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The split Brain . How many brains do we actually have ? Left and right hemisphere controll different areas of our concious Hemispheres cummunicate using the Corpus collosum and the anterior commissure. Split Brain Surgery.
The split Brain • Howmanybrains do weactuallyhave? • Left and right hemispherecontroll different areas of ourconcious • Hemispherescummunicateusing the Corpus collosum and the anteriorcommissure
Split Brain Surgery • The corpus callosum is severedto hinder communicationbetween the twohemispheres • Used as a last resorttotreatepilepsy • Does not removebraintissue
Split Brain Syndrome • Atersurgery the hemispheres do not exchange information • Causes patient tosuffer from split brainsyndrome • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCv4K5aStdU
Roger Sperry ”Hemispheredeconnection and unity in consciousawareness” (1968)
Aim • Investigate the effects of hemisphere deconnection and to show that each hemisphere has different functions.
Method • A HANDFUL of patients underwenthemisphericdeconnectiontoreducecripplingepilepsy. • NATURAL Experiment. • SEVERING of corpus callosum.
Procedure • Would show different things for eacheye.
Why is Split Brain surgery used? What is Split Brain surgery? .. “Split-brain surgery, also known as corpus callosotomy, is a medical procedure that involves the severing of the corpus callosum, which connects the two hemispheres of the brain, to treat epilepsy. Unlike other epilepsy-treating procedures, a callosotomy does not involve the removal of any brain tissue.” Why is it used? Split brain surgery was first used on humans as a form of an experiment treatment. The experiment was solely for people who suffered from epilepsy whose seizures were ineffective to the help of drugs or other treatment.
Short History The idea of the “split brain” was first stumbled upon by Roger Sperry and Ronald Meyers during the late 1950’s. It’s been said that they were working in a laboratory at the time of the discovery. Before any newly discovered medical procedure is incorporated in human testing, Sperry and Meyers first began their early experiments on animals. Such as cats then developing on to study monkeys. In 1961 their research took a serious turn, they had their first human patient to undergo split brain surgery.