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Expand your vocabulary with definitions and synoyms for words like "adumbrate" to "unconscionable." Improve your language skills quickly!
Adumbrate (v) To outline or sketch broadly; to foreshadow; to disclose partially Syn: indicate **enumerate
Apotheosis (n) The elevation of a person to a divine rank or status; the glorification of a person as an ideal; a glorified ideal Syn: deification **theos - god
Ascetic (adj) (n) Practicing strict self-denial for the sake of personal or spiritual discipline; (n) one who leads a life of self discipline, especially to express religious devotion Syn: austere, spartan (n) celibate Ant: wanton, dissolute (n) hedonist
Bauble (n) A small, showy ornament of little value or use Syn: trifle, knickknack Ant: gem, treasure
Beguile (v) To mislead or deceive; to cheat; to divert; to cause to vanish unnoticed Syn: delude, dupe, lure, while away
Burgeon (v) To put forth new buds, leaves, or greenery; to develop rapidly Syn: sprout, blossom, flourish Ant: atrophy, wither, shrivel ***bloom
Complement (n) (v) Something that completes a whole; the quantity or number needed tomake up a whole (v) to complete Syn: balance (v) round out **complementary angles
Contumacious (adj) Obstinately or willfully disobedient; openly rebellious Syn: unruly, defiant Ant: meek, docile, cooperative
Curmudgeon (n) An irascible, churlish person Syn: grouch, crank ***grump
Didactic (adj) Intended to instruct, especially morally; inclined to moralize too much Syn: educational, instructional, moralistic
Disingenuous (adj) Lacking in sincerity or candor Syn: artful, sly, insincere Ant: candid frank, artless, sincere **not genuine
Exculpate (v) To clear of guilt or blame Syn: absolve, acquit Ant: convict, condemn **exonerate
Faux pas (n) A slip in manners or conduct; a social blunder Syn: indiscretion, gaffe Ant: coup, tour de force **fashion faux pas
Fulminate (v) To denounce or condemn vehemently; to explode, detonate Syn: rail, inveigh Ant: praise, applaud, commend ***fume about something
Fustian (n) Inflated or pretentious language in speech or writing; a cloth made of cotton and flax Syn: rant, claptrap, bombast
Hauteur (n) Haughtiness of bearing or attitude Syn: conceit, snobbishness Ant: modesty, humility **haughty, snotty
Inhibit (v) To restrain or hold back; to hinder or arrest; to prohibit Syn: repress, suppress Ant: foster, promote ***prohibit
Jeremiad (n) An elaborate or prolonged lamentation; any tale of woe Ant: paean, song of praise **Book of Lamentations - Jeremiah
Opportunist (n) One who makes a practice of taking advantage of circumstances to further his or her own self interest Syn: self-seeker, exploiter **take advantage of opportunities
Unconscionable (adj) Not guided to or restrained by conscience, prudence or reason; immoderate Syn: unjustifiable, indefensible, unforgivable Ant: justifiable, reasonable, honorable **unscrupulous