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Zero survey: Setup and preliminary results

Zero survey: Setup and preliminary results. Setup of zero survey. Based on Maturity model Competence based blended learning Validated questionnaire + analysis grid Self assessment – where are we now, next step Next steps  scenario for implementation of nEUroBlend results

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Zero survey: Setup and preliminary results

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  1. Zero survey: Setup and preliminary results

  2. Setup of zero survey • Based on Maturity model • Competence based blended learning • Validated questionnaire + analysis grid • Self assessment – where are we now, next step • Next steps  scenario for implementation of nEUroBlend results • Initially for full + silent partners • Now also third circle (nurse,educator,manager), more countries

  3. 5 maturity levels (ordinal scale) • Awareness phase: In this phase the awareness arises, that a change is needed or will start • Preparation phase: the old paradigm is not working anymore, change is felt needed and is being prepared • Substitution phase: shifting to a new approach, using the same old things and ways in a new environment • Transition phase: starting to understand what the change is about and using the new possibilities in a basic way • Transformation phase: the innovation is there, people have adopted it, the organisation has been transformed Each level/question has a specific implication for implementation scenarios!  helps us adapt to local needs

  4. Zero survey preliminary results 5 maturity levels (ordinal scale) Organisational factors Educational factors • Awareness phase: In this phase the awareness arises, that a change is needed or will start • Preparation phase: the old paradigm is not working anymore, change is felt needed and is being prepared • Substitution phase: shifting to a new approach, using the same old things and ways in a new environment • Transition phase: starting to understand what the change is about and using the new possibilities in a basic way • Transformation phase: the innovation is there, people have adopted it, the organisation has been transformed l) culture 5 4 3 2 1 a) Curriculum k) quality b) Process j) amb/pol c) Pedagogy i) lead/supp d) Resources h) teachers e) ISDD Human factors Resource factors g) nurses f) Blended 4 Factors, 4 Quadrants, 4 Questionnaires

  5. Zero survey preliminary results Organisational factors / change management • Organisational culture cannot be expressed in a maturity level. A choice is made to use the color model of organisational change • This is based on the change management literature and spans the field of the most important change models. • Yellow: socio-political models of change • Blue: rational design, and implementing change; project approach • Red: Human Resource Management • Green: Action Learning and the Learning Organisation • White: chaos theory, complexity theory, self-organisation Questionaire adapted from: L. de Caluwé: Thinking about change in five colors

  6. Zero survey preliminary results Example questionnaire “organisational culture”

  7. Zero survey preliminary results Preliminary results  online view

  8. Zero survey preliminary results Conclusions • Highest peak around maturity level 2-3, small peak in 4-5 (2 groups, scenarios) • Old paradigm rules the waves  nEUroblend brings news! • Human resource approach leading

  9. Zero survey preliminary results Reminders • Missing respondentsfollow up, 2nd chance • Non-response • Many dutch, less other countries • Not too many respondents per group (n=1 ~ n=27) • 4 circles: full, silent, third, new-member states: separate in analysis and new questionaires • Ordinal scale, NOT interval; n=small  qualitative data! • Combination with spring survey

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