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2010/11 Financial Plan

This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the 2010/11 financial plan, detailing key assumptions and figures critical to budgeting and decision-making. It includes information on capacity pressures, revenue projections, project incomes, contingencies, and surplus targets.

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2010/11 Financial Plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2010/11 Financial Plan Presentation of Final Draft 2010/11 Budget 14th April 2010

  2. 2010/11 Financial PlanKey Assumptions • Final activity plans, which exclude HPB activity and include HASU service from beginning of April. • Capacity pressures exist but are manageable. • 0% increase in tariff, but 1.5% CQUIN on all clinical income. • Project Diamond income at £10.0m and a further £6.8m from MFF on R&D. • Board contingency at £5.0m • Delivery of £8.7m I&E surplus (9.0% EBITDA margin & provisionally FRR = 4). 1

  3. 2010/11 Financial PlanMovement 2009/10 forecast outturn to 2010/11 draft final plan Note - the 2009/10 forecast outturn is before any exceptional items, in particular, a prospective 7.7% downwards revaluation on the Trust’s building assets at 31st March 2010; the plan for 2010/11 has incorporated the estimated financial impact. 2

  4. 2010/11 Financial PlanQEP Summary

  5. 2010/11 Financial PlanCapital 4

  6. 2010/11 Financial PlanCash Flow 5

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