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3. Another Way to Look at it
4. Autistic Disorder Impairment in social interaction-at least 2 of:
Gaze, facial expression, gesture impairments
Failure to develop peer relationships
Lack of seeking to share with others
Lack of reciprocity
Impairment in communication-at least 1 of:
Delay in language
Impairment in conversation ability
Stereotyped and repetitive langauge
Lack of pretend play
Restricted, repetitive stereotyped behavior, interests, activities-at least 2 of:
Preoccupations with abnormal focus or intensity
Rigid need for routine or ritual
Motor mannerisms
Preoccupation with parts of objects
5. Autistic Disorder- 3 Examples http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSB_BQgOEx0&feature=related
6. Asperger Syndrome in DSM-IV Impairment in social interactionn (same as autism)
Restricted, repetitive stereotyped behavior, interests
No clinically significant general delay (CSD) in language
No CSD in cognitive, self-help, or adaptive skills
7. Asperger Syndromehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu4z-ZKZZo4&feature=related
10. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder Heller, 1908
13. PDDs in DSM-IV Always associated with MR
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder or Heller’s syndrome
Rett’s Syndrome
May or may not be associated with MR
Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)
Usually not associated with MR
Asperger Syndrome (AS)
High Functioning Autism (HFA)
14. Cognition 75% of people with ASD function in the MR Range
15. Savant Abilities or Splinter Skills Drawing: Nadia, Age 3
16. Drawing Stephen Wiltshire
17. Musical Ability Blind Tom
18. Calculation
19. Etiology of Autism
20. Prevalence
21. Is the incidence increasing? No question that more cases are being identified but is there a ‘real’ increase?
Changes in definition
Better diagnosis at both ‘ends’ of the spectrum
Growing awareness of the condition
Educational implications of label (for services)
Diagnostic substitution
22. Do vaccines cause autism? Several large, international epidemiological studies refute association
children get vaccines at 18 mo.; ASD often becomes obvious at this age
Autism rates in Japan continued to rise after the withdrawal of MMR vaccine.
Honda et al. No effect of MMR withdrawal on the incidence of autism: a total population study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2005
Mercury additives said to be cause were removed BEFORE increases in prevalence were seen
Children should be vaccinated; danger of not vaccinating is greater than dangers of inoculation.
24. Genetics of Autism
25. Functional Classification High Functioning
Includes HFA, AS, and PDD-NOS
IQ within or near normal range
but adaptive behavior much lower
Fluent, functional language by age 6
Low Functioning
Includes Autism, PDD-NOS, Rett syndrome, CDD
IQ and adaptive behavior significantly low (<70)
No speech, or small single word/sign vocabulary with a few phrases, mostly rote or echolalic
26. Developmental Changes
27. Predictors of Outcome in Autism
28. Outcomes in autism
29. Adult Outcome: 1981 vs. 1994 Limitations of available data
DeMyer, et al., 1981
Goode, Rutter, & Howlin, 1994
30. Autism: Shades of Difference Video