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Geography Quiz Challenge: Test Your World Knowledge!

Explore diverse geography topics in this quiz game featuring questions on physical geography, human impact, map skills, cultural geography, and more.

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Geography Quiz Challenge: Test Your World Knowledge!

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  2. Physical Geo Cultural Geo Human Impact Grab Bag Map Skills 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  3. Category one: 100 points • What device on a map is used to determine orientation?

  4. Compass Rose

  5. Category one: 200 points • What type of map projection is used by ship navigators?

  6. Mercator

  7. Category one: 300 points • What is used to determine absolute location on a map?

  8. Latitude and Longitude Lines

  9. Category one: 400 points • What is another name for lines of latitude?

  10. Parallels

  11. Category one: 500 points • What type of map projection is circular and oriented on the poles?

  12. Polar

  13. Category two: 100 points • What two characteristics are used to define climate regions?

  14. Temperature and Precipitation

  15. Category two: 200 points • What vegetation region has very little plant life because of a lack of rain?

  16. Desert

  17. Category two: 300 points • What weather phenomena is most common in South Asia?

  18. Monsoons

  19. Category two: 400 points • Where and why was the Aswan High Dam built? • Must give country and name of river

  20. Nile River, Egypt • It was built to stop the annual flooding of the river

  21. Category two: 500 points • What happened at Chernobyl in the 1980s?

  22. A nuclear power plant exploded causing nuclear pollution

  23. Category three: 100 points • What Canadian province is known for its French heritage?

  24. Quebec

  25. Category three: 200 points • What religion are most people in India?

  26. Hindu

  27. Category three: 300 points • What two cultural characteristics unify most of Hispanic America? • Give the language and religion

  28. Spanish and the Roman Catholic religion

  29. Category three: 400 points • What three religions claim Jerusalem as their religious heritage site?

  30. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

  31. Category three: 500 points • The region of Kashmir has created conflict between which two religious groups?

  32. Hindus and Muslims

  33. Category four: 100 points • When humans cut down too many trees it is called

  34. Deforestation

  35. Category four: 200 points • What are polders?

  36. Areas of reclaimed land from the sea

  37. Category four: 300 points • How has the automobile impacted the physical environment?

  38. Led to construction of roads and increased deforestation

  39. Category four: 400 points • Why is the Aral Sea less than half its original size?

  40. Water diversion, over irrigation

  41. Category four: 500 points • Why do people living in desert regions have roofs made of light colored materials?

  42. They reflect the sunlight and make the house cooler

  43. Category five: 100 points • What are mental maps?

  44. Maps in your head that are used for daily activities and to give directions

  45. Category five: 200 points • What weather phenomena is most common in the central United States?

  46. Tornadoes

  47. Category five: 300 points • What is the process by which arable land is converted into desert by natural or human activities?

  48. Desertification

  49. Category five: 400 points • What cultural elements unite the people in the League of Arab states? • Provide major language and religion

  50. People speak Arabic and they are Muslims

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