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AFRICA INSTITUTE OF SOUTH AFRICA. AISA Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2013-2014 Presentation by: Dr Hlatshwayo (Chairperson of Council) Prof. Lukhele-Olorunju (Interim CEO) Mrs. Maritz (CFO) 17 April 2013. 1. Table of Contents. Slide 4 Mission and Vision
AFRICA INSTITUTE OF SOUTH AFRICA AISA Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2013-2014 Presentation by: Dr Hlatshwayo (Chairperson of Council) Prof. Lukhele-Olorunju (Interim CEO) Mrs. Maritz (CFO) 17 April 2013 1
Table of Contents Slide 4 Mission and Vision Slide 5 About AISA Slide 6 AISA’s Mandate Slide 7 AISA’s Objectives Slide 8 AISA’s Aspiration and Promise Slide 9 AISA’s Strategic Objectives Slide 10 Divisions within AISA Slide 11 Documents and Agendas Slide 12 SWOT Analysis Slide 13 Proposed Solutions to Challenges Slide 14 Focus of Research Agenda Slide 15 Broad Thematic Priorities Slide 16 Key Business Drivers Slide 17 Research Agenda Slide 18 Implementation Strategy Slide 19 T1: Projected Outputs… Slide 20 T1: Projected Outputs Slide 21 Summary of Outputs 2012/13 Slide 22 T2: Governance and Security Slide 23 T3: Governance and Security Slide 24 T4:Sustainable Development Slide 25 T5: Science and Technology Slide 26 Flagship Publications: State of Africa Slide 27 Flagship Publications: Africa at a Glance Slide 28 Flagship Publications – Africa A-Z Slide 29 AISA Young Graduates & Scholars: AYGS Slide 30 Africa Expo Slide 31 Scramble for Africa Symposium Slide 32 Archie Mafeje Memorial Lecture Slide 33 Influence of AISA Research Slide 34 Influence of AISA Research Slide 35 Book Projects Slide 36 AISA Partners Slide 37 Partnerships 2
Table of Contents Slide 38 GIS Geo-Portal Slide 39 Cartography Slide 40 Library and Documentation Services Slide 41 Photo – Library Slide 42 Photo – Library Slide 43 Photo - library Slide 44 Financial Information Slide 45 Resource Allocations Slide 46 Expenditure Budget Slide 47 Expenditure Budget Slide 48 Expenditure Trends Slide 49 Expenditure Trends Slide 50 Expenditure Trends Slide 51 Cost Savings and Initiatives Slide 52 Cost Savings and Initiatives Slide 53 The Way Forward 2013/14 Slide 54 Thank you 3
AFRICA INSTITUTE OF SOUTH AFRICA Mission To produce relevant research products aimed at informing sustainable political and socio-economic development in Africa. Vision An indispensable African voice on African affairs Development through Knowledge 4
About AISA The Africa Institute of South Africa is a Science Council governed by the AISA Act (Act 68 of 2001) and mandated to produce knowledge aimed at informing sustainable political and socio-economic development in Africa. AISA’s vision is to be ‘An indispensible African voice on African Affairs’ and our 2011-2015 Research Agenda is “Seeking solutions for Africa’s developmental challenges”.The institute is currently ranked 5th think-tank in Sub Saharan Africa in the 2012 GLOBAL “GO-TO THINK TANKS” rankings of the Leading Public Policy Research Organisations in the World. 5
AISA’s Mandate • AISA’s mandate is derived from the AISA Act 68 of 2001, which establishes it as a statutory body aimed to: • Provide research and policy development support in its pursuit of programmes that contribute to the development of the African continent, • Conduct research and embark on training programmes that foster continental patriotism and that promote increased awareness and understanding of the African continent among the peoples of South Africa and across the globe and • Establish and participate in and maintain networks in Africa and globally which will contribute to the peace, development and prosperity of the continent. 6
AISA’s Objectives The AISA Act No. 68 of 2001 states that AISA shall pursue the following objectives: • Promote knowledge and understanding of African affairs through leading social scientists acting in concert and across various disciplines and through training and education on African affairs, • Collect, process and disseminate information on African Affairs, give effective advice and facilitate appropriate action in relation to the collective needs, opportunities and challenges of the continent and • Promote awareness and consciousness of Africa at grassroots level. • 7
AISA’s Aspiration and Promise • AISA’s Corporate Values are embedded in the acronym PRIDE, which elaborates as: • Participation • Responsibility • Integrity • Development • Excellence • 8
AISA’s Strategic Objectives • Produce and encourage knowledge production and dissemination on African affairs. • Increase the reservoir and quality of researchers. • Build the AISA image and increase our visibility. • Develop a performance led culture within AISA. • Improve the control and governance environment and compliance to • legislation. 9
Divisions within AISA • Research: organised in 3 Programmes; • Sustainable Development • Governance and Security • Science and Technology • Support Sub-Units • GIS • Cartography • Outreach and International Liaison • Publications • Library and Documentation Services (LDS) • Corporate Affairs • Human Resources • Finance, Administration and IT 10
Documents and Agendas influencing the formulation of Strategic and Annual Performance Plans • AISA Act No. 68 of 2001 • National Research and Development Strategy • DST’s 10 Year Innovation Plan • DST Human and Social Dynamics • PFMA • Treasury Regulations • Labour Legislation • Good Corporate Governance Standards • Objectives of the AU • Millennium Development Goals • Growth of the South-South Relations • Global interest in Africa • National Government Priorities • National Development Plan 11
Proposed Solutions to AISA Challenges • Delineate AISA’s niche as dictated by its legislative mandate and location within the DST. • Implement recommendations cited in the 2010 Institutional Review relating to improving research capacity, funding from government, cooperation with like-minded institutions and good management. • Develop a clear communication and marketing strategy that will ensure that AISA’s products and services are visible and attractive to all its stakeholders and widely accessible to policy-makers and decision-makers. • Identify and partner with other similar research and governmental organisations in order to have a better impact. • Source for financial support to augment Parliamentary Grant. 13
Focus of Research Agenda • Seeking solutions for African challenges and sustainable development through the lens of government and DST priorities, • Adding value and contributing towards policy formulation and decision-making locally and regionally to assist African governments in meeting their objectives and, • Placing South Africa firmly on the continent, focusing on integration in terms of problem-solving and working on finding common solutions to common problems as espoused in government’s desire for a better Africa and a better world. 14
Broad Thematic Priorities • Broad thematic priorities that address challenges common to all Africa states • include: • Africa’s development state: improvement of public services, health care and access to quality education, • Cohesive and sustainable communities void of conflict, crime and • corruption and • Sustainable resource management and use, rural development, food security and land reform. 15
Key Business Drivers of Thematic Priorities • The South African government priorities (2009-2015): • Education • Employment Creation • Health • Rural Development • Safety and Security • The vision of the African Union: • “The actualisation of human dignity, • development and prosperity for the entire African people, • an integrated prosperous and peaceful Africa, • a dynamic force in the international arena.” 16
Research Agenda • “Seeking solutions for Africa’s developmental challenges”. • Our focus over the next 12 months will include a vigorous approach to ensure visible deliverables of our Research Agenda: • The rise of insurgency in Africa • Inequality and the quality of growth in Developing Countries • The AU interventions in conflict states • Post 2015 Millennium Development goals for the continent • The AU efforts at growing Inter-African Trade • South Africa and BRICS • Renewable Energy and Climate Change • AISA will continuously scan the African and global environments to ensure that studies of contemporary issues are conducted and immediate policy advice provided to the relevant institutions. • Knowledge on African affairs will also be made available to the general public to generate a greater interest about Africa in the country. 17
Implementation Strategy for Research Agenda • AISA will identify relevant research projects every year through a consultative process among AISA researchers. • Define clear objectives and scope of research projects within the ambit of the research agenda and the niche that each project addresses. • Perform annual reviews of research programmes. • Perform an impact analysis to measure AISA’s work in relation to the adopted agenda after each five-year cycle of research. 18
Table 2 : Programme Implementation Plan: Governance and Security 22
Flagship Publications The State of Africa 2012/13: The Triumph and Prosperity of Education in Africa Edited by Tuntufye Mamwenda and Phindile Lukhele-Olorunju, 2013 26
Flagship Publications The 15th edition of Africa at a Glance, serves as a reminder of the many positive achievements which need to be appreciated. This compilation has been issued since 1968. It has been prepared to fulfill the need for an up-to-date and concise compendium of published but not readily accessible data on the countries of Africa. Africa at a glance Facts and Figures Compiled by Elize van As, 2012 27
Flagship Publications Africa A-Z: Continental and Country Profiles Edited 1998 by Pieter Esterhuysen Updated by Sabelo Gatsheni-Ndlovu 2012 Cartographer: Elize Van As 28
AISA Young Graduates & Scholars (AYGS) The AISA Young Graduates and Scholars (AYGS) Programme is a research capacity building project. The programme was conceived in 2005 with the aim of building a body of knowledge and to project the African ‘voice’ through various discourses relating to the continent. It further intends to span the existing gap of expertise in knowledge production on African affairs by developing a society of knowledge producers amongst the youth. AYGS 2012/2013 theme: “2050 – Africa’s future on the horizon: Prospects and Challenges for Development”. Date:19-21 March at University of North West (38 papers to be presented). 29
Africa Expo The Inaugural Africa Expo hosted by AISA with Partners every 25 May (Africa Day): there was a bright light shining as Africans came together to foster new networks; trade, tourism and investment opportunities with each other. Africa was placed at the forefront of discussion as there were a number of distinguished guests in attendance from the academic and business communities and diplomatic missions in Tshwane including three local high schools. 2013 Preparations advanced: in partnership with TUT, DIRCO, TMALI, NRF, DAC, Ditsong National Museum, StatsSA and CBAAC. 30
The Scramble for Africa Conference Africa Institute of South Africa and its partners hosts an international Conference on Africa annually. The Scramble for Africa/Race for Africa has been the main theme for 2 years. The 2013 Theme: Fifty years after the founding of the AU: Africa must unite or perish. Preparations are advanced for the May Conference. (50 Papers to be presented) 31
Archie Mafeje Memorial Lecture The annual Archie Mafeje Memorial Lecture is a significant event in AISA’s diary. Professor Archibald Monwabisi Mafeje was known as a quintessential African intellectual activist for his sustained and leading role in promoting the structural, social and economic transformation of the African continent. Apart from paying homage to Professor Mafeje, AISA also explores his research efforts and outputs to inspire like-mindedness, especially in emerging African scholars and policy-makers. To be held on 27 March 2013 in partnership with AMRI. 32
Influence of AISA Research • Policy Briefs: that provide an overview of socio political environment in Africa and South Africa. Topical issues and research outcomes mostly addressed. • Interactions with Policy Makers: These include the Presidency, DIRCO, DST, DoD, DTI, DBE, DoHET, DoHA, Diplomats. • Media appearances: so as to provide expert opinions on topical issues. • Hosting and attending conferences, seminars and other events to disseminate information on our research. • Capacity building :mainly in academic institutions and mentoring interns • Book launches like the South Africa’s review of foreign policy, which has been recently published by AISA. • Electronic publishing which reaches a global audience: through AISA website, Polity, Pambazuka, BRICS Policy Centre (BPC) and Africa growth. 33
Influence of AISA Research • Research projects in partnership with other institutions –NSI, DTI, BRICS Policy Centre Brazil • AISA Geoportal: to provide early warning indicators and information. • Seminars and Campus Lectures presented by researchers on return from fieldwork. • Seminars presented by external scholars within AISA premises e.g. Prof Vladimir Shubin, Dr Randall Robinson, Prof Samba Buri Mboup, Dr Adewale Aderemi, Mr Rahamtalla Mohamed Osman, Raashied Galant. • Ambassadorial Forums in Partnership with City of Tshwane): • Fellowships: Book projects • MoU’s with RSA Universities, Russian Academy of Science, China, Rutgers, BRICS and Gulf Research Centre. 34
Book Projects • State of Africa :The Triumphs and Prosperity of Education in Africa by Prof Mamwenda and Lukhele-Olorunju –in print • Seeking empowering paradigms: exploring indigenous peoples and minority rights in Africa by Mr Korir and Dr Laher –in production • Laying the BRICS of new global order by Mr Kornegay and Prof Bohler Muller in print • Peace from Below: An examination of community-based peace building and transitions in Africa by Drs DeLuca and Maphosa – in production • Challenging issues facing the school system of South Africa by Prof Legotlo –in production • Renegotiating the social contract in Africa by Dr Osha in production • Multi-faceted Perspectives on Climate Change in Africa by Shingi Mutanga , Nedson Pophiwa & Dr Thokozani Simelane –in print 35
AISA Partners • The Institute participates actively in partnership events. We work closely with the following partners: • Universities of Limpopo, Venda, North West , UniZulu and Fort Hare, DOD, SANDF, TUT, UJ, UP - on the Campus Lecture Series • TUT, DIRCO, TMALI, Ditsong Museum, StatsSA, DAC, NRF -on the Africa Day Celebrations and Scramble for Africa Conference; • UNISA and other Universities on Archie Mafeje Memorial Lecture • DIRCO, UNW, UNIVEN, UJ, Wits, UL, other African universities , Guggenheim Foundation -on AISA Young Graduates and Scholars conference. 36
Partnerships • DST, DEA, IGD, UNISA, DIRCO and Erasmus Mundus on COP 17 • North-South Institute (Canada) on Fellowship and Research projects • MRGG project with DIRCO/PRAU, IGD, SAIIA, and GIZ • CIRD and other Think Tanks for collaboration on BRICS 37
GIS: Geo-Portal This division provides spatial information and analysis of socio-economic issues. The GIS supports forecasting, risk analysis and business intelligence on African countries and regions. The Unit developed a fundamental geo-spatial database for Africa. The database is the backbone of AISA’s Geo portal which was launched on 13 October 2010, as AISA commemorated its 50th Anniversary. The current Geo-portal www.aigeoportal.org.za is the AISA platform for sharing data online. This portal is undergoing further development to allow flexibility and regular updating of information. Increased database, collaboration with DIRCO, Dept Human settlement and DTI. Latest project – African Administrative borders. 38
Cartography AISA has an in-house cartographer to create maps according to requested specifications. Cartography conducts research which is compiled into an original spatial map for AISA’s various publications and external clients. Africa Fast Facts and the Africa in Focus posters were developed by this division. The posters are distributed to schools to enhance awareness of the continent. The division hosts a collection of wall maps consisting of topo-cadastral maps, topographical maps, maps showing indigenous groups, mineral maps, soil maps and maps showing power lines and parks and game reserves amongst others. >20 maps created, capturing maps on WIZCAT & updating of Flagship projects. 39
Library and Documentation Services (LDS) • Knowledge Creation, Dissemination and Preservation • Digitisation Project • Schools Outreach – being re-evaluated • Networking and Capacity Building – conferences, seminars, workshops attended • Expanding the LDS Holdings 40
Mr Modise,AISA librarian interacting with learners in PE, Eastern Cape 41
Mr Mokgohloa, AISA Information Monitor presenting to learners in PE 42
Mr Modise posing questions to learners on Africa related issues 43
Financial Information AISA’s main source of income derives from the grant allocation through the Department of Science and Technology. It currently comprises of 89% of total revenue for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial years. Other income is generated through sales of books, maps, special project income, partnerships, membership and royalty fees, as well as interest received. The chart below sets out the distribution of revenue amongst the set objectives of AISA. 44
Expenditure Trends • Expenditure is projected to increase with 4,1% from the prior year. Employee related cost will comprise of 54% (2012/13 : 55%) of the total expenditure. An average growth in salary expenditure is estimated at 5.6% in line with the MTEF allocation for the 2013/14 financial year. • The remaining 46% (2011/12: 47%) will be distributed between operating (Programmes 1-5) , running and administrative expenditure. The average growth in expenditure over the 5 year period is estimated at 2,8%. Research and core related expenditure will contribute to 14.3% (2011/12 :10.4%) of the overall expenditure budget. • Research expenditure increased with 3.3% year-on-year. The operating lease expenditure annually increase with 10% and comprise of 7% of the total running expenditure. 48
Expenditure Trends AISA endeavoured to limit employee related costs to an average of 54% over the MTEF period. Increases in employee related costs were based on MTEF budget guidelines to reflect the indicatives of an average of 5,5% over the next three year medium term budget cycle. Expenditure increases were limited to an average of 5.2%, over the next three year medium term expenditure period with reprioritization decreases of 1%, 2% and 3% respectively. The increase will accommodate expenditure items such as audit fees, depreciation, lease payments, water, electricity, rates and taxes. The aforementioned expenditure exceeds the average projected inflation and growth indicatives. AISA reprioritized its current expenditure, leveraging costs and partnering with like-minded institutions on projects that would render future potential benefits to assist us in delivering on our mandate. 49
Expenditure Trends • Research outputs might also be impacted as a result of incorporation and the fact that AISA currently only has one Director in the Research Division. • The budget requirements for the identified critical needs were addressed through the submission of infrastructure bid requests to the DST. They evaluated the pre-proposals and indicated that the infrastructure needs will be addressed through the submission of Section 53-3. • The budget required for the projects amounted R2,234 million. 50