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Exploring Temperature Measurement Instruments for Everyday Life

This lesson explores various measuring instruments and their functions, focusing on temperature measurement. Students engage in hands-on activities to understand precision, accuracy, and sensitivity of thermometers. Key skills include scientific investigation, numeracy, literacy, ICT, and personal skills.

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Exploring Temperature Measurement Instruments for Everyday Life

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  1. Technicians list A.Class set: • Beaker, thermometers, kettle, measuring cylinder B.DEMO: Different types of thermometer: liquid, digital, high temperature, clinical. Microwave oven, potato, metal wire, zinc with acid

  2. Syllabus/Unit Code: Unit 2 I’m A Star Lesson number: 8 Lesson Title: Measuring Temperature Connector: Discuss with your partner, how does your mother test whether you have a fever or not when you complain of having headache? Is this method reliable?

  3. Extended Learning Research information and Collect Secondary data on: Due date: Next lesson Research Report Criteria (6 marks total = Level 7): 1) Range of different reliable sources used and references included (books/internet/survey etc), 2) Information written in own words 3) Clear and logical structure to research report including pictures/diagrams which have been referenced 4) No evidence of copy and paste! 22:21

  4. BIG picture Key Question: • How is this lesson relevant to every day life? • What skills will you be developing this lesson? • Scientific Investigation skills- by Research and Collecting Secondary data, Planning and Collecting primary data, Analysis and Evaluation. • Numeracy- by using formulae in calculations • Literacy- by writing well structured sentences and paragraphs • ICT- by using Laptops and electronic resources • Personal skills- team work, leadership • Thinking and Learning skills- organisation, logic, participation, memory, exploration, creativity, judgement, planning, practice. • Reflection- through self or peer assessment of each Learning Outcome • Quick Discussion: • What do you already know?

  5. Keywords: • Temperature • Thermal energy • Precision • Accuracy • Thermometer • Sensitivity • Range Here are some of the words we will be using this lesson… 1) Create sentences which use the keywords correctly. 2) Put your hand up if there is any key word from the list that you don’t know the meaning of.

  6. New Information for Learning Outcome 1 Explore and Discover: • Visual: presentation • Audio: listening and discussing the lesson • Kinaesthetic: working with various thermometers

  7. Learning Activities for Outcome 1 Let us take a look at some measuring instruments, what does each one measure, what is the range of measurement? Ruler to measure length on paper Measuring tape used in dressmaking Roulette for measuring length of wood All the above instruments measure lengths and they have a range to measure m to cm.

  8. Learning Activities for Outcome 1 Weighing scale for bigger objects. Digital scale measuring mass in lab and pharmacy Scale measuring mass of commercial items The above instruments measure mass but they measure different ranges: 1. kg to g 2. g to 1/100 g 3. kg to g

  9. Learning Activities for Outcome 1 Infra-red Digital thermometer Common liquid thermometer Remote infra-red digital thermometer Digital lab thermometer All the above instruments measure temperatures of different ranges: 1. ºC 2,3 and 4. up to 0.01ºC Can you name other instruments, say what they measure and the range of its precision?

  10. Learning Activities for Outcome 1 Accuracy of an instrument – its capacity to measure as close as possible to the true value. Range of measurement – the highest and lowest values that the instrument measures. Precision of measurement – the closeness of the values of measurement. Sensitivity of measurement – the ability to detect small changes in the values of measurement. Compare the 4 different thermometers that we have seen.

  11. Learning Activities for Outcome 1 TASK 1: Measuring temperature of liquids Materials: thermometer, beaker, warm water and cold water, kettle. Method: • Fill the beaker with 100 ml of tap water. • Measure the temperature and record it in your table. • Repeat steps 1 and 2 two more times. • Fill the beaker with 100 ml of warm water provided by the teacher. • Measure the temperature and record in your table. • Repeat steps 4 and 5 two more times.

  12. Learning Activities for Outcome 1 Analysis of results: • How close are your measurements of the temperature of the cold water? of the warm water? • What is the range of measurement of your thermometer? How do you know? 3. Is your thermometer sensitive? Why?

  13. Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 1 Keywords: Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Understand Remember Create (L8) Combine construct Develop Imagine Design Change Improve Discuss Create Invent Suppose Put together Make up Synthesise Evaluate (L7) Judge Justify Defend Decide Agree Value Prove Check Criticise Recommend Support Test Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to target a level higher than your current level. Analyse (L6) Take apart Compare Classify Examine List Distinguish Simplify Theme Conclude Motive Discover Apply (L5) Use Build Execute Develop Construct Identify Plan Select Solve Organise Apply Model Understand (L4) Explain what when where how Rephrase Demonstrate Summarise Contrast Show Predict Compare Clarify Illustrate Categorise Remember (L3) Who What When Where Why Which How Match Define List Choose Name Spell Tell Describe 22:21

  14. Learning Outcome 1: Review Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.

  15. New Information for Learning Outcome 2 Explore and Discover: • Visual: presentation slides • Audio: listening and speaking during the discussion • Kinaesthetic: measuring temperatures of different materials.

  16. Learning Activities for Outcome 2 TASK 2: DEMO: Measuring temperature of different materials Materials: liquid thermometer, digital thermometer; high temperature thermometer; clinical thermometer, water, metal, person, potato, microwave oven Method: Using the appropriate thermometer measure the temperature of:

  17. Learning Activities for Outcome 2 Method continued….. Observations: • Temperature of a person • Temperature of water • Temperature of heated metal wire • Temperature baked potato • Temperature of zinc reacting with acid

  18. Learning Activities for Outcome 2 Analysis of results: • Which thermometer has a wide range of measurements? Why? • Which thermometer is accurate? How do you know? • Which thermometer is least precise? Why? • Which thermometer is very sensitive? Why?

  19. Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 2 Keywords: Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Understand Remember Create (L8) Combine construct Develop Imagine Design Change Improve Discuss Create Invent Suppose Put together Make up Synthesise Evaluate (L7) Judge Justify Defend Decide Agree Value Prove Check Criticise Recommend Support Test Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to target a level higher than your current level. Analyse (L6) Take apart Compare Classify Examine List Distinguish Simplify Theme Conclude Motive Discover Apply (L5) Use Build Execute Develop Construct Identify Plan Select Solve Organise Apply Model Understand (L4) Explain what when where how Rephrase Demonstrate Summarise Contrast Show Predict Compare Clarify Illustrate Categorise Remember (L3) Who What When Where Why Which How Match Define List Choose Name Spell Tell Describe 22:21

  20. Learning Outcome 2: Review Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.

  21. New Information for Learning Outcome 3 Explore and Discover: • Visual: watching the presentation • Audio: speaking and listening during the discussion • Kinaesthetic: writing the answers to the activity

  22. Learning Activities for Outcome 3 TASK 3: Copy and complete the following table:

  23. Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 3 Keywords: Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Understand Remember Create (L8) Combine construct Develop Imagine Design Change Improve Discuss Create Invent Suppose Put together Make up Synthesise Evaluate (L7) Judge Justify Defend Decide Agree Value Prove Check Criticise Recommend Support Test Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to target a level higher than your current level. Analyse (L6) Take apart Compare Classify Examine List Distinguish Simplify Theme Conclude Motive Discover Apply (L5) Use Build Execute Develop Construct Identify Plan Select Solve Organise Apply Model Understand (L4) Explain what when where how Rephrase Demonstrate Summarise Contrast Show Predict Compare Clarify Illustrate Categorise Remember (L3) Who What When Where Why Which How Match Define List Choose Name Spell Tell Describe 22:21

  24. Learning Outcome 3: Review Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.

  25. Review • Swap books with the person next to you and look over their work. Write a WWW and EBI statement. • Tell the person next to you three things you have learnt this lesson and the skills you used in this lesson. • Did you successfully complete tasks at your target level? • If not, what do you need to do next in order to meet your target level? Record this in your diary to be done as part of your extended learning at home. • Is there any part of the lesson you think you need to go over again next lesson? • How will you remember what you have learned today for your exam?

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