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H369 壓得太緊 PRESSED OUT OF MEASURE (1/7). 壓得太緊,壓得無處可逃生; Pressed out of measure, pressed beyond all length; 壓到極點,好像力不能勝; Pressed so intensely, seeming beyond strength; 壓到四顧茫然,惟有獨流淚; Pressed in the body, pressed within the soul, 壓得無可奈何,望絕心灰。 Pressed in the mind till dark-some surges roll.

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  1. H369 壓得太緊PRESSED OUT OF MEASURE (1/7) 壓得太緊,壓得無處可逃生; Pressed out of measure, pressed beyond all length; 壓到極點,好像力不能勝; Pressed so intensely, seeming beyond strength; 壓到四顧茫然,惟有獨流淚; Pressed in the body, pressed within the soul, 壓得無可奈何,望絕心灰。 Pressed in the mind till dark-some surges roll.

  2. H369 (節1/7, 頁2/2副) 神是我盼望,是我喜樂; God is my hope and God is my joy; 是祂叫無變有,叫死人復活! He is the resurrection life I enjoy.

  3. H369 (節2/7, 頁1/2) 壓迫在身,無處可算是平安; Pressure by foes, and pressure from our friends; 壓迫在心,四圍都是黑暗; Pressure on pressure, till life nearly ends ; 迫於仇敵,有時也迫於朋友; Pressed into knowing none to help but God, 迫上加迫,性命幾歸烏有。 Pressed into loving both the staff and rod.

  4. H369 (節2/7, 頁2/2副) 神是我盼望,是我喜樂; God is my hope and God is my joy; 是祂叫無變有,叫死人復活! He is the resurrection life I enjoy.

  5. H369 (節3/7, 頁1/2) 迫到除神之外,別無人幫助; Pressed into liberty where nothing clings, 迫到喜歡貧窮,如同豐富; Pressed into life, a life in Christ the Lord, 迫到接受鞭杖,如同蒙雨露; Pressed into life, a life in Christ the Lord, 迫到除主之外,別無愛慕。 Press into life, the life of Christ outpoured.

  6. H369 (節3/7, 頁2/2副) 神是我盼望,是我喜樂; God is my hope and God is my joy; 是祂叫無變有,叫死人復活! He is the resurrection life I enjoy.

  7. H369 (節4/7) 迫到脫塵,現今就登天逍遊; 迫到無一纏累,完全自由; 迫到信神來作不可能的事; 迫到必須靠主而生而死。 (副) 神是我盼望,是我喜樂; God is my hope and God is my joy; 是祂叫無變有,叫死人復活! He is the resurrection life I enjoy.

  8. H369 (節5/7) “迫得太緊!”我們如此哭泣; 迫到如此,壓迫已竭其力; 壓迫餘生已非壓迫所能及; 迫過之後,已得永遠安息。 (副) 神是我盼望,是我喜樂; God is my hope and God is my joy; 是祂叫無變有,叫死人復活! He is the resurrection life I enjoy.

  9. H369 (節6/7) “迫得太緊!”實在乃是大利益; 壓迫不過顯明神的手臂; 迫過之後,旁觀者都要看見: 迫上加迫,不會搖動一點。 (副) 神是我盼望,是我喜樂; God is my hope and God is my joy; 是祂叫無變有,叫死人復活! He is the resurrection life I enjoy.

  10. H369 (節7/7) 壓迫雖緊,我們仍舊的進前; 壓迫續來,我們的望在天; 壓迫續來,已經無可再壓迫; 壓迫續來,心仍因神自得。 (副) 神是我盼望,是我喜樂; God is my hope and God is my joy; 是祂叫無變有,叫死人復活! He is the resurrection life I enjoy.

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