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Unit 3 Word power. Brainstorming. How many words can you think of related to the computer?. keyboard , monitor, hard drive , printer, screen, speaker, program, cursor, mouse mat, hard disk drive. What are they?. mouse. mouse mat. Printer. Speaker. Microphone. Keyboard and mouse.
Brainstorming • How many words can you think of related to the computer? keyboard , monitor, hard drive , printer, screen, speaker, program, cursor, mouse mat, hard disk drive
What are they? mouse
Computer and the Internet Guess the meaning of the following words : • coder • command • computer language • data processing • digital computer • display unit • inline processing • working storage 计算机语言 工作存储器 数据处理 数字计算机指令,命令 编码员,编码器 显示装置内处理
Part A • Read Part A and understand what they mean in Chinese : browse 浏览 maximize 最大化 search 搜查,查找 close 关闭 download 下载 upload 上传 click 点击,敲击 refresh 刷新 back arrow 回车键
browse It means to look at information without a specific goal.
search When you _______ for something, you are looking for specific information.
When you find something on the Internet that you want to save, you can __________it onto your computer. download
upload If you have something you want to publish on the Internet, you can _____it from your computer.
When the information you are trying to see does not appear quickly, or the web page had a problem, you can click on the _______ bottom and the information may appear again without a problem. refresh
back arrow You can click on this bottom to return to a page that you saw earlier.
If you want to stop looking at a page, but you might want to come back to it later, click the ______ icon and the name of the page will stay at the bottom of your screen. If you click on the name again, the page will return to your screen. minimize
When you want to bring a page to full size, click the _________ icon. maximize
When you finish viewing a page, you can click on this icon at the top right hand corner to exit the page. close
Part B try to understand the words of a web page. 搜索引擎 • Search engine • Web address • Home page • www • Website • Webpage • Link • Virus • hacker 网址 主页 全球宽带网 网站 网页 链接 病毒 黑客
Try to explain these words in English • This means to look at information with out a special goal. • 2. When you are looking for specific information, you can use it. • 3. When you find something on the Internet that you want to save into your computer, you can use it. • 4. If you have something you want to publish on the Internet from your computer, you can use it. search download browse upload
5. When the information you are trying to see does not appear quickly, or the web page has a problem, you can click on it and the information may appear again without a problem. 6. You can click on this button to return to a page that you might want to come. 7. If you want to stop looking at a page, but you might want to come back to it later, you can use the button and the name of the page will stay at the bottom of your screen. If you click on the name again, the page will return to your screen. 8. When you want to bring a page to full size, click this icon. 9. When you finish viewing a page, you can click on this icon at the top right hand corner to exit the page. maximize close refresh minimize back arrow
This is a program that lets you search a website or the whole Internet to find information. • 2. This is the words between www. and “.com”, “.net”, “.org”, “.edu”, etc. where on the Internet you can find a website. • 3. This is the first page of a website, with links to all the other pages. • 4. This means the World Wide Web, also the first part of a website address. • 5. It includes all the pages at an address that make up the sites. • 6. This is one page of a website. • 7. When you want to move to a new web page, you can click on this (a button, word or address). • 8. This is a type of computer code that can harm your computer. • 9. This is a person who tries to get private or protected information from websites illegally. home page search engine virus website www web page hacker link web address
Part C : Usage of the words • browse ;search engine; web address; links; • website; web page; home page; back arrow; • refresh ; minimize; download; virus;
Kenny is writing an e-mail to his grandfather, who has just learned to use a computer. Help him choose the correct words to teach his grandfather about the Internet. Dear grandpa, It is wonderful that you are finally interested in computers. Now we can use the Internet to keep in touch. The Internet is good for more than just e-mail. You can use it to find new friends and information too. You can either _______, which means just looking at general information, or you can use a ______________. Just type what you want to know and the program will help you find what you want. It will give you a list of _________________. These are all ______. That means you can click on them, and the Internet will take you to the _______ you need. Sometimes you will go directly to the __________ with the information you need. Other times, you will find yourself at the _____________. That is the first page, which tells you about the entire site. browse search engine web addresses links web page website home page
If you don’t see what you need, you can click on the ____________ and return to the page you were looking at before. If a page takes a long time to appear on your screen, you can click _______, and sometimes it will reappear faster. It you like the site, and want to keep the page available while you do something else, just _________ it. It will “wait” at the bottom of the screen. Should you ever find information you want to save on your own computer, you can __________ it. Just be careful, because you can get a ______ from some websites! If you want more help, just e-mail me. I love the Internet and I can always help you. Love, Kenny back arrow refresh minimize download virus
Competition The group who write out the most words related to the computer and the Internet win.
Abbreviations used in Internet chat rooms Guess PK IC LZ Me2 MPJ PF PMP PLZ SJB VS VIP 比拼,单挑 我明白 楼主 我也是 马屁精 佩服 拍马屁 请 神经病 对决 嘉宾,重量级人物 Part A • LOL • FYI • KIT • BRB • BTW • TA • YW • TIA • CU • ASAP
More interesting Internet words网罗语言汇集(一)——“炫”词酷语 • 偶: 我 • 大虾,老鸟: 大侠的谐音,网上高手 • 菜鸟,小虾,初哥: 网上低手,网上新手 • 三大不了:网站 • 界面: 印象 • 主机: 结为伴侣 • 编写应用程序: 在电脑上写情书 • 联网: 结婚 • 网婚: 从网恋到在线同居再到网上结婚 • 狼: 在网上专门勾引女人的坏人 • 顶: 支持,赞同 • 马甲: 指一个人拥有的多个ID • 坛子: 论坛 • 闪客 : 制作flash的人 • 泡菜: 指在论坛里浏览
网络语言汇集(二)——趣味数字 1314 一-生一世; • 1314920―― 一生一世就爱你; • 1372 一-厢情愿; • 1414-――意思意思; • 147―― 一世情; • 1573―― 一往情深; • 1711―― 一心一意; • 1798―― 一起走吧 ; • 530―――我想你; • 687――对不起; • 8384 ――不三不四;
网络语言汇集(三)——字符表意 B: 信任 BB: 宝贝,情人,孩子,Bye Bye,看具体情况使用BBL: 过会回来 BBS: 电子公告板系统,国内统称论坛BC: 白痴BD: 笨蛋BF: 男朋友;对应词是GF(女朋友 BL: 玻璃,不是指一种易碎品,而是男同性恋Blah-blah: 反复说 BOT: 机器人 BRB: 马上回来BS: 鄙视 BT: 变态(例句:挂着鼻涕上网也很BT的哦。) BTW: 顺便说一句
网络语言汇集(四)——表情符号 • ^_^ 男士的笑脸。 • ^.^ 女孩子的可爱的笑脸。 • ^o^ 高兴、大笑。 • ^_<@_@ 挤眉弄眼。 • *^_^ * 兴奋。 • \(^_^)/ 男士高呼万岁时的笑脸。 • ..~^.^~... 女生高兴得笑翻时甩着辫子。 • ...~*.*~... 女生高兴得笑翻时甩着辫子。 • =^-^= 脸红什么?
Language points mean vt. 意欲,计划 want or plan to do sth. I meant this photo for her. We had meant to be early. I mean you to spend this money for yourself. vt. (指字句等)意指,意谓 (of words, sentences, etc.) signify, import A dictionary tells you what words mean. This word means nothing.
mean adj. 吝啬的,自私的 wanting to keep everything for yourself She is mean and never invites people to meals. adj. 卑鄙的 of low character, aims, etc. It is a mean motive.
in advance before a particular time, or before doing a particular thing: 提前 If you're going to come, please let me know in advance. If you want to get the book, you must pay for it in advance.
Homework • Memorize the words in word power. • Surf the Internet and find more Internet words.