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How do I settle my Synchrony credit card debt? you dont, but luckily you found the best debt settlement company. We do not charge a fee until we settle your accounts and the creditors have been paid.<br>$2,506.04 balance and we settled for $826.00, this is just one example, call us today so you can join our freedom debt relief program. https://consumerdebthelpassociation.org/
g synchrony Member 27, 2019 — 515 N DIXIE va LANTANA, FL 33462 ATlN. CONSUMER DEET HELPASSOCIATIORI RE: Home RE. xxxx XXYX (AXX- We are ror‘lacfing you regarmng tre Jnove referenced accwm The currem bala'lce on me above referenced a count as of11l25/2015 mcludmg interest SEQ fees I5 52,506.04 AS ’flswssed in our recent telcpnone conversation I “gardmg me above referenced account. ifwe racewe c‘l (hp payment set lonh be‘ow by |he 1ndlcated dmes‘ we wwll conswder t? \s accaunt setlled fcw' les: Man fie full balance AMUUNT DATE $826.00 December \5, 2019 P‘ease send pm payments to me amass wed below Recovery Paymem Processim: Ann: Swoa} Payment PO. BER 960051 01 Eahdo‘ FL 328953061 \fwe fall (a (EDEN: n‘e above paymenus} by the mmca‘ed dele‘ *51e acmunt w‘n not be salad pursuant w (ms arrangemanl Synchrony ‘ank reports balances fmgwen in the amount or 3600 00 or greater tc me Interna‘ Revenue Servuce Xou may receive a 10396. Please consul vow \ax adwsor If you hexe any queshons regardmg (ms nme. "you have alrea1v paid the agreed upon method‘ disregard Ihe above payment instruction: If you have any quewnns concernmg this account, please contact us a‘ (3m) 21375077 OPT1 emem or pan: throagh an ahemate payment Sincerely, \mema! Recovery Um! / Col‘ecnons Eqpanment Note ms letter \s an suemm to r:'\cc| a dam and any mfc'mation obtamed wm tn used for mac puvpose