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Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne. Invariant Inference for Many-Object Systems. http://lara.epfl.ch/~kuncak. joint work with: Thomas Wies, IST Austria. iIWIGP , ETAPS 2011. Viktor Kuncak. Broader Agenda: Implicit Programming. requirements. def f(x : Int ) = {
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne Invariant Inference for Many-Object Systems http://lara.epfl.ch/~kuncak • joint work with:Thomas Wies, IST Austria iIWIGP, ETAPS 2011 Viktor Kuncak
Broader Agenda:Implicit Programming requirements def f(x : Int) = { y = 2 * x + 1 } working system
Implicit Programming A high-level declarative programming model In addition to traditional recursive functions and loop constructs, use (as a language construct)implicit specificationsgive property of result, not how to compute it 1) more expressive 2) easier to argue it’s correct Challenge: • make it executable and efficient so it is useful Claim: automated reasoning is a key technique
Automated Theorem Proving Impossibility could similarly apply to verification and synthesis How to transfer successful theorem proving and verification techniques to synthesis?
Difficulty is in Unbounded Quantities • interactive executionsof unbounded length • unbounded values(integers, terms) • unbounded linked structures (graphs) • systems w/ unbounded number of processes(topology - also graphs)
Programming Activity requirements Consider three related activities: • Development within an IDE (emacs, Visual Studio, Eclipse) • Compilation and static checking(optimizing compiler for the language, static analyzer, contract checker) • Execution on a (virtual) machine More compute power available for each of these use it to improve programmer productivity def f(x : Int) = { y = 2 * x + 1 } iload_0 iconst_1 iadd 42
Implicit Programming at All Levels requirements Opportunities for implicit programming in • Development within an IDE • isynth tool (CAV’11) • Compilation • Comfusy (PLDI’10) and RegSy(FMCAD’10) • Execution • Scala^Z3(CADE’11) and UDITA (ICSE’10) def f(x : Int) = { choose y st... } iload_0 iconst_1 call Z3 42
joint work with: TihomirGvero, Ruzica Piskac Interactive Synthesis of Code Snippets def map[A,B](f:A => B, l:List[A]): List[B] = { ... } defstringConcat(lst : List[String]): String = { ... } ... defprintInts(intList:List[Int], prn: Int => String): String = Suggested valuesfor stringConcat(map(prn, intList)) ... • Is there a term of the given type in given environment? • Monorphic types: decidable. Polymorphic types: undecidable
Our Solution: Use First-Order Resolution isynth tool: • idea is related to the Curry-Howard correspondence(but uses classical logic) • implementation based on a first-order resolution prover we implemented in Scala • supports method combinations, type polymorphism, user preferences • ranking of multiple returned solutions • using a system of weights • preserving completeness CAV 2011 tool paper with TihomirGvero and Ruzica Piskac
As the platform for our tools we use the Scala programming language, developed at EPFL http://www.scala-lang.org/ “Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages, enabling Java and other programmers to be more productive.” one can write both ML-like and Java-like code
Implicit Programming at All Levels requirements Opportunities for implicit programming in • Development within an IDE • isynth tool • Compilation • Comfusy and RegSytools • Execution • Scala^Z3and UDITA tools def f(x : Int) = { choose y st... } iload_0 iconst_1 call Z3 42
The choose Implicit Construct defsecondsToTime(totalSeconds: Int) : (Int, Int, Int) = choose((h: Int, m: Int, s: Int) ⇒ ( h * 3600 + m * 60 + s == totalSeconds && 0 <= h && 0 <= m && m < 60 && 0 <= s && s < 60 )) 3787 seconds 1 hour, 3 mins. and 7 secs.
Implicit Programming at All Levels requirements Opportunities for implicit programming in • Development within an IDE • isynth tool • Compilation • Comfusy and RegSytools • Execution • Scala^Z3and UDITA tools def f(x : Int) = { choose y st... } iload_0 iconst_1 call Z3 42
Scala^Z3Invoking Constraint Solver at Run-Time Java VirtualMachine - functional and imperative code - custom ‘decision procedure’ plugins Z3 SMT Solver (L. de Moura N. Bjoerner MSR) Q: implicit constraint A: model Q: queries containing extension symbols A: custom theoryconsequences with: Philippe SuterandAli SinanKöksal
Executing choose using Z3 defsecondsToTime(totalSeconds: Int) : (Int, Int, Int) = choose((h: Var[Int], m: Var[Int], s: Var[Int]) ⇒ ( h * 3600 + m * 60 + s == totalSeconds && 0 <= h && 0 <= m && m < 60 && 0 <= s && s < 60 )) will be constant at run-time syntax tree constructor 3787 seconds 1 hour, 3 mins. and 7 secs. It works, certainly for constraints within Z3’s supported theories Implemented as a library (jar + z3.so / dll) – no compiler extensions
Programming in Scala^Z3 find triples of integers x, y, z such that x > 0, y > x, 2x + 3y <= 40, x · z = 3y2, and y is prime model enumeration (currently: negate previous) val results = for( (x,y) findAll((x: Var[Int], y: Var[Int]) ) => x > 0 && y > x && x * 2 + y * 3 <= 40); ifisPrime(y); z findAll((z: Var[Int]) ) => x * z=== 3 *y *y)) yield(x, y, z) user’s Scala function λ Scala’s existing mechanism for composing iterations(reduces to standard higher order functions such as flatMap-s) • Use Scala syntax to construct Z3 syntax trees • a type system prevents certain ill-typed Z3 trees • Obtain models as Scala values • Can also write own plugin decision procedures in Scala
UDITA: system for Test Generation void generateDAG(IG ig) { for (int i = 0; i < ig.nodes.length; i++) { intnum = chooseInt(0, i); ig.nodes[i].supertypes = new Node[num]; for (int j = 0, k = −1; j < num; j++) { k = chooseInt(k + 1, i − (num − j)); ig.nodes[i].supertypes[j] = ig.nodes[k]; } } } We used to it to find real bugs injavac, JPF itself, Eclipse, NetBeans refactoring On top of Java Pathfinder’s backtracking mechanism Can enumerate all executions Key: suspended execution of non-determinism Java + choose - integers - (fresh) objects with: M. Gligoric, T. Gvero, V. Jagannath, D. Marinov, S. Khurshid
Implicit Programming at All Levels requirements Opportunities for implicit programming in • Development within an IDE • isynth tool • Compilation • Comfusy and RegSytools • Execution • Scala^Z3and UDITA tools I next examine these tools, from last to first, focusing on Compilation def f(x : Int) = { choose y st... } iload_0 iconst_1 call Z3 42
An example defsecondsToTime(totalSeconds: Int) : (Int, Int, Int) = choose((h: Int, m: Int, s: Int) ⇒ ( h * 3600 + m * 60 + s == totalSeconds && h ≥ 0 && m ≥ 0 && m < 60 && s ≥ 0 && s < 60 )) defsecondsToTime(totalSeconds: Int) : (Int, Int, Int) = val t1 = totalSecondsdiv 3600 valt2 = totalSeconds + ((-3600) * t1) valt3 = min(t2 div 60, 59) valt4 = totalSeconds + ((-3600) * t1) + (-60 * t3) (t1, t3, t4) 3787 seconds 1 hour, 3 mins. and 7 secs.
Comparing with runtime invocation Pros of synthesis Pros of runtime invocation Conceptually simpler Can use off-the-shelf solver for now can be more expressive and even faster but: • Change in complexity: time is spent at compile time • Solving most of the problem only once • Partial evaluation: we get a specialized decision procedure • No need to ship a decision procedure with the program valtimes = for (secs ← timeStats) yieldsecondsToTime(secs)
Possible starting point: quantifier elimination • A specification statement of the form r = choose(x ⇒ F( a, x )) “let r be x such that F(a, x) holds” • Corresponds to constructively solving thequantifier eliminationproblemwherea is a parameter • Witness terms from QE are the generated program! ∃ x . F( a, x )
choose((x, y) ⇒ 5 * x + 7 * y == a && x ≤ y) Corresponding quantifier elimination problem: ∃ x ∃ y . 5x + 7y = a ∧ x ≤ y Use extended Euclid’s algorithm to find particular solution to 5x + 7y = a: (5,7 are mutually prime, else we get divisibility pre.) x = 3a y = -2a Express general solution of equationsfor x, y using a new variable z: x = -7z + 3a y = 5z - 2a Rewrite inequations x ≤ y in terms of z: 5a ≤ 12z z ≥ ceil(5a/12) Obtain synthesized program: valz = ceil(5*a/12) valx = -7*z + 3*a valy = 5*z + -2*a z = ceil(5*31/12) = 13 x = -7*13 + 3*31 = 2 y = 5*13 – 2*31 = 3 For a = 31:
Comparison to Interactive Systems • In this context, we have only one quantifier, no alternation • It suffices to solve parameterized satisfiability problem to obtain synthesized code
Synthesis for sets defsplitBalanced[T](s: Set[T]) : (Set[T], Set[T]) = choose((a: Set[T], b: Set[T]) ⇒ ( a union b == s && a intersect b == empty && a.size – b.size ≤ 1 && b.size – a.size ≤ 1 )) defsplitBalanced[T](s: Set[T]) : (Set[T], Set[T]) = val k = ((s.size + 1)/2).floor valt1 = k val t2 = s.size – k val s1 = take(t1, s) vals2 = take(t2, s minus s1) (s1, s2) s b a
Compile-time warnings defsecondsToTime(totalSeconds: Int) : (Int, Int, Int) = choose((h: Int, m: Int, s: Int) ⇒ ( h * 3600 + m * 60 + s == totalSeconds && h ≥ 0 && h < 24 && m ≥ 0 && m < 60 && s ≥ 0 && s < 60 )) Warning: Synthesis predicate is not satisfiable for variable assignment: totalSeconds = 86400
RegSy Synthesis for regular specifications over unbounded domainsJ. Hamza, B. Jobstmann, V. KuncakFMCAD 2010
Synthesize Functions over Integers • Given weight w, balance beam using weights 1kg, 3kg, and 9kg • Where to put weights if w=7kg? w 9 1 3
Synthesize Functions over Integers 1 3 7 9 • Given weight w, balance beam using weights 1kg, 3kg, and 9kg • Where to put weights if w=7kg? • Synthesize program that computes correct positions of 1kg, 3kg, and 9kg for any w?
Synthesize Functions over Integers 1 3 7 9 Assumption: Integers are non-negative
Expressiveness of Spec Language • Non-negative integer constants and variables • Boolean operators • Linear arithmetic operator • Bitwise operators • Quantifiers over numbers and bit positions PAbit = Presburger arithmetic with bitwise operators WS1S= weakmonadicsecond-orderlogic of one successor
Problem Formulation Given • relation R over bit-stream (integer) variables in WS1S (PAbit) • partition of variables into inputs and outputs Constructs program that, given inputs, computescorrect output values, whenever they exist. Unlike Church synthesis problem, we do not require causality (but if spec has it, it helps us)
010001101010101010101010101101111111110101010101100000000010101010100011010101010001101010101010101010101101111111110101010101100000000010101010100011010101 Basic Idea • Viewintegers as finite (unbounded) bit-streams(binaryrepresentationstartingwith LSB) • Specification in WS1S (PAbit) • Synthesisapproach: • Step 1: Compile specification to automaton over combined input/output alphabet (automaton specifying relation) • Step 2: Use automaton to generate efficient function from inputs to outputs realizing relation
Our Approach: Precompute without losing backward information Synthesis: Det. automaton for spec over joint alphabet Project, determinize, extract lookup table WS1S spec Mona Synthesized program: Automaton + lookup table Execution: Run A on input w and record trace Use table to run backwards and output Input word Output word
Experiments • Linear scaling observed in length of input In 3 seconds solve constraint, minimizing the output; inputs and outputs are of order 24000
Implicit Programming at All Levels requirements Opportunities for implicit programming in • Development within an IDE • isynth tool • Compilation • Comfusy and RegSytools • Execution • Scala^Z3and UDITA tools def f(x : Int) = { choose y st... } iload_0 iconst_1 call Z3 42
Difficulty is in Unbounded Quantities • interactive executionsof unbounded length • unbounded values(integers, terms) • unbounded linked structures (graphs) • systems w/ unbounded number of processes(topology - also graphs)
Analysis of Multi-Object Systems Objects can represent • nodes of linked data structures • nodes in a networks of processes Invariants describing topology are quantified Further techniques needed for • proving verification conditions with reachability TREX logic is in NP, has reachability, quantifier • exploring state spaces approach to symbolic shape analysis generalizes predicate abstraction techniques to discover quantified invariants
Linked List Implementation class List{ private List next; private Object data; privatestatic List root; public static voidaddNew(Object x) { List n1 = new List(); n1.next = root; n1.data = x; root = n1; } } root next next next data data data data x
State/Transition Graphs nodes are states x:5,y:0 state space edges are transitions x := x+y
Domain Predicate Abstraction [Podelski, Wies SAS’05] Partition heap according to a finite set of predicates. 0 7 3
0 7 3 5 Domain Predicate Abstraction [Podelski, Wies SAS’05] Partition heap according to a finite set of predicates. Abstract state Abstract domain disjunctions of abstract states
0 7 3 5 How to prove verification conditions with next* ? Partition heap according to a finite set of predicates. Abstract state Abstract domain disjunctions of abstract states
Field Constraint Analysis[Wies, Kuncak, Lam, Podelski, Rinard, VMCAI’06] • Goal: precise reasoning about reachability • Reachability properties in trees are decidable • Monadic Second-Order Logic over Trees • decision procedure (MONA) • construct a tree automaton for each formula • check emptiness of the language of automaton Using this approach: We can analyze implementations of trees left right But only trees.Even parent links would introduce cycles!
Field Constraint Analysis • Enables reasoning about non-tree fields • Can handle broader class of data structures • doubly-linked lists, trees with parent pointers • threaded trees, skip lists treebackbone next next next next next constrainedfields nextSub nextSub Constrained fields satisfy constraint invariant: forallx y. x.nextSub= y next+(x,y)
Elimination of constrained fields valid valid soundness VC1(next,nextSub) VC2(next) field constraint analysis MONA completeness invalid invalid (for useful class including preservation of field constraints) treebackbone next next next next next constrainedfields nextSub nextSub Constrained fields satisfy constraint invariant: forall x y. x.nextSub= y next+(x,y)
root 6 9 3 5 1 first 4 Implementation in Bohne Verified data structure implementations: • (doubly-linked) lists • lists with iterators • sorted lists • skip lists • search trees • trees w/ parent pointers • threaded trees No manual adaptation of abstract domain / abstract transformer required.
root 6 9 3 5 1 first 4 Implementation in Bohne Verified properties: • absence of runtime errors • shape invariants • acyclic • sharing-free • doubly-linked • parent-linked • threaded • sorted … • partial correctness No manual adaptation of abstract domain / abstract transformer required.