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Pointers. count. countPtr. count. 7. 7. Introduction. Normally, variable contains specific value (direct reference) Main memory is a sequence of memory locations that are addressed 0, 1, 2, … Pointers are variables that contain memory addresses as their values (indirect reference).
count countPtr count 7 7 Introduction • Normally, variable contains specific value (direct reference) • Main memory is a sequence of memory locations that are addressed 0, 1, 2, … • Pointers are variables that contain memory addresses as their values (indirect reference). • A pointer containing an address of some location is said to be a pointer to that location. • A pointer variable can have NULL (or 0) value meaning that the pointer does not point to any memory location. • Zero is the only integer value that can be assigned to a pointer. • Size of pointer is often 4 bytes • * indicates variable is pointer
Example int *w; int t=5; w=&t; cout<<t; cout<<*w; t++; cout<<*w; *w=*w+2; cout<<t; float r; w=&r; //syntax error w=NULL; cout<<*w; //run-time error t=8; w=&t; cout<<&t; // FFF4 (for example) cout<<w;//FFF4 cout<<t;//8 cout<<*t;//error cout<<&*w; //FFF4 cout<<*&w; //FFF4
Pass by address The program int sum(int x, int y){return x+y;} void main(){cout<<sum(2,3);} can be rewritten as void sum(int x, int y, int *result){*result= x+y;} void main(){int x; sum(2,3,&x); cout<<x;}
Pass by reference The program int sum(int x, int y){return x+y;} void main(){cout<<sum(2,3);} can be rewritten as void sum(int x, int y, int& result){result= x+y;} void main(){int x; sum(2,3,x); cout<<x;}
Example int sumArray(int a[ ], int size){ int I, sum=0; for (I=0; I<size; I++) sum+=a[I]; return sum; } //pass by address void sumArray(int a[ ], int size, int * sumPtr) { int I, *sumPtr=0; for (I=0; I<size; I++) *sumPtr+=a[I]; } //pass by reference void sumArray(int a[ ], int size, int & sum) { int I; sum=0; for (I=0; I<size; I++) sum+=a[I]; }
Example: A function to swap the values of two variables using pass by address void exhange(int *x, int *y){ int temp=*x; *x=*y; *y=temp; } void main(){ int a=2, b=3; exchange(&a,&b); cout<<a<<" "<<b; //3 2 }
Example: A function to swap the values of two variables using pass by reference void exhange(int &x, int &y){ int temp=x; x=y; y=temp; } void main(){ int a=2, b=3; exchange(a,b); cout<<a<<" "<<b; //3 2 }
Pointer operations A limited set of arithmetic operations may be performed on pointers: • Pointers can be compared using equality and relational operators. • A pointer can be assigned to another pointer if both pointers are of the same type. However, a cast operator can be used to allow this operation. • The generic pointer (void *) can be assigned to any pointer and any pointer can be assigned to it. However, a generic pointer cannot be dereferenced. • To dereference a void pointer it must be type casted to some pointer type.
Pointer operations (Cont) • A pointer may be incremented (++) or decremented (--). • An integer may be added to a pointer (+ or +=). • An integer may be subtracted from a pointer (- or -=). • One pointer may be subtracted from another. The result is equal to the difference between the pointers values divided by data type size.
Example int x; int *y=&x; y++; //increases y by 2 y+=5; //increases y by 10 double z; double *w=&z; w--; //decreases w by 8 w-=5; //decreases w by 40
The relationship between pointers and arrays • An array name is considered as a constant pointer that always points to the first element in the array. • Pointers can be used to do any operations involving array subscribing.
Example int b[5], *bPtr; b++; //compiler error b=bPtr; //compiler error bPtr=b; Is equivalent to: bPtr=&b[0]; if (b==&b[0]) …//always true
Example (Cont) b[3] can be replaced with *(bPtr+3) Or can be replaced with *(b+3) *bPtr+3 is equivalent to b[0]+3
Example (Cont) &b[3] is equivalent to bPtr+3 And is equiavalent to: b+3 bPtr=&b[2]; cout<<*(bPtr+2); //prints b[4] *(bPtr++); //increments bPtr (*bPtr)++; //increments b[2]
Example: sum array //using array notation int sumArray(int X[100]){ int sum=0; for (int i=0;i<=99;i++) sum+=X[i]; return sum; } //using pointer notation int sumArray(int*X){ int *xptr; int sum=0; for (xptr=&X[0]; xptr<=&X[99]; xptr++) sum+=*xptr; return sum; }
Example: Find string length //using array notation int length(char X[ ]){ int c=0; for (int i=0;X[i];i++) c++; return c; } //using pointer notation int length(char *X){ int c=0; for (;*X;X++) c++; return c; }
Example: difference in cout between pointers to characters and other pointers int A[5]={7,5,3,1,8}; char B[]=”abcde”; int *aptr=A+2; char *bptr=B+2; cout<<A; //FAB0 cout<<B; //abcde cout<<*A;//7 cout<<*B;//a cout<<aptr; //FAB4 cout<<bptr; //cde cout<<*(aptr+1); //1 cout<<*(bptr+1);//d cout<<*aptr+1;//4 cout<<bptr+1;//de
Strings using pointers The declaration char color[]=”blue”; is equivalent to char * colorPtr=”blue”; // creates a pointer variable colorPtr that points to the string // “blue” somewhere in memory color=”red”; //compiler error colorPtr=”red”; //ok: First “red” is stored in memory then its address is stored in colorPtr cout<<color; //red cout<<colorPtr; //red cin>>color; //ok: reads characters into statically allocated memory cin>>colorPtr; //might cause run-time error: illegal mem access. cin tries to store string at //the location currently pointed to by colorPtr. colorPtr=new char[20]; cin>>colorPtr; //ok char t; colorPtr=&t; cin>>*colorPtr //reads a single character and stores it in t cout<<colorPtr; //prints the first character correctly followed by junk characters
const qulaifier The const qualifier informs the compiler that the value of a variable should not be modified once given a value. char ch; char *s=&ch; // a non constant pointer to non-constant data const char *s=&ch; // a non constant pointer to constant data char * const s=&ch; // a constant pointer to non-constant data const char * const s=&ch; // a constant pointer to constant data
const qulaifier (Cont) Non-constant pointer to no-constant data: void convertToUpperCase (char *s){…} Non-constant pointer to constant data: void printString (const char *s){…} constant pointer to no-constant data: void convertFirstCharToUpper (char * const s){…} constant pointer to constant data: int stringLength (const char * const s){char *t=s; …}
Example void copy1(char s1[], const char s2[]){ int i; for(i=0;s1[i]=s2[i];i++); } void copy2(char *s1, const char *s2){ int i; for(i=0;*s1=*s2;s1++,s2++); } void main(){ char A[10],*B=”hellow”, C[10], D[]=”good bye”; copy1(A,B); copy2(C,D); cout<<A<<B<<C<<D; }
Strings using pointers cont. The following often results in a run-time error (illegal memory access): void f(char *s){(*s)++;} void main( ){f(‘a’);} main passes 97 to s which is the address of some location that is often reserved for the os.
Strings using pointers cont. Another way to store a list of names: char *N[]={“ali”, “ahmad”,”sami”}; //draw the resulting memory cout<<N[0]; //ali cout<<N[0][1]//l cout<<*(N[0]+2); //i cout<<N[1]+1; //hmad cin>>N[0];// ok only if string is shorter than 3 characters
Example: Given char * N[50 ]={"ali", "ahmad", …};Write a code segment to print the names in N. for( int I=0; I <=49; I++ ) cout<<N[I];
Exercizes: Given char * N[50 ]={"ali", "ahmad", …}; • write a code segment to count the names in N starting with a. • write a code segment to find the longest name in N
Character handling library The header file <ctype.h> includes prototypes of functions that manipulate characters as integers. Some of these are: int isdigit(int c) int isalpha(int c) int islower(int c) int isupper(int c) int toupper(int c) …
Standard I/O library • The header file <stdio.h> includes prototypes of functions that perform I/O. Some of these are: putchar(int c): prints a character to the screen gets(char *s): inputs characters from the standard input into the array s until a new line or EOF (ctrl+z) character is encountered. A terminating NULL character is appended to the array. gets allows reading a string that contains characters
Example #include <stdio.h> void main(){ char sentence[80]; void reverse(char *); gets(sentence); reverse(sentence); } void reverse(char *s){ if (s[0]==’\0’) return; else{ reverse(&s[1]); putchar(s[0]); } }
Standard I/O library (cont.) int getchar(): takes the next character from the standard input and return it as an integer. puts(const char *s): print the string s followed by new line character.
String handling library • The header file <string.h> includes prototypes of functions that perform operations on strings. Some of these are: int strlen(char * s): returns the number of characters in the string. The NULL character is not counted. char *strcpy(char *s1,const char *s2): copies the string s2 into s1. The value of s1 is returned. Memory must be already allocated for s1 before the function can be executed.
Example char s1[10]=”abcd”; char s2[]=”ef”; char* s3=”12345678”; char* s4; strcpy(s1,s2); //error strcpy(s2,s1);//ok strcpy(s1,s3);// ok strcpy(s3,s1);//ok strcpy(s4,s3);//might be run-time error since s4 has no memory. It tries to copy s3 //to the location pointed to by s4. strcpy(s4,”abc”); //might be run-time error since s4 has no memory. It tries to copy //to location pointed to by s4. strcpy(s3,”abc”);// ok strcpy(s1,”abc”);// ok strcpy(s2,”abc”); //error strcpy(s4,”abc”); //error strcpy(s1,s3+3); //ok strcpy(s1+1,s3+3); //ok cout<<s1; cout<<s3;
Example: Given char A[10]=…; char B[10]= …;Write a code segment to exhange A, B //wrong attempt: compiler error char T[10]; T=A; A=B; B=T; //correct solution char T[10]; strcpy(T,A); strcpy(A,B); strcpy(B,T);
Example: Given char * A=…; char * B= …;Write a code segment to exhange A, B //correct solution char *T; T=A; A=B; B=T; //another correct solution char T[10]; strcpy(T,A); strcpy(A,B); strcpy(B,T);
Example: Write a function to exchange 2 strings //wrong attempt void exchange(char *s1, char *s2){ char *T; T=A; A=B; B=T; } //correct solution void exchange(char *s1, char *s2){ char T[10]; strcpy(T,A); strcpy(A,B); strcpy(B,T); }
String handling library (cont.) char *strcat(char *s1,const char *s2): appends string s2 to array s1. The first character of s2 replaces the terminating NULL character of s1. The value of s1 is returned. Enough memory must be already allocated for s1 before the function can be executed.
Example char s1[10]=”defg”; char s2[10]=”ab”; char* s3=”abc”; char* s4; strcat(s4,”abc”); //might be run-time error strcat(“abc”,s4); //compiler error strcat(s1,s2);//ok strcat(s1,s3);//ok strcat(s4,s3);//might cause run-time error strcat(s3,s1); //might cause run-time error
String handling library (cont.) int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2): The function returns one of the following: 0 if the string s1 equals to the string s2. -1 (or a negative integer) if the string s1 < the string s2. +1 (or a positive integer) if the string s1 > the string s2.
Example char s[10]=”ali”; char t[20]=”ahmad”; char *u=”ali”; cout<<strcmp(s,t); //1 cout<<strcmp(t,s); //-1 cout<<strcmp(s,u); //0
Example: Given char * N[50]={"sami", "ahmad", … };Write a code segment to sort the names in N in alphabetical order int i, j; for(i=0;i<50;i++) for(j=i+1; j<50; j++) if (strcmp(N[i],N[j])==1){ //exchange N[i],N[j] char T[20]; strcpy(T,N[i]); strcpy(N[i],N[j]); strcpy(N[j],T); }
Exercise: Text Analysis Write a program that reads several lines of text and outputs: A table indicating the occurrence of each letter of the alphabet in the text. A table indicating the number of one-letter words, 2-letter words, three letter words, … appearing in the text. A table indicating the number of occurrences of each different word in the text.