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Proiect informatica

Proiect informatica. PR ELUCRAREA RECURSIVA A STRINGURILOR. `` Cand statul nu plateste profesorii , copiii sunt cei care vor plati ``. Grupa nr. 4. Realizatori : Scridon Raluca Borzasi Madalina Buburuz Andra Goja Razvan Profesor : Tomsa Gelu.

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  1. Proiectinformatica

  2. PRELUCRAREA RECURSIVA A STRINGURILOR • `` Candstatul nu platesteprofesorii , copiiisuntcei care vorplati ``

  3. Grupa nr.4 • Realizatori: • ScridonRaluca • BorzasiMadalina • BuburuzAndra • GojaRazvan • Profesor: • TomsaGelu

  4. 1).Scrieti o functie recursiva care citeste caracterele si le afiseaza in ordinea inversa citirii.Sfarsitulsirului este marcat de caracterul # • procedure p; var c:char; Begin Read(c); If c=‘#’ then writeln Else Begin p; Write(c); End; End. Begin p; Readln; End.

  5. 2).Afisatitoateprefixeleurm. cuvant: ABC AB A • Var s:string; Begin readln(s) For i=1 to length(s) do Writeln(copy(s , 1, i)) End.

  6. 3).Afisatitoatesufixeleurm. cuvant: ABC BC C • Var s:string Begin readln(s) for i:=1 to length(s) do Writeln(copy(s, length(s)-i+1, i)); End.

  7. 4).Afisatitoatesecventele ….unuicuvant ABCDE BCD C • Var s:string; i:integer; begin readln(s); While length (s)>0 do Begin writeln(s); Delete (s,i,1); If(length(s)>0) then delete (s,length(s),1) End; End.

  8. 5).Se citeste un cuvant. Sa se afisezetoatecuvinteleobtinuteprineliminareaunuisingurcaracter din cuvantul dat. • Vars,t:string [40] i:integer; Begin readln (s); For i:=1 to length(s) do Begin t:=s; Delete (t,i,1) Writeln(s); End; End.

  9. 6).Se da un string s. Sa se numerecatevocalecontinesirulfolosind o functieinterativasiunarecursiva. • Var s:set of char; Begin readln(s); If s[i] [‘A’,’E’,’I’,’O’,’U’] then nr:=nr+1; Write (nr); End.

  10. 7).Se citeste un cuvant de la tastatura.Verificatidaca un sir estepalindrom. • Function polindrom(s:string):boolean; Begin if i≥n-i+1 then polindrom:=true Else if s[i]=s[n-i+1] then polindrom:=polindrom(i+1;n) End.

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