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Multidisciplinary Hospital Emergency Response Team in Hong Kong

Learn about the comprehensive Clinical Emergency Response System (CERS) providing BLS and ALS support in wards, with key criteria for MET activation.

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Multidisciplinary Hospital Emergency Response Team in Hong Kong

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  1. Emergency Response Team Dr Wong Kin Wa ICU, PYNEH, Hong Kong 29 May 2009

  2. Emergency Response Team

  3. Emergency Response Team • Seriously ill patients and patients at high risk of developing serious illness no longer confined to ICU • High incidence of potentially preventable mortality in General WARDS • A generic , multidisciplinary hospital flexible model for clinical emergency response systems (CERS) • provision of BLS and ALS • providing support for general ward staffs for early recognition of a deteriorating clinical condition

  4. 5 Essential Components of Emergency Response Team • Recognition of worsening condition and appropriate response (ward staff + primary care team) • Protocol for when and how to trigger a response to call for assistance (ward staff+ primary care team) • Responders who are capable to intervene (medical emergency team) • Training system for staffs involved in 1-3 • Quality improvement

  5. Structure of CERS • Individuals trained in resuscitation and early recognition and management of patient in critical conditions • Hospitalists • Career medical officer who is trained in caring for patient with deteriorating condition • Nurse emergency assessment team/ patient at risk team • Nurse educator • ICU/ED outreach nurse • After hour medical team

  6. 4 Levels of Response to Patients with Deteriorating Condition MEWS modified early warning signs

  7. Potential Calling Criteria for MET • Airway: all respiratory distress/ airway obstruction • Breathing: • RR<5/mins • RR>25/mins • Circulation: • Cardiac arrest • Pulse<40/min • Pulse>140/min • SBP<90mmHg • Other potential worrisome criteria • Neurology: • Fall in GCS >2 points • Repeated / extended seizure • SPO2<90% • Urinary output <200ml in 24 hr • BE <-5 • PAO2 <60mmHg

  8. Inside HospitalWards and units(except medical ward and operation theatre) Ward staff activates Arrest Call via operator + started BLS ICU (BLS+ALS) Anesthetist (airway) ward staff and primary care team (BLS and backup)

  9. 死者子轟明愛無人性 醫院堅持職員依足指引沒犯錯 (明報)2008年12月22日 星期一 05:10 • 運輸商前日在貨車上贏馬心臟病發, 兒子即驅車往醫院尋求「希望」,卻換來職員回答謂「唔關我事,你打999」。明愛高層昨日高調回應事件,堅持職員的做法符合醫院指引沒犯錯,「就算我親人在醫院門口心臟病暈低,我都係打999叫白車,醫院門外應該由消防去救」, • 院方:親人門外出事也打999 • 明愛急症室主管吳奎昨聲稱,就算自己的親人在醫院門口心臟病發,也只會打999等救護車。龍仔聞之大怒﹕「我梗係唔信佢啦!你估我傻㗎咩!佢竟然話 喺醫院門口,唔關醫院事!話係消防員嘅責任,識得救人嘅都應該出嚟救呀嘛!嗰個我阿爸嚟㗎! • 「淨係救醫院範圍裏的人?」 • 「好似唔關佢事,醫院唔係救人㗎!淨係救醫院範圍裏面呀?有人喺門口叫救命呀!叫人去打999,詢問處無電話嘅咩?我好想講,好想表達,好想投訴佢 地…」


  11. Handling Persons Requiring Emergency Medical Assistance in the Vicinity of HA Hospitals and Clinics

  12. 東 區 醫 院 兩 分 鐘 救 人 【 本 報 訊 】 一 名 退 休 老 牧 師 昨 在 東 區 醫 院 門 外 暈 倒 , 該 院 急 症 室 醫 護 人 員 兩 分 鐘 已 趕 來 救 援 , 將 他 救 回 一 命 。 老 牧 師 連 聲 感 謝 東 區 醫 院 醫 護 人 員 , 並 指 明 愛 醫 院 有 錯 不 認 , 行 政 總 監 馬 學 章 應 該 辭 職 , 「 唔 好 要 人 踢 你 至 走 。 」 昨 晨 他 由 妻 子 陪 同 , 從 北 角 乘 搭 小 巴 往 東 區 醫 院 專 科 門 診 大 樓 覆 診 , 約 早 上 10 時 , 小 巴 抵 達 東 院 主 座 大 樓 , 兩 夫 婦 下 車 後 , 妻 子 先 往 門 診 大 樓 掛 號 , 但 她 等 候 多 時 仍 未 見 丈 夫 出 現 , 向 保 安 員 查 問 時 知 悉 有 人 暈 倒 , 她 隨 即 趕 往 急 症 室 , 才 知 丈 夫 出 事 。 事 發 早 上 10 時 09 分 , 在 主 座 大 樓 對 開 約 10 米 的 行 人 路 上 , 曾 牧 師 行 往 門 診 大 樓 途 中 , 疑 血 壓 低 不 適 暈 倒 , 途 人 見 狀 高 聲 呼 叫 , 保 安 員 上 前 察 看 及 扶 他 , 另 有 清 潔 女 工 入 大 堂 通 知 詢 問 處 職 員 。 10 時 11 分 , 兩 名 急 症 室 醫 生 及 護 士 , 攜 同 急 救 箱 抵 達 事 發 地 點 , 替 曾 進 行 急 救 , 他 當 時 逐 漸 蘇 醒 , 醫 護 人 員 向 他 詢 問 情 況 及 進 一 步 檢 查 ; 10 時 14 分 , 曾 牧 師 已 被 抬 上 擔 架 床 送 往 急 症 室 。

  13. Medical Emergency Team: • Team consists of individuals with skills of CPR and management of medical emergencies

  14. Composition of MET • Minimally 2 members, 24 hr service • A medical practitioner with training and experience in critical care • A registered nurse with experience in critical care (ideally from ICU, ED, OT) • P.S. At least 1 member should be trained with skills of team leader

  15. Smooth Operation of MET • Team leader should determine: • Items of equipment to be taken • The source of equipment • Division of labor • Whether individual with skills in intubation, advanced airway manoeuvres would be needed

  16. Financial Budget of CERS Annual budget for maintenance of: • Training of staff in BLS, ALS • Training of MET members • Training of ward staff in recognition and management of deterioration of patients’ condition • Equipment • Extra medical and nursing staff for providing CERS service

  17. Liverpool hospitals experience

  18. Training • Training and annual re-assessment in BLS of all clinical staffs • Training and annual re-assessment in ALS of all clinical staffs in acute care (ICU, CCU, HDU,ED) • A system for facilitation of attendance of staff • For recognition and management of patient with warning signs, e.g.: • ALERT course in UK, RAMPAC (Recognition and management of acute condition) course at Sydney • Display CERS call and response algorithm in all patient care area and intranet

  19. Training • Training for leader in leadership and team work • Rotation of junior staff to critical care unit • Multidisciplinary ward rounds to promote network and communication • M+M meeting for sharing and inadequacies highlight and prevent repetitive mistakes • Identified training centre for staff

  20. Quality control • CERS coordinator or committee for audit of operation: • Review operations of CERS and appropriate response • Follow up of incidents in CERS • Review of training course at at least 1-3 months interval • Database for calls for MET, critical incidents in operation of CERS, current status of staff’s assessment in BLS,ALS • Statewide expert bodies should monitor progress of CERS and compliance with the recommendation

  21. Quality control • Ensure supply of resource for operation, monitoring and training • Conduct of studies for identifying patient with deterioration conditions, e.g. joint ward round with multiple specialties, e.g. orthopedic surgeons and geriatricians • Audit of equipment: • Readily available and maintained equipment the facilitates management of medical emergency • Performance indicators

  22. Performance indicators

  23. Ethics: DNR issue

  24. Conclusion • Clinical Emergency Response System (CERS) • Hospital wide multi-disciplinary • Resuscitation for Cardiorespiratory arrest • Early recognition of Deterioration of conditions likely to lead to cardiorespiratory arrest unless appropriate intervention • For improving morbidity and mortality

  25. Thank You!

  26. Reference

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