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Spanish AR Verb Conjugations

Learn how to conjugate AR verbs in the present tense in Spanish. Understand the different endings for the singular forms and practice conjugating verbs like hablar (to speak). Improve your Spanish language skills now!

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Spanish AR Verb Conjugations

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  1. Present tense –AR verb conjugations (singular) Verbs have two forms, infinitives [in English the to form (to study)] and the conjugated form that shows who or what does the action. Infinitive: I want to study now. Quieroestudiarahora. Conjugated: Ana studies Ana estudia

  2. In English we use the pronouns I, you, he, she, it,weand they to show who is doing the action. In Spanish, the endingsof the conjugated verb forms show who is doing the action. To conjugate a verb whose infinitive ends in –AR [mirar, hablar, etc], 1) drop the –ar and 2) add the following endings for the singular forms:

  3. I [yo] -o you [tú] -as [familiar – 1st name basis] he [él] she [ella] -a you [Ud] [formal – title + last name]

  4. HABLAR – to speak / to talk hablar → habl__ I speak yohablo you speak tuhablas he speaks élhabla she speaks ellahabla you speak Udhabla

  5. Hablo can only mean I speak Hablas con only mean you speak Hablahas several meanings : he speaks she speaks you [Ud] speak

  6. Therefore, if the subject is not known, you must indicate who is doing the action: Él habla he speaks Luís habla Luís speaks Ella habla she speaks Mi amigo habla My friend speaks El Señor Ramos habla Señor Ramos speaks Ud habla you speak

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