4. Methodological Description and Underlying Definitions (a) Underlying Definitions and Concepts:(b) Measurement, calculation and evaluation Methods: 5. Used data and assessment on data availability(a) Data Needed to Compile the Indicator:(b) Inaccuracy ondata and on monitoring methods:(c) Data Sources: 6. Relationship to international indicator systems(a)UN CSD indicators (A21) ( name and number ) (b) WHO indicator system(c)European Common Indicators ( name and number )(e) Other international indicator systems Henning I. Hansen
Kg CO2 –emission pr capita in Aarhus Municipality, 1999 An example of the indicators which is described in the IFEH project (from The Municipality of Aarhus, Denmark)Key indicator – CO2 emission Kg CO2 pr capita 10.000 2.500 9.500 8.600 2.000 1.500 Kg/year 1.000 500 5.000 Petrol Electricity District heating Gas 2.600 Gasoil Heavy Fuel Traffic Industry Service sectorr Public administration Construction Trade companies Agriculture Hotels and Restaurans Private households Aarhus 1999 DK 1999 DK 2012 DK 2030 Sustainable level accord. IPCC Henning I. Hansen
Reports and accountancy At the local level there normally would be 30 - 40 key indicators covering all key issues in LA 21 action plan Normally once a year there should be accounted for the key indicators values and trends in a ”Green Account” or similar statistics. This information should be public available through journals and if available through the local government website. Henning I. Hansen
Final To make changes towards a sustainable development we have to know where we are coming from and where we are heading To make the right decisions and take the proper actions to achieve the goals we have to use indicators and reporting systems all the way to monitor whether we are going in the right direction – and to get involvement from all stakeholders. Henning I. Hansen