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European Wind Energy Conference Mailand 7-10 May 2007 “Session: Winning hearts and minds“. Public Acceptance of Wind Energy Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg Prof. Dr. Petra Schweizer-Ries Juniorprofessor for Environmental Psychology.
European Wind Energy Conference Mailand 7-10 May 2007“Session: Winning hearts and minds“ Public Acceptance of Wind Energy Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg Prof. Dr. Petra Schweizer-Ries Juniorprofessor for Environmental Psychology
Public acceptance of renewable energy systems and socio-scientific questions Research project promoted by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conversation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) concerning social issues of power generation by • Wind energy utilisation (On-Shore) • PV solar energy utilisation (ground-installed systems) • Biomass utilisation
Research aims • Detailed understanding of actual degrees of acceptance and their determinants • Systematisation of relevant influence factors to the formation process of public acceptance • Regarding possible differences between different regions in perception and assessment • Developing a standardised measurement instrument • Outlining of recommendations of possible conflict solution strategies
Method • Multi-methodological approach • Quantitative polls (standardised Questionnaires) • Qualitative interviews (expert interviews, process analysis) • „Action research“
Theoretical Acceptance Model (Dethloff, 2004) positive appraisal Tolerance Adoption A c c e p t a n c e Indifference Ambivalence Degree of activity Reactance, Resistance Rejection N o n - A c c e p t a n c e negative appraisal
Acceptance of RES: different variables Involvement Justice (procedural & distributive) Socio-economic data Influence of Media Reliability Risk Evaluation Economic Aspects Visual contact Energy Consciousness Acceptance of renewable energies Interest Need for Nature Environmental Consciousness Landscape Evaluation (affective) Location characteristics Landscape Evaluation (cognitive) Perception of political measures Behaviour (conativ)
Example Items • In general, I support Wind energy plants (WEP). • It is very important for me to be informed early when WEP are planned to be built in my community. • I feel disturbed by the view if there is a WEP near my house. • WEP fit in well in the characteristic landscape. • WEP as part of the landscape do not attract my attention.
Example Sample (latest poll) • Date of data collection: December 06 – January 07 • N = 186 • 4 Villages • MOR: n = 95 (51,1%) • WEN: n = 24 (12,9%) • HEZ: n = 26 (14,0%) • HAG: n = 33 (17,7%) • No statement: n = 8 (4,3%) female: 79 (42,5%), male: 101 (54,3%) No statement: 6 (3,2%)
Region in Germany 5 km 1 = Mor 2 = Hez (direct view on wind power stations) 3 = Wen (same distance like Hez but no (only one) view on wind power stations) 4 = Hag (further away, strong community) 2 km 2 3 4 1
**. Correlation is on the level of .01 (two-tailed) significant.
Chi-Square: 12.65 Df: 9 P-value: 0.17 RMSEA: 0.04 RMR: 0.02 GFI: 0.98 AGFI: 0.93 PGFI: 0.25 Affect -.31 Renewable Energy -.32 .46 .25 -.49 -.28 Economy .43 Acceptance .71 Risk Evaluation Landscape -.10 -.48 -.39 Perceived Justice Part. Interest -.52
Conclusion • Voluntary resident-involvement beyond legal requirements • Benefit for the Regions in economic and cultural values + communication about it! • Support the identification process in the “affected regions” to win hearts and minds!
contact Prof. Dr. Petra Schweizer-Ries Juniorprofessor for Environmental Psychology Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg Email: petra.schweizer-ries@ovgu.de http://www.uni-magdeburg.de/upsy